«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Раздаточный материал to be

Раздаточный материал на отработку форм глагола to be

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

am, is, are

  1. I ________________ ten.

am, is, are

  1. I ________________ ten.

  1. You ______________ six.

  1. You ______________ six.

  1. He _______________three.

  1. He _______________three.

  1. She _______________nine.

  1. She _______________nine.

  1. We _______________ happy.

  1. We _______________ happy.

  1. They ______________ sad.

  1. They ______________ sad.

  1. Tom and Nick ________________ brave.

  1. Tom and Nick ________________ brave.

  1. Nick ________________ small.

  1. Nick ________________ small.

  1. I ___________________ a good sportsman.

  1. I ___________________ a good sportsman.

  1. My book ___________________ red.

  1. My book ___________________ red.

  1. My boots ___________________ black.

  1. My boots ___________________ black.

  1. I _______________ from Russia.

  1. I _______________ from Russia.

  1. You ________________ a good pupil.

  1. You ________________ a good pupil.

  1. You ________________ good pupils.

  1. You ________________ good pupils.

  1. Alex ________________ a good friend.

  1. Alex ________________ a good friend.

  1. I __________________ in the house.

  1. I __________________ in the house.

  1. My sister _______________ a doctor.

  1. My sister _______________ a doctor.

  1. The streets in the city ___________________ long.

  1. The streets in the city ___________________ long.

  1. The streets in the country ________________ short.

  1. The streets in the country ________________ short.

  1. My street ___________________ green.

  1. My street ___________________ green.

  1. His garden ___________________ beautiful.

  1. His garden ___________________ beautiful.

  1. Russia __________________ big.

  1. Russia __________________ big.

  1. His dad _________________ a driver.

  1. His dad _________________ a driver.

  1. How _____________you?

  1. How _____________you?

  1. We _________________ in the forest.

  1. We _________________ in the forest.

  1. They ______________ from Africa.

  1. They ______________ from Africa.

  1. My family _______________ not big.

  1. My family _______________ not big.

  1. How old _________________ you?

  1. How old _________________ you?

  1. How old _________________ his mum?

  1. How old _________________ his mum?

  1. His car ___________________ yellow.

  1. His car ___________________ yellow.

  1. My brother _______________ five.

  1. My brother _______________ five.

  1. I _______________ in the street.

  1. I _______________ in the street.

  1. My telephone number _____________ +7 918 345 21 60.

  1. My telephone number _____________ +7 918 345 21 60.

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