«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Открытый урок английского языка по теме "ANIMALS ARE IN DANGER" в 8 классе

Данный урок соответствует календарно-тематическому планированию для учащихя 8 класса. Задания разработаны согласно таксономии Блума. На уроке используется презентация и видео ролик. Для самостоятельной работы учащимся разработана рабочая карта.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки


английский язык




«Animals are in danger»


формирование знаний, умений и навыков в употреблении лексики по теме



-развитие у учащихся лексических навыков ;

-формирование у учащихся словарного запаса по лексике темы урока;

умение работы с текстом через поисковое чтение.


Развивать навыки учащихся в монологической речи,

аудировании, чтении и письме.


воспитывать у учащихся бережное отношение к природе, любовь к животным.

Тип урока:

урок изучения нового материала и закрепления знаний


доска, ватманы, карточки с лексикой, рабочие карты, презентация , маркеры, видеоролик.

Ход урока

1. Этап.

Организационный. Введение в тему урока.

T: Good morning, children!

How are you?

P: We are fine, thank you! How are you?

T: I’m fine, thank you! I’m glad to see you again.

Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day of the week?

What season is it now? What is the weather like today?

I see you are ready to begin our lesson. I hope you’ll work well and get good marks.

T: Children, look at the slide (2) What can you see ?

P’s: Red Book.

T: Yes, it’s right. Not only people can speak. Books can speak too. There is a kind of book which cries for help. It’s Red Data Book. It’s a book on rare and disappearing animals. Read the information and a poem about this important book. (slide 3, 4)

T: Why is it “Red”? Give me, please, the assotiations with the word “red”.

P’s: Stop! A danger signal. It’s the colour of blood and life. Attention, please! And so on….

T: What animals can you see in this picture? (slide 5)

P1: We can see a tiger, an elephant, a whale, a rhino.

T: Can you say the theme of our lesson.

P’s: Disappearing animals

T: You are right. The theme of our lesson is “Animals are in danger”.

T: Pupils, we are going to ask questions, to read, to write, to listen, to speak English, to think, to do physical exercises.

2. Этап.


Задания по таксономии Блума.


1) Введение лексики по теме. Фонетическая отработка лексики

Т: Look at these new words, listen and repeat: ( slide 6)

Danger- опасность, to disappear- исчезать, to hunt- охотиться, a hunter- охотник, ivory task- слоновий клык, to threaten-угрожать, to kill- убивать, to protect- защищать, protection- защита, leather- кожа, fur- перо, пух, to help- помогать, to care of- заботиться, habitat- среда обитания , to afraid- бояться, to love- любить, a skin- шкура , to find- находить, special- особенный, the right balance- правильный баланс, nature- природа, environment- окружающая среда, important-важный.

2) Понимание.

Task 1

T: True or false (slide 7)

1. People have lived on our planet for many years.

2. But they never depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them.

3. Many animals and birds on the Earth are disappearing nowadays.

4. Only Indian tigers and African elephants are in danger.

5. People never cut trees in the forests.

6. Modern life is comfortable for animals and birds.

7. The air is fresh and the water is clean.

8. Wild animals and birds have a lot of space to live and things to eat.

9. You can find the names of disappearing animals and birds in the Red Book.

10. People must take special care of animals.

Task 2

T: Read the text, choose the sentences with the theme words and translate it. (slide 8)

3. Physical minute (физминутка)

(slide 9)

4. Этап. Всесторонняя проверка и систематизация знаний

3) Применение

Т: Take the working cards on your tables, read and complete it.(slide10)

Working card Name _________________________________

Task 1. Match the words with their meanings


A) особенный

2.to save

B) правильный баланс

3.the right balance

C) бояться


D) исчезать

5.to afraid

E) шкура

6. to disappear

F) спасать

7. a skin

G) опасный

8. special

H) среда обитания

Answer: 1-___, 2-___, 3-___, 4-___, 5-___, 6-____, 7-___, 8-___.

Task 1. Read the information about disappearing animals and complete the table.

Do you know that….

There were 300 species of elephants everywhere, today you can find them in Africa and India. Especially Asian and Indian elephants are in danger. Hunters have been killing elephants for meat and their ivory tusks for a long time. Today many elephants in Africa are dying because they do not have enough food to eat and space to live. Today only 1 million elephants live on the planet. Some day they may disappear.

Before the war time tigers had enough space to live. Today tropical forests became less and less. People have been hunting tigers since the war. They may disappear, too. People kill tigers the for meat, skin.

Whales are the biggest animals in the sea. They are much bigger than any animals on land. They live in water, but they are not fish. People hunt the blue whale for meat, fat and oil. The oil is used for many things such as making soap or burning in lamps.

Thirty years ago there were 100.000 rhinos in Africa. Today there are probably less than 4,000. In the wild, Rhinos have no other enemies than humans. People hunt and kill them for their long horns, which are actually made of keratin like our hair and nails.  In North Africa and the Middle East, people made decorations from horns.



How many … are left?

Why do people

threaten them?





4) Синтез. Make a poster. (slide 11)

(каждой паре выдается ватман, на котором ребята пишут лозунги и призывы о спасении и сохранении фауны)

T: How we protect our animal’s world? Make sentences using the modal verb “must/ mustn’t” or “should/ shouldn’t”

T: Please, the first pair present your poster. Thank you

Please, the second group present your poster. Thank you, and so on.

5) Видео-ролик «Красная книга вымирающих животных»

5. Рефлексия

T: Children, complete the sentence: (slide 12)

-I am the best pupil because …. (I work hardly today; I speak English all the lesson and so on.)

6. Подведение итогов урока.

Т: Thanks for your good work. Good bye!

Danger- опасность

habitat- среда обитания

to disappear- исчезать

to afraid- бояться

to hunt- охотиться

to love-любить

a hunter- охотник

a skin- шкура

ivory task- слоновий клык

to find- находить

to threaten-угрожать

special- особенный

to kill- убивать

a rhino-носорог

to protect- защищать

nature- природа

protection- защита

environment- окружающая среда

leather- кожа

in danger- в опасности

fur- перо, пух


to help- помогать

to save- спасать

to care of- заботиться

the right balance- правильный баланс

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