«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Презентация к уроку во 2 классе "Animals"

Данная презентация составлена к заключительному уроку английского языка во 2 классе по теме "Animals". Представлен план урока, оценочный лист для самооценки учащихся, загадки, разнообразные задания с ключами.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Учитель: Головко Н.Д. МБОУ СОШ № 22 г. Шахты

Учитель: Головко Н.Д.

МБОУ СОШ № 22 г. Шахты

Plan: 1. Org. moment 1.1. The aim, the plan 1. 2 . Phonetic drills  2. Checking the homework ( riddles about animals ) 3. TEST Module-3 “Animals”,” Can” ( in the Evaluation Charts) Who can find the most animals ?( work in pairs ) Listening (Can-Can’t) Reading “An unusual Pet”- True-False Speaking “Pets” ( asking and answering questions) Who can find the most animals ?( work in pairs ) Listening (Can-Can’t) Reading “An unusual Pet”- True-False Speaking “Pets” ( asking and answering questions)   4. Physical minute “ THE ANIMAL SONG”  5. Group work:  Describing animals using the scheme   6. « Toys» ( video “in, on, under, by”)  7. Summing up  8. Hometask: ex 3, page 90 SB  


1. Org. moment

1.1. The aim, the plan

1. 2 . Phonetic drills

2. Checking the homework ( riddles about animals )

3. TEST Module-3 “Animals”,” Can” ( in the Evaluation Charts)

Who can find the most animals ?( work in pairs )

Listening (Can-Can’t)

Reading “An unusual Pet”- True-False

Speaking “Pets” ( asking and answering questions)

  • Who can find the most animals ?( work in pairs ) Listening (Can-Can’t) Reading “An unusual Pet”- True-False Speaking “Pets” ( asking and answering questions)

4. Physical minute “ THE ANIMAL SONG”

5. Group work: Describing animals using the scheme

6. « Toys» ( video “in, on, under, by”)

7. Summing up

8. Hometask: ex 3, page 90 SB


Solve the riddle

Solve the riddle

  • It can be domestic and it can be wild too. Hunters hunt on it and then cook it with apples. What is it?
A duck

A duck

1. Who can find the most animals?  Wolf, fish, shark, kangaroo, owl, leopard, dog

1. Who can find the most animals?

Wolf, fish, shark, kangaroo, owl,

leopard, dog

2. Listening Test 3 (Module 3)

2. Listening Test 3 (Module 3)

  • Key
  • 1. Lulu can dance – yes
  • 2. Chuckles can swing – yes
  • 3. Bob can run – no
  • 4. Kelly can climb - no
3.An unusual pet

3.An unusual pet

I’ve got a wonderful little iguana. Her name is Dolly and she’s a year and a half old.

I’ve got a wonderful little iguana. Her name is Dolly and she’s a year and a half old.

She’s got green skin, big eyes and  a long tail

She’s got green skin, big eyes and a long tail

She likes sitting on my hand.She is very funny.

She likes sitting on my hand.She is very funny.

True- False

True- False

  • 1.The boy has got a pet
  • 2.His pet is a kitten
  • 3.Her name is Polly
  • 4.Polly is two
  • 5.She has got a long tail
  • 6.She is green and funny


  • 1. – True
  • 2. - False
  • 3. - True
  • 4. – False
  • 5. – True
  • 6. - True
1.Have you got a pet? – Yes, I have. I have got a … 2. What is its name? – Its name is… 3.What colour is it?- It is … 4.Is your pet big (small, nice, quick, clever…)?- Yes, it is / No, it isn’t 5. Can it run (jump, climb, fly, play, count…)?- Yes, it can / No, it can’t 6.What can’t it do?- It can’t swim (sing, crawl, read, dance…)

1.Have you got a pet? – Yes, I have. I have got a …

2. What is its name? – Its name is…

3.What colour is it?- It is …

4.Is your pet big (small, nice, quick, clever…)?-

Yes, it is / No, it isn’t

5. Can it run (jump, climb, fly, play, count…)?-

Yes, it can / No, it can’t

6.What can’t it do?-

It can’t swim (sing, crawl, read, dance…)

С hildren , let’s have a rest. Stand up, please Physical pause -“The Animal Song”

С hildren , let’s have a rest. Stand up, please Physical pause -“The Animal Song”

5. Group work Describe animals using the scheme  It is a . . . It is . . . and . . . It is not . . . It can . . . The . . . live s in / on the . . . ЖИВОТНЫЕ: cat, dog, mouse, cockerel, pig, lion, tiger, monkey, elephant, fish, rabbit, fox, bear, parrot  ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ: big, good, bad, merry, sad, slim, fat, brave, smart, pretty, clever, funny  ГЛАГОЛЫ: sing, dance, run, jump, skip, swing, swim, fly, sit, read, write, draw, walk, climb  МЕСТО, ГДЕ ЖИВУТ: in the forest, in the ZOO, in the house, on the farm

5. Group work Describe animals using the scheme

  • It is a . . .
  • It is . . . and . . .
  • It is not . . .
  • It can . . .
  • The . . . live s in / on the . . .

ЖИВОТНЫЕ: cat, dog, mouse, cockerel, pig, lion, tiger, monkey, elephant, fish, rabbit, fox, bear, parrot

ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ: big, good, bad, merry, sad, slim, fat, brave, smart, pretty, clever, funny

ГЛАГОЛЫ: sing, dance, run, jump, skip, swing, swim, fly, sit, read, write, draw, walk, climb

МЕСТО, ГДЕ ЖИВУТ: in the forest, in the ZOO, in the house, on the farm

6. Предлоги  “on, in, under, by”

6. Предлоги “on, in, under, by”

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