1. Дополните предложения фразовыми глаголами:
check up on, check off, check out of , check out , check on:
1. Can you _______________ the cake in the oven? I don’t want it to burn.
2. I’ve already___________ all the tasks on my to-do list for today.
3. Let’s _________ the new bookstore that opened downtown.
4. We need to____________ the hotel by 11 a.m. tomorrow.
5. My mom always ______________ me to make sure I’m doing my homework.
2. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Passive Voice.
1. The letter (send) __________ yesterday.
2. The new museum (open) __________ next month.
3. The dishes (wash) __________ by my sister every evening.
4. The book (write) __________ by a famous author last year.
5. The homework (do) __________ by the students already.
3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Passive Voice.
1. Этот дом был построен в 2005 году.
→ ________________________________________________________.
2. Книга будет прочитана завтра.
→ ________________________________________________________.
3. Дверь открыта.
→ ________________________________________________________.
4. Письмо уже отправлено.
→ ________________________________________________________.
5. Дом сейчас красится.