«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Рифмовки, стихи и зарядки на все звуки английского языка

Рифмовки, стихи и зарядки на все звуки английского языка для изучения звуков и тренировки чтения на иностранном языке Наиболее сложным в овладении языком является изучение грамматики. Система времен английского языка и другие грамматические явления отличаются от родного языка, а иногда не имеют аналогов в нем. Поэтому дети часто считают грамматику неинтересной, скучной. Чтобы сделать этот процесс более занимательным и эффективным, можно использовать различные материалы и упражнения. Например, в виде рифмовок и стихотворений. Это как раз тот текстовый материал, который дети любят, который им интересен, а следовательно, работа с ним положительно эмоционально окрашена для ученика, что в значительной степени содействует усвоению материала. Грамматические рифмовки являются очень хорошим подспорьем в процессе обучения, так как помогают пусть и в стихотворной форме запомнить различные грамматические особенности английского языка.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Сасина Виктория

Рифмовки, стихи и зарядки на все звуки английского языка


Peter poked a poker at the piper,

So the piper poked pepper at Peter.

Peter has a pencil, Peter has a pen.

Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled pepper,

A pack of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked.

If Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled pepper,

Where’s the pack of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?


A big black bug bit a big black bear

So that a big black bear ate that big black bug.

The bottom of the butter bucket is the buttered bucket



Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue

To twist and turn, to learn the letter «T».

Two trains travel together to Toy-land.

Tie a knot, tie a knot.

Tie a tight, tight knot.

Tie a knot in the shape of a nought.

[t], [w]

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky.


If one doctor doctors another doctor,

Does the doctor who doctors the doctor

Doctor the doctor the way the doctor

He is doctoring doctors?

Or does he doctor the doctor

The way the doctor

Who doctors doctors?


I can canoe a new canoe.

Can you canoe a new canoe?

«Tick-tock, tick-tock,»

Ticks Tommy's clock.

«Tick-tock, tick-a-tock,»

Ticks and ticks his clock.

Kind kittens knitting mittens keep kazooing in the

king's kitchen.


Three grey geese in a green field grazing,

Grey were the geese and green was the grazing.

As I was going alone

I was singing a song.

The wind was strong.

The song was long.


Mag’s mum may make marmalade of mango,

Mat’s mum may make marmalade of melon.

If Mag’s mum may not make marmalade of mango,

May Mat’s mum make marmalade of melon?

Mommy made me mash my M&M'S.


Ninety-nine new-born babies

Need ninety-nine new napkins.

Nick knits Nicky knickers.

Nine nice night nymphs.


Sing a song,

Sing a song,

Sing along

And a little song.



A flea and a fly flew up in a flue.

Said the flea, «Let us fly!»

Said the fly, «Let us flee!»

So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Fred fed Ted bread,

And Ted fed Fred bread.


A very versed valuer valued the value

Of the vanished Venetian vase in Vatican.

Why did the very versed valuer value the value

Of the Venetian vase vanish from Vatican?

[ ð ]

Without your tongue you can’t talk,

Without your feet you can’t walk,

Without your eyes you can’t see.

Without your heart you can’t be.

Breathe the breeze,

Loathe the lows,

And soothe Sues.


What is worth doing is worth doing well.

Three thievish thieves thieve thirty things,

Thirty thievish thieves thieve three things.

Three theatres thrill thirteen thousand of theatergoers

With thirteen thousand thrilling thrillers on Thursdays.

I thought, I thought of thinking

Of thanking you.


I miss my Swiss Miss.

My Swiss Miss misses me.

Sammy sitting singing

Sought Suzie Saw.

Since Suzie started sobbing

Sammy's stopped seeking.


Zebras zig and zebras zag.

Michael and Moses have very keen noses

And very fine hoses for watering roses.

[ ∫ ]

She sells sea-shells on the seashore

And the shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure.

Show me a showered

And shampooed sheep

And I'll show you

A shipshape sheep.


What is pleasure?

Children? Treasure?

Work or leasure?

All to measure.

Buy a television

And be sure

On this occasion

You'll get your pleasure

Without measure.


There is a sandwich

On the sand which

Was sent by a sane witch.

If a dog chews shoes,

What shoes would he choose to chew?

Too few for sure!

He's a choosy shoe-chewer!

[l ]

Little lady Lilly lost her lovely locket,

Lucky little Lucy found the lovely locket.

Lovely little locket lay in Lucy’s pocket,

Lazy little Lucy lost the lovely locket.

[ w ]

Will you, William?

Will you, William?

Will you, William?

Can't you, don't you,

Won't you, William?

Whether the weather be fine,

Or whether the weather be not,

Whether the weather be cold,

Or whether the weather be hot,

We'll weather the weather

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.

[ r]

Ray raises rams on Roy’s ranch,

Roy raises rams on Ray’s ranch.

If Ray didn’t raise rams on Roy’s ranch,

Would Roy raise rams on Ray’s ranch?

Rita replaces radish in a refection’s receipt,

Ruth replaces rice in a relish’s receipt.

If Rita didn’t replace radish in the refection’s receipt,

Would Ruth replace rice in the relish’s receipt?

[ ʤ ]

Jean jellies ginger jam in June,

Jess jellies ginger jam in July.

If Jean didn’t jelly ginger jam in June,

Could Jess jelly ginger jam in July?

A German jockey gentles a Gipsy gee-gee,

A Gipsy jockey gentles a German gee-gee.

If the German jockey didn’t gentle the Gipsy gee-gee,

Could the Gipsy jockey gentle the German gee-gee?

[ h ]

Hugo Hall’s hobbyhorse is handball,

Harry Hill’s hobbyhorse is hockey.

If Hugo Hall’s hobbyhorse wasn’t handball,

How could Harry Hill’s hobbyhorse be hockey?

A hard-headed hunter hunts with a hawk,

A hard-hearted hunter hunts with a hound.

If the hard-headed hunter didn’t hunt with a hawk,

How could the hard-hearted hunter hunts with a hound?

[ ə ]

Canada is colder than Korea,

Korea is hotter than Canada.

If Canada wasn’t colder than Korea,

Would Korea be hotter than Canada?

[ Λ ]

A funny puppy runs in front of a pub,

A fluffy puppy runs in front of a club.

If the funny puppy didn’t run in front of the pub,

Would the fluffy puppy run in front of the club?


How many cookies could a good cook cook

If a good cook could cook cookies?

A good cook could cook as many cookies

As a good cook who could cook cookies.

[ u: ]

Full moon is not a balloon.

Balloon, balloon,

Fly to the moon!

[ ɔ: ]

Football’s a more important sport than baseball,

Baseball’s a less important sport than football.

If football wasn’t a more important sport than baseball,

Would baseball be a less important sport than football?

Four explorers explore forty waterfalls,

Forty explorers explore four waterfalls.

[ ɜ: ]

German learners learn German words,

Turkish learners learn Turkish words.

If German learners didn’t learn German words,

Would Turkish learners learn Turkish words?


If you can't can any candy can,

How many candy cans can a candy canner can

If he can can candy cans?

Don't pamper damp scamp tramps

That camp under ramp lamps.

The fat black cat ran after the black rat,

But the fat black rat ran away from the fat black cat.


Fred fed Ted bread,

And Ted fed Fred bread.

Good, better, best,

Never let it rest,

Till your good is better,

And your better's best.


I miss my Swiss Miss.

My Swiss Miss misses me.

Missis King is bringing something pink

For Mister King to drink.


Sheena leads, Sheila needs.

Sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack.

Sheep should sleep in a shed.

Fifteen teens eat fifteen sweets,

Sixteen teens eat sixteen sweets.

If fifteen teens didn’t eat fifteen sweets,

Would sixteen teens eat sixteen sweets?

[ a: ]

Mark parks his car in a car park,

Bart parks his car in a dark park.

If Mark didn’t park his car in the car park,

Would Bart park his car in the dark park?

Sharks can't bark.

Sharks can't bark in the park.

Sharks can't bark in the dark park.


If you go for a gopher a gopher will go

for a gopher hole.

It’s a cock

Standing on a rock

Wearing a sock

looking at a clock



Haste makes waste.

Kate's tasty, hasty cakes.

Never bake a grape cake for an ape.

An ape hates grape cakes.


When you write a copy

You have the right to copyright the copy you write.

Smile a while,

And while you smile,

Others will smile.


What noise annoys a noisy oyster?

A noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster.


Little mouse, little mouse,

Will you come out of your house?

Thank you, Pussy! Says the mouse.

I won’t leave my little house.


Row Row Your Boat

To be down and out

Out and about


Poor people live in poor neighborhoods with poor schools.


I reappear and disapear

He that has ears to hear let him here.

In America, hear, hear!

Рифмовки, зарядки, стихи, разбитые по классам

1-2 класс

Father, mother, sister, brother,

Hand in hand with one another.

The bear is white.

The bird is blue.

The dog is black.

The puppy is, too.

3-4 класс

This is the father good and kind.

This is the mother with gentle smile.

This is brother grown so tall.

This is sister always with a doll.

This is baby still to grow.

That is the whole family Standing in a row.

Little girl, little girl,

Where have you been?

I've been to see grandmother

Over the green.

What did she give you?

Milk in a can.

What did you say for it?

Thank you, Grandam.

5-6 класс

I have a cat, his name is Pit.

And by the fire he likes to sit.

Each day I bring him a dish of milk.

And smooth his coat that shines like silk.

And on my knee he likes to sit.

For Pit loves me and I love Pit.

Robin Hood

Has gone to the wood,

He’ll come back again

If the poors complain.

7-9 класс

Where are you going,

my little kittens?

We are going to town,

To get us some mittens.

What, mittens for kittens!

Do kittens wear mittens?

Who ever saw little kittens

With mittens?

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

Can not put Humpty Dumpty together again.


There was a crooked man,

and he went a crooked mile,

He found a crooked sixpence

beside a crooked stile;

He bought a crooked cat,

which caught a crooked mouse,

And they all lived together

in a little crooked house.

10-11 класс

The Riddling Knight

O, what is louder than a horn?

And what is sharper than a thorn?

What is heavier than the lead

And what is better than the bread?

O, what is higher than the tree?

And what is deeper than the sea?

O, shame is louder than the a horn,

And hunger is sharper than a thorn.

And sin is heavier than the lead,

And the blessing’s better than the bread.

O, Heaven is higher than the tree,

And love is deeper than the sea.


I shot an arrow into the air,

It fell to earth, I knew not where;

For, so swiftly it flew, the sight

Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,

It fell to earth, I knew not where;

For who has sight so keen and strong,

That it can follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak

I found the arrow, still unbroke;

And the song, from beginning to end,

I found again in the heart of a friend.


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