«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

The Political System of Great Britain and USA

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The Political System of Great Britain


Match the definitions:


2.to rule


4.to vote



7.to delay




a. голосовать

b. законопроект

c. представительский

d. большинство

e. управлять

f. правительство

g. ветвь (власти)

h. откладывать

i. закон

j. законодательный


Fill in the gaps:                                          

   laws     appoints      branches     signs  

  1. The Queen cant vote on the bills, she ____ the bills.

  2. The President can veto ____ passed by Congress.

  3. There are three main____power.

  4. The President ____ the Chairman of the Government.


Match the parts of the sentences:

  1. The Monarch in Britain has

  2. All people over 18

  3. The President appoints

  4. A politician should be

  5. The Parliament represents

a. power-loving and ambitious.

b. federal judges.

c. mostly representative functions.

d. the legislative branch of power.

e. can vote on the elections.


Political system of Great Britain

  1. What is the official name of the country?

a) England b) Great Britain c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  1. Is the UK …?

a) a constitutional monarchy b) a republic c) a federation

  1. Who is the head of state in the UK?

a) the Prime Minister b) the President c) the Queen

  1. Who is the head of the government in the UK?

a) the Prime Minister b) the President c) the Queen

  1. What is the building where the British Parliament sits called?

a) Buckingham Palace b) Westminster Abbey c) the Palace of Westminster

  1. How many Houses does it consist of?

a) one b) two c) three

  1. How many parts does it consist of?

a) one b) two c) three

  1. What are the members of the House of Commons called?

a) deputies b) MPs c) peers and life peers

  1. How many MPs are there?

a) 560 b) 650 c) 65

  1. What are their duties?

a) They talk about bills before they become laws.

b) They work on bills, which later become new laws.

c) They approve the decision of the House of Commons.

  1. What are the members of the House of Lords called?

a) deputies b) MPs c) peers and life peers

  1. What are their duties?

a) They talk about bills before they become laws.

b) They work on bills, which later become new laws.

c) They choose the Prime Minister.

  1. How often do British people vote for MPs?

a) every five years b) every four years c) every three years

  1. Who opens the Parliament?

a) the Queen b) the Speaker c) the Lord Chancellor

  1. Who presides over the House of Commons?

a) the Queen b) the Speaker c) the Lord Chancellor

  1. Who presides over the House of Lords?

a) the Queen b) the Speaker c) the Lord Chancellor

  1. What do these Queen’s words “La Reine ie veut” mean?

a) “The Queen suggests it” b) “The Queen wishes it” c) “The Queen does it”

  1. What are the main colours of the Houses of Parliament?

a) gold, red and blue b) gold, green and red c) red and green

  1. Who writes the Queen’s speech?

a) the Queen b) the Government c) the Lord Chancellor

  1. Which are Britain’s two main political parties?

a) the Democratic, the Republican and the Conservative

b) the Conservative, the Democratic

c) the Labour and the Conservative


1. Thc first round "The political systcm of the USA".

1) How is the US President elected in America?

a) by all men and women over 18;

b) only by white men over 18;

c) only by wliite men with property;

d) by women over 18.

2) Does the Congress in the USA consist of:

a) the House of Commons and Lords;

b) the Supreme Court and the Federal Assembly;

c) the House of Representatives and the Senate;

d) The House ofLords and the Cabinet.

3) Who was the first President of the USA?

a) Theodore Roosevelt;

b) Benjamin Franklin;

c) Thomas Jefferson;

d) George Washington.

4) Who is the head of the executive branch in the USA?

a) the President;

b) the Vice President;

c) Minister;

d) Prime-Minister

5) Where was the Constitution of the USA worked out?

a) in Washington;

b) in New York;

c) in Philadelphia;

d) in Atlanta.

6) Which institution represents the judicial branch of govemment?

a) Congress;

b) the Senate;

c) the Supreme Court;

d) the Cabinet.

7) Which officials in the USA are appointed?

a) Secretaries and federal judges;

b) secretaries;

c) federal judges;

d) members of the House of Representatives.

"Thc Political system of thc Unitcd King-dom of Grcat Britain".

1) Who is the offlcial head of the state in the UK?

a) President;

b) Vice President;

c) Prime-Minister;

d) Queen

2) What are the main functions of the House of Lords in the UK?

a) makes laws;

b) rules the counlry;

c) examines bills;

d) examines and revises bills.

3) Who is the second important person in the Kingdom after the Prime Ministcr?

a) Queen;

b) Prince Charles;

c) Speaker;

d) the elder son ofPrince Charles.

4) When was a woman appointed Speaker for the first time?

a) in 1990; c) in 1997;

b) in 1992; d) in 2000

5) How are the first two rows of seats in the House of Commons called?

a) front chairs; c) front-benches;

b)front seats; d) front sofas


6) What are the duties of the Queen?

a) takes part in many traditional ceremonies, in the work of many charities, appoints important state offices.

b) rules the country in fact;

c) makes laws;

d) appoints important state offices.

7) What are the duties of the Cabinet?

a) examines and revises bills;

b) determines government policies and coordinates government departments;

c) makes laws;

d) discusse spoliticalproblems.

"The Political system of the Russian Federation".

1.Who guarantees the basic rights of the people?

a) the President

b) the Chaiman of the Government.

2.Who elects the members of the Federal Assembly?

a) the Federal Government

b) the people.

3.Who appoints the Chairman of the Government?

a). the President

b)the Federal Assembly

4. Who approves the Chairmen of the Government?

a) Duma

b) the Conctitutional Court

5.Who elects the President?

a) the Federal Assembly

b) the people

6.Who can dissove the Duma?

a) the President

b) the Chairman of the Government

7.Whom does legislative branch belong to in our country?

a) the President

b) the Federal Assembly

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