«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Сценарий открытого урока "Здоровье дороже богатства"

Напрален на формирование метапредметных навыков учащихся

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Технологическая карта урока английского языка «Health is above wealth»

5 класс

Ход урока

Этап занятия,


Содержание этапа

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Организационный момент (2 мин)

-Good morning, boys and girls!

- I am glad to see you.

- Sit down, please. How are you today? (How are you, Pasha? And you, Ann? Do you feel well, Sveta? Did you sleep well, Dasha? Are you ready with your homework, Dima?)

- Good morning, teacher.

- We are glad to see you too.

(I am fine, thank you.

-I am OK, thanks.

Yes, I do.

Yes, I did.

  • Yes, I am.)

Постановка цели, задач, формулирование темы

урока (3 мин)

Well. I am glad to hear that everything is all right. So I suppose we can start our lesson now.

Children, look at the pictures that I have prepared for today's lesson and try to guess what we are going to speak about.

You are quite right. Today we are going to discuss our lifestyle and the ways of taking care about our health. Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said “Health is above wealth”. So I've chosen this proverb to be the theme of our lesson today. By the way, does everybody know what it means in Russian?

(учащиеся рассматривают картинки, развешенные у доски, высказывают свои предположения касаемо темы урока:

P1: I think we are going to speak about healthy ways.

P2: I suppose we'll speak about healthy and unhealthy products.

P3: I think we are going to speak about good and bad habits. и т.д.)

Здоровье- лучшее богатство.

Фонетическая зарядка

(2 мин)

Pupils, look at the screen (Слайд 2). There is a short poem about the healthy lifestyle. Let’s read it together.

To be healthy in your life,
Don’t forget to do all five!
Get up early, quick and bright
Exercise with all your might.

Читают стихотворение вместе с учителем, затем несколько учащихся делают это самостоятельно.

Активизация лексических навыков (3 мин)

Good. It is known that English people like proverbs very much. There are a lot of proverbs about health. I'll give you the bright cards with the beginnings and the endings of such proverbs. Let's play the game “Find a pair”. Please, do this task together. You've got one minute.

Besides, look at the screen and find the translations for your sentences.

Выполняют задание: зачитывают начало пословиц, подбирают концовки. С помощью слайда выбирают правильный перевод для той или иной пословицы.

Развитие навыков диалогической речи. Ролевая игра «Берем интервью»

( 4 мин)

There can be no doubt that health is very important for any person. It's very interesting for me to learn some facts about your lifestyle. I've prepared different questions for you. Your task is to take these questions and interview each other. Imagine that you are the correspondents of a very famous TV programme “Health”. Let's begin.


  1. When do you get up?

  2. What sports or games are you good at?

  3. Do you eat healthy food?

  4. Do you often ride your bike?

  5. Do you take a cold shower in the morning?

  6. How often do you visit doctors?

Учащиеся по очереди вытаскивают карточки с вопросами и адресуют их своим одноклассникам, представляя себя корреспондентами телевизионной программы.


(6 мин)

Thank you very much. It was interesting for me to get some information about you. And what activities can help us to be healthy and cheerful?

That's right. Now let's watch a video and see how British people try to keep fit and stay strong and healthy.

You 've got the sheets of paper with this task on the desks. Take them, look at the statements. While watching a video, you should decide if they are true or false.

Ok. Change your cards and let's check what you've done.

It is swimming, jumping, running……..

Просматривают видеоролик, отмечают на своих бланках правдивы утверждения или нет.

Работа с текстом в учебнике. Проверка домашнего задания

(6 мин)

Certainly, all people should follow healthy lifestyle. And your home text was also devoted to one of the popular activities in England- to running. Open your text books on page 127. Let's check how well you understood the text. Answer my questions, please:

1.Why do thousands of people in London go to Hyde Park once a year?

2.People of what jobs can take part in this event?

3.What do the English speak about running? Find this information in the text and read it aloud.

4. Would you like to take part in this event?

Good. And now let's complete the sentences after the text.

Работают с текстом в учебнике, отвечают на вопросы учителя, заканчивают утверждения после текста.

Динамическая пауза

(2 мин)

I see you are a bit tired. Let's have a rest now. As you know health is a constant movement and good mood. Let's move and dance a little. Look at the screen and try to follow the characters.

Смотрят на экран, под музыку повторяют движения за мультипликационными героями.

Работа в группах

(5 мин)

Fine, sit down, please. I think you are strong enough now to continue our work. We've got a guest today. His name is Tim. (Вешает на доску фигуру человека).

What can you say about him?

Well, I agree with you. But you can help Tim to become healthy and strong.

I want to divide you into two groups. On your desks you can see green and red signal cards. Your task is to look at the screen and give Tim the necessary advice. If you see the recommendation Tim should follow, put up green cards. And if you see the recommendation Tim shouldn't follow, please, raise red cards.

He is ill (pale, weak, sad ……)

Учащиеся работают в группах и выполняют задание учителя

The first group gives its recommendations


4 мин

Well, friends, our lesson is coming to the end. Let's discuss some details.

Did you like today's lesson? Was it interesting for you? Was it difficult for you? Was our lesson useful? Why?

And as usual at the end of the lesson we should make the conclusion. I give you this magic flower. In the center of it you can read the words: “Healthy lifestyle is….”. Your task is to complete this phrase writing down your ideas on the petals. I want you to do the task together.

Отвечают на вопросы учителя:

Yes, I did (No, I didn't)

Yes, it was (No, it wasn't) и т.д.

Ученики вместе делают заключение к уроку.

Заключительный этап

3 мин

Very well. I hope you will continue to take care of your health to stay nice and strong.

Open your diaries now and write down your homework. Write a short composition «What helps me be healthy without medicine?».

I’m pleased with your work. Thank you very much. You deserve good and excellent marks today.

Our lesson is over. Don't forget about the motto “Health is above wealth”. Good bye.

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Олимпиады «Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Комплекты учителю

Качественные видеоуроки, тесты и практикумы для вашей удобной работы


Вебинары для учителей

Бесплатное участие и возможность получить свидетельство об участии в вебинаре.
