«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Сценарий проведения недели английского языка в 10-11 классах

В данной рабработке представлен сценарий проведения недели английского языка "Rolling Sounds of Spring"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Song «Love is a wonderful thing» (Michael Bolton) (Light is moderate. A boy and a girl are reciting a poem. A boy is with a candle in his hands.)

A girl: Let me give you my hand;

May it ever be there for you.

Let me give you my shoulder;

May it always comfort you.

Let me give you my arms;

May they only hold you.

Let me give you my heart;

May it only love you.

A boy: You are my heart, my hope, my help,

The passion that is me,

The whole of which I am a part,

My peace, my ecstasy.

You are my future, present, past,

My ship, my sail, my ocean, 

The wind, that brings me home again,

The home for every motion.

A girl: You live within me, yet I am

Without you all alone.

With you I am full of light,

Without you I am a stone.

Is this foolish? Yes, perhaps,

But also it is true.

A boy: I think of life as something I

Can spend with only you.

Angels call it heaven’s paradise,

Devil’s – hell’s torture.

But people call it LOVE.

Love is a great treasure.

Ведущий 2. Hi everyone! Today we’re here to have a special party “Rolling Sounds of Spring” dedicated to love in all its manifestations.

Ведущий 1. Добрый день! Мы рады видеть всех вас на нашем особенном вечере Rolling Sounds of Spring”, посвященном любви во всех ее проявлениях!

Ведущий 1. Love is the most poetically sublime, pure and beautiful feeling. The theme of love is inexhaustible in literature and art, for this very feeling of eternal and incorruptible, always new and unique for each person.

Ведущий 2. Любовь – самое поэтически-возвышенное, чистое и прекрасное чувство. Тема любви неисчерпаема в литературе и искусстве, ибо само это чувство вечно и нетленно, всегда ново и неповторимо для каждого человека.

Ведущий 1. Shakespeare wrote:

Love - shine solar, to a rain going following... The Love is always fresh, as bright vernal colour...”

(«Любовь – блеск солнечный, дождю идущий вслед… Любовь всегда, как яркий вешний цвет».)


Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all;

What hast thou then more than thou hadst before?

No love, my love, that thou mayst true love call;

All mine was thine before thou hadst this more.

Then if for my love thou my love receivest,

I cannot blame thee for my love thou usest;

But yet be blamed, if thou thyself deceivest

By wilful taste of what thyself refusest.

I do forgive thy robbery, gentle thief,

Although thou steal thee all my poverty;

And yet, love knows, it is a greater grief

To bear love's wrong than hate's known injury.

Lascivious grace, in whom all ill well shows,

Kill me with spites; yet we must not be foes.

Ведущий 1. Удивительно признание А.П.Чехова:

«Когда любишь, то такое богатство открываешь в себе, столько нежности, ласковости, даже не верится, что так умеешь любить».

Ведущий 2. А проникновенные объяснения в любви великого А.Пушкина до сих актуальны и часто цитируемые среди влюбленных.


I loved you, and that love to die refusing,
May still - who knows! Be smoldering in my breast.
Pray, be not pained -- believe me, of my choosing
I'd never have you troubled nor yet distressed.
I loved you mutely, hopelessly and truly,
With shy yet fervent, tenderness aglow;
Mine was a jealous passion and unruly….
May Heaven grant another loves you so!

Ведущий 2. Если бы мы задались целью прочитать всё, что написано о любви, нам не хватило бы и всей жизни.

Ведущий 1. Love… May be it is like in Esenin’s poem


Gentle step, graceful waist that you have!

Oh if only you were able to tumble

How a bully can really love,

And how he can be timid and humble!


All those pubs I would never attend,

And my poems would all be forgotten,

If you let me take hold of your hand

And your hair, the colour of autumn.

Поступь лёгкая, нежный стан,

Если б знала ты сердцем упорным

Как умеет любить хулиган,

Как умеет он быть покорным.

Я б навеки забыл кабаки,

И стихи бы писать забросил,

Только б нежно касаться руки

И волос твоих цветом в осень.

Ведущий 2. Or may be like Byron’s


She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes:

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Ведущий 1. People have been creating various legends and myths about wonderful and selfless love.

Ведущий: Сегодняшнюю нашу встречу мы посвящаем извечной теме – любви.

(all poets are dancing waltz )

Ведущий. Love is the biggest feeling on the Earth. It gives us the power to live, to love and to be loved. Many films are based on the feelings of two loving hearts. Their owners are ready to die for love. I know such examples as “Titanic”, “Romeo and Juliet”.

Ведущий. As for me, I enjoyed watching a very famous and beautiful American film of all times called “Titanic” with American actors Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet starring. Actually I’m sure that this film is, of course, a love story but it told us about such a horrible event happened on a ship-liner. Two characters fell in love with each other and were very happy. Unfortunately the main character died. He was too young to die but he died to save the life of his darling and that’s why this love is so great and beautiful. It was true and worth to die for.

Ведущий. Давайте вместе с вами послушаем песню в исполнении ... из этого фильма, ставшую гимном вечной любви и окунемся в события тех лет.

(a song performed with some episodes from the movie)

Ведущий. Love is a great thing. Real love can appear only when people respect and trust each other. It must be in the heart not in the head. So it is difficult to explain this feeling. It’s necessary to feel it.

Ведущий. In history and in the world literature there are a lot of famous love stories. These stories show us examples of true love. We know many wonderful romantic couples, brought together by the fate, risked for their love. These couples have inspired thousands of lovers throughout the world.

(PP “The most famous love stories in history and literature”)

Ведущий. Всемирная история и литература богата великими романами, которые потрясли мир и в той или иной мере повлияли на современное общество. Самые трогательные и страстные, счастливые и несчастные романы знаменитых людей, истории взаимной любви и благополучия, браки равных в своем величии людей и самые известные мезальянсы предоставляем вашему вниманию. 

Ведущий. So, can you guess this loving couple? Yes, you’re absolutely right! Romeo and Juliet. This couple has become a synonym for LOVE itself. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Their love story is very tragic. The tale of two teenagers from two feuding families who fall in love at first sight and then marry, become true lovers and then risk it all for their love.

Ведущий. So, the next is who? Sure, the true love story of Antony and Cleopatra, two historical characters later dramatized by William Shakespeare and is still staged all over the world. The relationship of Antony and Cleopatra is a true test of love. They fell in love at first sight. The relationship between these two powerful people put the country of Egypt in a powerful position. But their love affair outraged the Romans who were wary of the growing powers of the Egyptians.

Ведущий. Another is the tragic love story of Tristan and Isolde, the daughter of the King of Ireland, has been told and retold through various stories and manuscripts. King Mark sent his nephew, Tristan, to Ireland to escort Isolde back to Cornwall. During the voyage, Isolde and Tristan fell forever in love. But unfortunately, they were not able to marry each other. Tristan died of grief before Isolde could reach him and Isolde died soon after of a broken heart.

Ведущий. A marriage of convenience, at age 26 Napoleon took a fancy to Josephine, an older, prominent, and wealthy woman. Napoleon fell deeply in love with Josephine, and she with him, their mutual respect for one another kept them together, and their burning passion between them didn't falter, and was genuine. They eventually split, as Napoleon deeply required something Josephine could not give him, an heir. Sadly they parted ways, both bearing the love and passion in their hearts, for all eternity.

Ведущий. "Gone with the wind" can be identified as one of the immortal pieces of literary works in this world. Margaret Mitchell's famous work has chronicled the love and hate relationship between Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler.  Throughout the epic story, this twosome experience passion but not permanence, and their stormy marriage reflects the surrounding Civil War battles.

Ведущий. This love story is about English royalty who mourned her husband's death for 40 years. Victoria ascended the throne of England in 1837 after the death of her uncle, King William IV. In 1840, she married her first cousin, Prince Albert. Victoria loved her husband deeply. She relied on his advice in matters of state, especially in diplomacy. When Albert died in 1861, Victoria was devastated, she never stopped mourning her beloved prince, wearing black until her death in 1901.

Ведущий. Это было так давно! Так сейчас разве любят?

Ведущий. Да, ведь любви не только все возрасты, но и времена покорны.

Ведущий. Let’s listen to the poem, written by Warson Shire, Kenyan-born, Somali-British poet, a poet laureate for London. She is brilliant and her words speak to the soul and heart of this generation.

Ведущий. Давайте послушаем стихотворение «For women who aredifficultto love», написанное Warsan Shire, молодой Британской поэтессой, рожденной в Кении, лауреатом премии молодых писателей, чьи произведения проникновенны и отражают чувства и мысли всего поколения.

For women who are “difficult” to love

Warsan Shire

you are a horse running alone
and he tries to tame you
compares you to an impossible highway
to a burning house
says you are blinding him
that he could never leave you
forget you
want anything but you
you dizzy him, you are unbearable
every woman before or after you
is doused in your name
you fill his mouth
his teeth ache with memory of taste
his body just a long shadow seeking yours
but you are always too intense
frightening in the way you want him
unashamed and sacrificial
he tells you that no man can live up to the one who
lives in your head
and you tried to change didn't you?
closed your mouth more
tried to be softer
less volatile, less awake
but even when sleeping you could feel
him travelling away from you in his dreams
so what did you want to do, love
split his head open?
you can't make homes out of human beings
someone should have already told you that
and if he wants to leave
then let him leave
you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love.

Ведущий. Let’s sing about you, let’s sing about me,

Let’s sing about things we feel and see.

Let’s sing about you, let’s sing about me,

Let’s sing about things the way they should be.

Ведущий. Let’s sing about the world that’s always happy

Let’s sing about the world that’s always fair.

Let’s sing about the world that’s always giving

Let’s sing about the world where people care.

Ведущий. Встречайте, дуэт


Ведущий. Someone said, “Love is not getting, but giving. It is goodness, honor and peace». I wish more people would care about one another, be givers – not takers.

Ведущий. Я тоже очень хочу, чтобы люди проявляли больше любви и заботы друг о друге, говорили друг другу тёплые, нежные, ласковые слова не только по какому-то определенному по поводу, а просто так. Любите и будьте любимы!!!

(a final song)

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