«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Контрольная работа на тему "Англоговорящие страны"

Итоговая контрольная работа по разделу "Англоговорящие страны"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

It’s time to find out what you know about English-speaking countries.

Answer these questions:

What English-speaking countries do you know?

What are their capitals?

What is the official language of Great Britain?

What is the official language of the USA?

What is the second largest country in the world?

The maple leaf is the official emblem of …. .

What is one of the most powerful countries in the world?

What country consists of two islands?

Read the sentences and agree or disagree with them. If the sentence is false, correct it, please.

American English and British English are absolutely the same.

There are lots of people in the United States who can speak Spanish.

Canada is famous for its deserts

There are two official languages in Canada – English and Spanish.

The UK is the third largest country in the world.

Great Britain is an island.

Australia occupies the whole continent.

There is no official language in Australia.

Do you know Great Britain?”

How many parts are there in Great Britain?

What river is the capital situated on?

Who is the head of the country?

What is the home of the Queen?

What is the double-decker?

What is Big Ben?

What is the symbol of England?

What is the most famous lake in Scotland?

What is the symbol of Scotland?

What is the symbol of Wales?

What is the Scottish national costume?

Who is the author of books about Harry Potter?

Find as many words as you can.


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