«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Lesson plan. Grade-5. Theme "Home and garden-2"

Данный урок соответствует календарно-тематическому планированию в 5 классе. На уроке использованы: презентация, тематические картинки, плакаты и карточки с заданиями. Урок составлен в соответствии современным стандартом, то есть присутствует групповая работа, дифференциация, оценивание и рефлексия. Особенно интересным было творческое задание.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки


Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: Asenkritovskaya


Teacher’s name: Artykbayeva B. A.

Grade: 5

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Home and garden 2

Describing and designing rooms and furniture and talking and writing about them

Learning objectives

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.UE6 use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: know the parts of home and furniture, and understand the pronouns

Most learners will be able to: describe and design rooms and meaning and differences of pronouns

Some learner will be able to: talk and their dream houses using demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything pronouns


Makes up sentences with There is…., There are ….

Draws their posters by using new vocabulary

Gives feedback to other groups

Presents their posters by using new grammar, uses the pronouns in the sentences

Previous learning

Home and garden -1


Planned timings

Teacher’s activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Setting the aims of the lesson


They write down words they remember on the white board.

Teacher distributes worksheet with the list of key words and students tick those they remembered.

Learners watch and read information about an ideal world in web link.






35 min

  • Divide the students in groups of 3-4 so that there were at least 1 more able learner. Ask students to look at images of gardens from around the world and from Kazakhstan on IWB and name what’s in them e.g.

  • Group 1 has to name only nouns e.g.: trees, plants, flowers, grass, seat, wall, gate, water, bird house, fountain, stones, stairs, bridge, bush, path.

Group 2 has to name only adjectives e.g.: nice, beautiful, tall, low, big, green, airy etc.

Group 3 has to name only verbs e.g.: to walk, to plant, to have a rest, to pick, to hear, to paint, to smell etc.

  • Pre-teach or elicit: gate, grass, fountain, stones, stairs, bridge, bush,path. (Students can write the words on the board with pictures, so all the words you need for the lesson will be in front of the students or you can show them on PPT with pictures)


In the group less able students can name the words while more able learners can categorized them in groups

  • Teacher pre-teaches then prepositions of place. Show students the picture with prepositions and drill the pronunciation. (W) Ask some students about the objects in the class to clarify that they understand them.

  • Prepare a dictation called ’take your pencil for a walk’

Draw a garden path across the centre of the page. Draw a large apple tree on the left of the picture. Draw a small pear tree on the right of the picture. Take your pencil and draw grass below the path. Put three flowers in the grass. Now take your pencil and draw a garden seat between the two trees. Draw a pond at the back of the picture. Put a fountain in it. Now draw a bird sitting on the seat.

  • (I) Learners use a large piece of paper – landscape. They listen to instructions and take their pencil for a walk.

  • (P) When finished, they compare picture with a partner. Do they look the same? What’s different?

(I) Learners imagine a fantasy garden and write five things in it.

With a partner, they take turns to dictate five sentences for partner to draw their fantasy garden. Swap and check.

Monitor how clearly learners pronounce words and sentences.

(F) Formative assessment(P) (Peer assessment)

Assessment criteria

Students can understand and use preposition of place correctly.Students clearly pronounce the sentences

(Students check and correct if necessary)

Learners follow the instructions

Learners create a fantasy city using a blank map grid.

Learners in pairs brainstorm adjectives they can use to persuade people to visit their city to describe their fantasy city and its features

Verbal evaluation

Individual avaluation

Mutual avaluation


An image of gardens projected on IWB

PPT slides 3-10

PPT slide 12



  1. min


At the end of the lesson, T asks the students to assess the lesson using a technique one star and a wish. The teacher asks the students about the most difficult things they have faced during the lesson

Hometask: to learn the new theme


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