Good morning, good morning, good morning to you good morning, good morning, I am glad to see you.

Queen Liz is not sad, Queen Liz is…
It is not a bad car, it is a…

It is not a wood, it is a ….
It is not a cock, it is a……

It is not a bee, it is an….
It is not a green sock, it is a……..

It is not sheep Polly, it is sheep ….
It is not a little tree, it is a…..

Найди в каждой строчке лишнее слово
1)good, happy, lorry, funny
2)horse, sheep, bee, bench
3)hill, wood, book, park
4)green, sad, red, black
5)street, car, van, lorry
6)box, book, black, dog
![Прочитай слова [ kw ] qu een, qu ilt [ a:] st ar , p ar k, c ar , f ar m [ ɔ:] p or t, h or se, flo or , do or [ tʃ ] ch erry, ch ick, ch imp, ma tch [ k ] clo ck , du ck , so ck , co ck [∫ ] sh op, fi sh , di sh , sh elf [ᴜ ] g oo d, w oo d, c oo k, b oo k [i: ] gr ee n, s ee , b ee , sh ee p](http://fsd.compedu.ru/html/2020/01/17/i_5e220e71db0b3/img_phpeMyzH1_prezetaciya-k-uroku-2-klass_6.jpg)
Прочитай слова
[ kw ] qu een, qu ilt
[ a:] st ar , p ar k, c ar , f ar m
[ ɔ:] p or t, h or se, flo or , do or
[ tʃ ] ch erry, ch ick, ch imp, ma tch
[ k ] clo ck , du ck , so ck , co ck
[∫ ] sh op, fi sh , di sh , sh elf
[ᴜ ] g oo d, w oo d, c oo k, b oo k
[i: ] gr ee n, s ee , b ee , sh ee p

Прочитай текст. Послушай, что говорит о ферме господин Кларк. О чем он забыл сказать?
It is a farm. It is a big farm. I can see a red horse and a black sheep. I can see a cat and a dog. I can see a cock and a chick. I can see a green tree and a bench. I can see a car and a van.

Составь рифмовку, используя слова в рамке
What is it? It’s a big book.
What is it? It’s a little…….
What is it? It’s a red star.
What is it? It’s a good…..
What is it? It’s a green…..
What is it? It’s a black floor.
car, door, hook

Выбери What или Who и закончи вопрoсы
1)_______is it? – It is a horse.
1)_______is it? – It is a door.
1)_______is it? – It is Barney Scott.
1)_______is it? – It is Queen Anne.
1)_______is it? – It is a little funny chimp.
1)_______is it? – It is a street.
1)_______is it? – It is Sally Clark.
1)_______is it? – It is Charley Sheen.

Скажи, где тролль ошибся, отвечая на вопросы эльфа. Исправь его.
Образец: Is it a bench?-Yes, it is.
No, it isn’t . It is a shelf.
1)Is it a chimp? –No, it isn’t.
2) Is it a queen? - Yes, it is.
3) Is it a quilt? – No, it isn’t.

1)Is it a star? - Yes, it is.
2)Is it a car? - Yes, it is.
3)Is it a horse? –Yes, it is.

Домашнее задание: Step 27, подготовка к контр. раб.
Good bye! See you!