«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Урок-введение новых знаний по теме JOBS


Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Ход урока

Hello, everyone! I’m glad to meet you today and to be your teacher. As you see, my name is V.M. I hope you remember it and I have it on my badge.

I work at school number 1. I go there every day and I love it very much. And do you love your school? Yes, I think everyone loves his school. I want us to become a real team during this lesson.

The matter is you don’t know me and I don’t know you. let’s find some common interests. I’ll tell what I like and if you like the same things then say: JUST LIKE ME and clap your hands. I like sweets…. I like travelling.

Well, we are going to travel a little bit today. But first look at the screen, watch a small cartoon and try to guess the topic of our lesson.(На экране появляется небольшой мультик-песенка о профессиях)

Yes, absolutely right! Today we’re going to speak about different JOBS. I’m sure you know some of them, can you name any jobs?

(Complete the mind-map: a doctor, a postman, a dentist, a teacher, a driver.Вместе дополняем паучка на доске известными им названиями профессий)

Nice of you. You’re very clever. But there’re a lot of useful jobs that we haven’t mentioned yet. Let’s make a plan of our lesson:

  • Learn some other jobs

  • Learn paces where people work

  • What traits of character they need

  • You future job.

Well, let’s start with the first point. Look at the screen and name the job. You’ve got sheets of paper on your desks. Take them, please.

Put a “+” if you know the word

a “-” if you don’t know it.

(у детей на столах карточки с таблицами, в которых они отмечают какие слова для них новые, а какие им уже были известны, потом мы отрабатываем произношение новых слов.)

Пример работы с таблицей




An actor


A waiter


A vet


A hairdresser


What are the new words for you? Let’s repeat them.

You see, there’re so many different jobs. We’ve done it. (Put a tickon the blackboard.)

What do these people do? Look at the screen and make up sentences.

(детямпредлагается выполнить подстановочное упражнение на интерактивной доскеAteacherteacheschildren…)

But where do these people work?

Take a sheet of paper and come here, please. Now, let’s make two teams: jobs and places where people work. OK. Well-done! Now find your pair and make up a sentence. (Ateacherworksatschool.) (дети выходят к доске, каждый получает листик с названием профессии, либо местом работы. Они должны таким образом распределиться на две группы. Затем найти свою пару и составить предложение. Это с одной стороны работа в парах, а с другой физическая разминка.)

Well, nowweknowmanyjobs, weknowwhattheydoandwheretheywork. Butwhattraitsof character should they have? Read these short texts and get to know. (поисковоечтение)

Nice of you! Now let’s speak about other jobsusing the following adjectives.

A doctor is kind and attentive…

(предлагается список прилагательных, с помощью которых надо описать характер представителей разных профессий)

Now take your books, please. Open your books at page79, find ex.8. we are going to listen to some children talking about their parents’ jobs.

And are there any doctors, policemen or firemen in your families?

What is your mother? What is your father? What is your Granny?

Now we’ve got three teams. You’re going to speak about the job of a doctor, a cook and a policeman. Make up a small project and get ready to present it.

(детям предлагается сделать небольшой проект о профессии, используя заготовки предложений, фломастеры, наклейки и т.д. Один представитель команды выходит к доске и представляет проект, на него надеваются атрибуты представляемой профессии. Во время подготовки проекта звучит музыка.)

Listen attentively and get ready to answer my questions.

Well, we’ve spoken enough about different jobs. And now we’ve got one point left. What are you going to be? Of course you’re so young to think about itbut…

Look at the screen. Do you know what it is? Yes, it’s a magic ball. Who can use it in his job? Yes, a witch. One more job for today. She made some predictions about your future jobs. What are you going to be?

(детям предлагается достать из мешка листик с предсказанием и составить предложение о себе.)

OK, let’s sum up our lesson. We did all the points. It was a pleasure to work and play with you. Did you like our lesson? I wish you good luck. Thank-you for your work. Good-bye!

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