«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Живой урок "Моя школа"

Материал полезен в качестве ппроведения живого урока вне класса.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Итоговое задание по курсу

«Реализация требований ФГОС ОО

в иноязычном образовании».

«Живой урок» иностранного языка по теме: «Школа»

Разработал учитель английского языка:

Шманатова С.В., МБОУ «КиржеманскаяСОШ», Чамзинский район

Класс: 10


Цель: научить учащихся использовать в высказываниях лексику по теме

«Школа», развивать умения и навыки монологической речи, чтения и перевода

текста, умение извлечь нужную информацию из услышанного текста; отвечать

на вопросы; выражать свое мнение по данной теме.

Задачи урока:


  • coздать условия для активизации в речи обучающихся изученного лексического и грамматического материала;

  • учить связно строить монологическое высказывание по конкретной теме;

  • провести экскурсию по школе:

  • помочь совершенствовать лексику по теме, приобрести практические навыки поведения в конкретных речевых ситуациях (монологах, диалогах)


  • развивать навыки подготовленной устной речи по иностранному языку;

  • развивать творческие способности обучающихся;

  • развивать навыки самостоятельной работы учащихся при подготовке сообщений на английском языке;

  • развивать языковую, коммуникативную и социокультурную компетенции.

  • развивать умение осмысленно отвечать на поставленные вопросы на основе жизненного опыта;


  • воспитывать умение работать в коллективе;

  • воспитывать навыки культуры поведения;

  • воспитывать уважительное отношение к традициям своей школы, поселка;

  • воспитывать активность, трудолюбие, интерес к школе, стране изучаемого языка.

Планируемые результаты:


  • формирование произносительных навыков;

  • введение и отработка и употребление новой лексики по теме: «Школа»;

  • повторение тем по временным формам глагола

  • практика кратких монологических высказываний;


  • знакомство с некоторыми особенностями английского языка в сравнении с русским языком;

  • развитие интереса к предмету.

  • формирование личностного отношения к школе.


  • развитие умений самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке,

  • умение самостоятельно определять цели деятельности и составлять планы деятельности;

  • умение извлекать информацию на разных уровнях в соответствии с поставленной коммуникативной задачей,

  • умение проанализировать полученные данные и интерпретировать их,

  • развитие умения планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение, владение языковыми средствами, излагать свою точку зрения, используя языковые средства;

  • самостоятельно преобразовывать практическую задачу в познавательную.

Формат: интерактивная экскурсия «Проведение экскурсии по школе»

Продолжительность: 1 урок (45 мин).
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор

(звучит музыка и видео “What a wonderful world” Луиса Армстронга)

T: Good morning children, guests! I am very glad to see you here.

It’ a wonderful world we live in, isn’t it?

P1: Yes, that’s it. The world is wonderful because we can see the trees of green and red roses too… So, we admire the beauty of nature and animals she created.

P2: As for me, the world is wonderful because I have my mother, my father. I love them very much. We spend free time together. I have a lot of friends at school, they are always there for me. I am happy because I can think, dream and create. Once Robert Loise Stevenson said:

The world is full of the number of things, I am sure we should all be happy as kings”.

-I think so too.

P3: I agree with you. The world is wonderful because we have a great opportunity to communicate with each other, to study at school, to get higher education, to get a job in the future. All of us should always remember the wise advice of great English writer John Golsworthy who said :” If you don’t think about your future, you will not have it”

You are absolutely right. To my mind school is the first key to your future success. By the way, what is school for you? What does it mean for you? ( ответы детей о школе)

I see you have different opinions about your school.

Today we are going to have an unusual lesson, a project -lesson “ARE YOU HAPPY AT SCHOOL?” The class was divided into three groups. So each group was responsible for one of the projects: the first project is an Excursion –Project” Welcome to our school”, the second one is a Press-Project “My school is the best”, and the last one is a Radio-Project “School life”. Let’s start.

P1 We would like to present an excursion project “Welcome to our school!”

It was done by…. .We have chosen this project because we want to tell everything about our school and show classes and other rooms. Lets go on an excursion of our school.(ответственные за проект показывают школу и рассказывают о ней)

1 Every day a lot of boys and girls go to our school.

Mind the clock

And keep the rule

Try to come

In time to school.

2 It is a modern four- storeyed building. Let’s enter it!

We are on the ground floor now. Here you can see a canteen, a cloak room, workshops for boys and home economics room for girls where they learn to cook, sew, knit. A lot of classrooms are large and light.

3 Let’s go upstairs to the first floor. Look! This is a Teachers’ Room. On the right there are classrooms for Chemistry, Biology, German language. The classes are well-equipped and have all the device and equipment for studying and making experiments in these subject fields. Next to the teachers room you can find an Assembly Hall. A lot of meetings, concerts, festivals, conferences are held there.

There are sporting facilities including a gym, a swimming pool, a sports ground outside the school building. Many pupils are fond of sports and they have a great opportunity to go in for different sports there. On the left there are classes for younger pupils.

4 If you are on the second floor, you will be able to visit classrooms for Physics, Maths, History etc.

5 Let’s continue our excursion. On the third floor there is a Library, Russian and Literature rooms on the left, there is a Geography room, an English room and two Computer classes on the right.

6 Now we are at our English room. We enjoy dramatizing texts, dialogues, learning new words and grammar, singing songs and just communicating in English. Our English teacher S.V. teaches us not only the language of Englishmen but their culture, history and traditions as well. By learning more about lifestyle of other people we start to appreciate customs and traditions of our country.

7 We have some extracurricular activities as well. Our social and cultural life is well -organized. We have different clubs and societies at our school.

8 Our class is the best! We always feel at home there. Everybody is friendly and easy to get along.

9 We are thankful to our school and all teaching stuff. The teachers in our school are strict and clever. They give all their knowledge and love to the pupils. There is a good tradition: every year the school leavers come here to meet their teachers and friends.

We’ll always remember our school years and friendship we’ve made at school.

T; Thank you . Well done. Do you have any questions to your classmates?

P1: Yes, of course. We’ve prepared a test “Do you know your school well?” Choose the right variant. ( на слайде дана интересная информация о школе, ее истории)

  1. When was our school built?

  2. What was the first principal’s name?

  3. What is the principal’s name?

  4. How many pupils are there in our school?

  5. How many teachers are there in our school?

  6. What is the most popular woman’s name among our deputy headmasters?

T; Thank you very much. Oh, it was a very interesting excursion I’ve ever gone!

Now , let’s get down to another project . It is a Press-Project “ My School is the Best”.

P2; Our Press- Project was created by… .

As you become older you realize that there are several essential things and places you always long to come back to. They are your birthplace, your home and the school you go to. I ‘ve been studying at my school for 10 years. When I think about my school , I remember my teachers, my classmates. Thanks to them I am happy at school. And you? Our correspondents were very interested in this question. About 200 pupils at the age of 10 to 17 were interviewed.

The first question was: Do you like your school? As you can see a lot of pupils like their school.

The second question was: What do you like best of all in school? The results are as follows: Communicating with friends plays a great role in school life.

The third question: What is your favourite subject? According to questionnaire , the most popular subject is History.

The last question: Do you like your school uniform? A number of pupils aren’t satisfired with their uniform.

To sum up, many boys and girls like their school and feel at home with their classmates.

P3 I would like to present the next part of our project. We’ve published a booklet “Our School is the Best”. Here you can find all necessary information about our school.

If you

  • are at the age of 7 to 17

  • want to make new friends

  • want to improve your knowledge

  • are sporty

  • enjoy music, dancing

  • are fond of swimming

  • go in for different extracurricular activities


Our school is 20 years. Our school has its own customs and traditions. A very interesting events are held here. Our school is proud of its school leavers. Most of them are very clever, creative, noble, hardworking people and truthful friends. There are 340 pupils and 29 teachers .The school is well –equipped. We have two computer classes. Our school tries to follow modern innovations. You can find Physics, Chemistry, Biology labs. There are sporting facilities including a gym, a swimming –pool, and a sports ground.

The school is the center of cultural and sports life in our micro- district.

Here are some booklets. Would you like to have a look at them? (отдает буклеты гостям)

T: Your project is very well done. I am glad to have such good correspondents!

And at last, Radio-Project “School Life”.

P4: Our project is created by …..We are also thankful to our English teacher Svetlana Valerievna. in creating radio-programme. Listen and then answer the questions.

-Good morning dear friends. Today is the 26th of February. The weather is fine. So you can go for a walk. My name is Yaroslav Gavaev. I am a pupil at a secondary school number 3. I want to present my radio-programme “SCHOOL LIFE”. Today we have some guests from our school Shmanatova S.V. , a teacher of English, Shubina Irene and Kuzmina Valeria, the tenth year pupils.

-Dear guests, I’d like to ask some questions about school life. Let’begin with you, Svetlana Valerievna.

-How long have you been working at our school?

- About 16 years.

-When were you at school did learn English very well?

-Oh, I worked hard at my English. My English teacher was Sychyova V.A.. I liked her and the subject she taught.

- So, you decided to be a teacher of English, didn’t you?

-Yes, Frankly speaking, little by little I start to understand that it’s my cup of tea. I’m interested in learning and teaching English.

-One more question: When and where did you go to school?

-I remember the day when I went to school for the first time. It was on the first of September in 1979. I studied at school number 2, one of the well-known schools with a team of qualified and experienced teachers . I think I got a good education there.

-Oh, sorry for asking, but is it difficult to be a teacher of English nowadays?

- I think it is. The teacher is a person who is learning as well teaching all his life. Teacher’s work is never done and evenings are usually spent in preparing for the next lesson.

-What country would you like to visit?

-No doubt, England. I’d like to walk around London, to walk along the Thames, to see London’s sights with my own eyes. But it’s only my dream. Because I don’t have enough monetary means.

-It’s a pity. Thank you for your interview. I wish you good luck, health and wealth.

- And now some questions to Valeria. I know that you have been studying at our school for 2 years. How do you feel here?

- Everybody gets along with each other. Our class is the best. I have a lot of friends , I can tell them about my troubles , they always there for me. As a proverb says “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” I am happy to study at such a wonderful school!

-It sounds great.

- Now, it’s your turn , Irene. Your favourite subject is English, isn’t it? What is English for you?

-I like English. I want to be a teacher of English. My dream is to enter the University. It’s impossible to do without foreign languages because of expanding economic and cultural ties of our country with other countries of the world. There is a saying: “The more languages you know , the more times you are a human being.”

- Thank you very much. I believe that your dreams will come true soon.

(задания на аудирование) Complete the sentences:

  1. The English teacher has been working at school for__16 years__.

  2. The teacher remembers when she went to school for the first time. It happened_on the first of September 1978_.

  3. The teacher made her decision to be a teacher of English because she liked Enlish,her teacher,she worked hard at English.______.

  4. The teacher finds her job_to be difficult______.

  5. The teacher is sure that teaching _is her cup of tea____.

  6. According to the teacher she would like to visit_England____, but she__doesn’t have_monetary means____.

  7. Valeria feels happy at her school because__everybody gets along with each other in her class,and school____.

  8. Irene is going to be a teacher of English________, she has a dream_to enter the University._____.

T: Would you like to learn much more about schools abroad?

I’ve got a letter from my pen friend Marina Anashkina. She is our school leaver. She has been to America for a long time. She visited us after her coming home and told some interesting stories about her staying in America. Do you remember her? So I asked Marina to write a letter about American schools.

Here is an extract from her letter. Let’s read it and answer the questions.

  1. What features are taught to value in educational system of the USA?

  2. What about friendship in American schools?

  3. Can American student choose their subjects?

  4. If you are a really good sportsman, what opportunity do you have?

  5. What school rules can you mention?

  6. What are the differences between Russian and American schools?

  • We are taught to value such features as tolerance, friendship.

  • We can not choose what subjects we want to study.

  • Sport plays a very important role in educational system of the USA.

  • Their school rules are very strict.

  1. Would you like to visit one of these schools?

February 4, 2006

Dear Svetlana Valerievna!

I haven't seen you for ages! How are you doing? I hope everything is OK. It was nice to know that you are looking forward to my letter about school in the USA. I must admit, I don't have much information about this topic. Anyway, I try to write you all I know about it.

Educational system of the USA is different than educational system of Russia. From the very first step of study, elementary school, and till high school or college students are taught to value such features as individualism, competition and materialism.

Pupils know very well that their future depends on them. If you want to achieve success, you should start to move on right in school and as earlier as better.

There is no place for friendship in American schools. Kids don't have deskmates

In the end of every year a pupil has about 10 credits. Students decide themselves what they want to study. It's up to them what subject to choose.

American schools contain a lot of activities to help pupils of different backgrounds and different interests to find out their hobbies and express their talents.

If you are really good sportsman and you are into volleyball, soccer, basketball or any other kind of sport you won't get troubles to enter your future college. Colleges of the USA give a great opportunity sport kids to get higher education. Every college would love to have such a student because of the numerous competitions between them that take place annually.

I was a student of Bell Language School in NYC myself. Unfortunately, I didn't study there long time. In spite of this, I'm able to mention the main school rules:

You are not allowed to drink or to eat in a classroom.
(Use canteen for this purpose.)

If you late for a class you are not allowed in.
(The only way for you is not to be late.)

No cell phones in classrooms.

(This rule is very strict. You have to turn your cell off before the beginning of study.)

4)If you miss 20% of your classes you get a note that you can be expelled
from your school. Nevertheless, you still have a chance to change your
behavior. But if you don't start to attend school and don't pay attention to
the note - you will be definitely expelled.

I guess this is pretty much what I meant to tell you. If you have any questions I'm open to answer them any time.

Take care! Stay well!

Marina Anashkina.

T: Every nation has many proverbs about learning and knowledge. What Russian proverbs do you know? (учащиеся называют пословицы). Now, find Russian equivalents to English proverbs.

  1. Knowledge is a power. Знания -сила.

  2. Live and learn. Век живи, век учись.

  3. It’s never too late to learn. Никогда не поздно учиться.

  4. Practice makes perfect. Практика- путь к совершенству.

  5. Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.

  6. Where there is a will there’s a way. Кто хочет, тот найдет способ.

  7. A little learning is a dangerous thing. Ученье –свет, неученье- тьма.

  8. There is no royal road to learning. В науке нет столбовой дороги.

  9. Learn to walk before you run. Научись ходить прежде, чем бегать.

  10. Never do things by halves. Не делай ничего наполовину.

T:As you can see, we have something in common between Russian language and English language. We live on the same planet, we are different, but we learn to understand and respect each other.

I suppose our lesson is going to the end. Your hometask is to write a letter to your friend. Tell him\her about your school, your friends, teachers etc. Use the information from the lesson.

In conclusion, to sum up what we’ve spoken about at our lesson, I’d like to ask you the last question: Are you happy at school? Try to be honest.(ответы детей)

I believe you’ll never forget your school, your teachers, your classmates. To my thinking childhood is the happiest period of life: your first friends, your first love and first achievements and disappointments are connected with school. Be happy at school!!!!

I am pleased with your answers. Thank you for the lesson. Bye.


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