«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Проверочная работа по модулю 6 SPOTLIGHT 11

Проверочная работа по модулю 6 spotlight 11 класс

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки


1. Complete the sentences with the words: galaxy, solar system, broadcast a message, extra-terrestrial, sweep the skies, human, telescope, satellite, air, communication signals

1. Scientists use a powerful __________ to observe distant stars and planets in our galaxy.
2. The satellite orbits the Earth, collecting data about weather patterns and _______ quality.
3. Many people wonder if extra-terrestrial life exists somewhere in the vast _________.
4. Astronomers ___________ every night, searching for new celestial objects.
5. The __________ race has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe.
6. Scientists hope to __________ to other planets in the future.
7. The ________ we live in, the Milky Way, is just one of billions in the universe.
8. If we ever discover ______, should we broadcast a message to them?
9. The satellite can _________ to millions of people around the world.
10. Exploring the ________ helps us understand more about our place in the universe.

2. Use the phrasal verb: talk into, out of, down, over, round, back

1. The student got in trouble for talking ______ to the teacher during class.

2. She always talks ______ to her colleagues, which makes them feel uncomfortable.

3. My friend talked me _____ going to the concert, even though I wasn’t sure at first.

4. I tried to talk him _______ buying that expensive car, but he didn’t listen.

5. Let’s talk ______ the details of the project before we make a final decision.

6. He’s very persuasive and can talk______ anyone to agree with his point of view.

3. Complete with the verbs: said or told:

1. She ______ that she was going to the park after work.

2. He______ me that he had already finished his homework.

3. They ______ that the meeting would start at 10 a.m.

4. My mom ________ us to clean our rooms before dinner.

5. The teacher______ that the test would be next week.

6. She _____ him that she loved him.

4. Reported speech. Start each sentence with John said that

1. «She can speak English and French».

2. «I won't be late tomorrow».

3. «He has done his homework».

4. «My sister plays tennis very well».

5. «Lisa is playing the piano in her room».

6. «He went to the country side last week».

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