«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Годовая контрольная работа 7 класс

Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 7 класса

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе

I) Read the text and do the tasks.

In Great Britain most children spend their free time at home, watching TV or doing chores about the house. Or they may listen to music or read. Many children have hobbies. They are great collectors, they collect stamps, or postcards, or stickers of favourite ,footballers or pop stars. Young people hang out in streets and parks, visit town centres and go window shopping. Many young people use some of their free time to earn money by working in shops at weekends, delivering newspaper, helping in the yard or car washing for people in their community. Children are also involved in different sports: football, rugby, cricket, swimming, horse-riding, tennis and many other games. Children visit different clubs and organizations: they go to the Scouts, Boys’ and Girls’ Brigades. Is it write (T) or wrong (F)? 1) Most children spend their free time at home. 2) Children don’t have hobby. 3) They play computer game all day long. 4) Many young people earn money in their free . 5) Children are involved in different sports.

II) Choose the word that does not belong to the group:

1) afternoon, week, morning, evening 2) wind, rain, sunny, snow 3) to recognize, to pack, a character, to include

III) Complete the text. Use: drink, instead of (вместо того, чтобы), national, meal, lunch, tea, unhappy

Everybody knows that the British like tea. Tea is more than just a drink to them – it is a way of life. Many people drink it with breakfast, then mid-morning, with ……………………………………, at tea-time, with dinner and finally just before bed. For centuries now, tea has been the……………………………drink of Great Britain. Tea has worked its way into the language too. Nowadays, people have »tea breaks» at work, even if they………………………………. Coffee or Cola. Many people call the main evening…………………………….»tea», even if they drink juice or mineral water with it. When someone is ……………………………………… or sad, the British say they need tea and sympathy. In fact, tea is the best treatment for all sorts of problems and troubles………………………………….. pills and tablets.

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