«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Сосновый бор в с.Долматовский как ботанический и исторический памятник.

Лесные ресурсы – один из важнейших биологических ресурсов. Изучение и сохранение биоразнообразия лесов актуально. В работе дана характеристика природного объекта, как биологического и исторического памятника. Заволжский район Ивановской области – одно из мест сохранившеена большей части территории естественные ландшафты. Территория районаобладает рядом ценных качеств: здоровый климат; богатое историко-культурное наследие. Сосновый бор в с.Долматовский имеет статус особо охраняемой природной территории (ООПТ) регионального значения природного происхождения общей площадью 40 га. В 1879 году известный в нашем крае фабрикант И.А. Миндовский приобрел в этих местах фабрику бумажных изделий.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

«Pine Forest in Dolmatovsky  as a Botanic and Historical Monument of Our Region»         Author : Anoshina Polina 8 form Researchers: Museeva G.A. English teacher Belova A . V . Geography teacher    

«Pine Forest in Dolmatovsky as a Botanic and Historical Monument of Our Region»    

Author : Anoshina Polina 8 form


Museeva G.A. English teacher

Belova A . V . Geography teacher



This work presents the description of the dendrological complex which is located in the village Dolmatovsky, Zavolzhsky district, Ivanovo region and the connection of this botanical object with the historical persons of Ivanovo region.    The study task:   1. Meet the object of the study, to collect the photographic material.   2. Work with various types of resources of information on the subject.   The subject of study: pine forest in the area of Dolmatovsky.   Object of the study: pine (Pinus sylverstris)

This work presents the description of the dendrological complex which is located in the village Dolmatovsky, Zavolzhsky district, Ivanovo region and the connection of this botanical object with the historical persons of Ivanovo region. The study task: 1. Meet the object of the study, to collect the photographic material. 2. Work with various types of resources of information on the subject. The subject of study: pine forest in the area of Dolmatovsky. Object of the study: pine (Pinus sylverstris)

Let's go! Geographical Position   Geographical Position Zavolzhsky district, Ivanovo region is one of the places which preserved the natural landscapes in the most parts of territory. The area of the district has some valuable resources: healthy climate; rich historical and cultural heritage; landscapes, which have significant expressiveness and variety. The district is located on the left bank of the Volga in Ivanovo region. Forests covered 676.2 km₂ (58,9% ) of the total area of the district. Our pine forest is located on the left high-steep bank of the river Mera in the northern part of the village.

Let's go!

Geographical Position

Geographical Position

Zavolzhsky district, Ivanovo region is one of the places which preserved the natural landscapes in the most parts of territory. The area of the district has some valuable resources: healthy climate; rich historical and cultural heritage; landscapes, which have significant expressiveness and variety.

The district is located on the left bank of the Volga in Ivanovo region. Forests covered 676.2 km₂ (58,9% ) of the total area of the district.

Our pine forest is located on the left high-steep bank of the river Mera in the northern part of the village.

Characteristic of Botanic Object   Characteristic of Botanic Object   The pine forest in Dolmatovsky has the status of a specially protected natural territory of regional significance with a total area of 40 hectares.  More than 200 kinds of vascular plants were found on the territory of pine forest .

Characteristic of Botanic Object

Characteristic of Botanic Object

The pine forest in Dolmatovsky has the status of a specially protected natural territory of regional significance with a total area of 40 hectares.

More than 200 kinds of vascular plants were found on the territory of pine forest .

Р lants of the red book of the Ivanovo region  Р lants of the red book of the Ivanovo region

Р lants of the red book of the Ivanovo region

Р lants of the red book of the Ivanovo region

Historical Persons in Our Place  I. A. Mindovsky N. I. Mindovsky

Historical Persons in Our Place

I. A. Mindovsky

N. I. Mindovsky

Mindovsky’s estate

Mindovsky’s estate

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