«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Short term plan for Introductory Lesson

  1. Leading-in stage. Game “Name Chain” (W)

Teacher greets learners and suggests playing the game to have a good mood. Teacher explains rules for this game.

Learners stand in a circle, pass the ball to each other and tell their

names and things they like. For instance, My name is Alina and I like apples. The things they like should begin from the same letter as their names. The teacher begins the game.

Each learner should repeat information about his neighbor and add his own information.


Motivated students can introduce not only the person to the right but try to repeat all group names and adjectives from the beginning of the game.

2. Teacher tells the students the objectives of the lesson(W)

The objectives of the lesson is to get to know each other better, make friends and make some rules for a new learning year.

The main part of the lesson

3.Defining aims for a new study year.

Explain that the overall aim of this lesson is to make an agreement with learners on goals and expectations of themselves and ways of achieving them including positive behaviour in the learning process.

Teacher shows the pictures of very angry teachers and asks if they want to have such teachers.

Teacher offers children to work on the classroom management and behavior on the lessons.


  • Learners put in pairs. They are given time to think about the reason why they need to visit English language classes, what aims they expect to achieve during the school year.
  • Learners share ideas in pairs and define common ones.
  • Learners name them to others.

Learners do the same with the following questions:

  • What can help me to reach these goals?
  • What could prevent me from it?
  • How we would behave in order to achieve the set aims?
  • What are the consequences of positive and negative models of behavior?

4. Picturing rules and presentation

Learners can work in pairs or small groups of 3-4. They are given the task to make pictures of some classroom rules.


  1. Make a picture/a poster for classroom rules;
  2. Convince classmates that your rules are important;
  3. Make an agreement with others on common classroom


Less able students who have a limited vocabulary will make up rules from separate words, which will be given by the teacher. Learners can be given some ideas for making a poster.

E.g.: You should listen carefully to the teacher

You should not shout when your classmates speak.

  1. Leading-in stage. Game “Name Chain” (W)

Teacher greets learners and suggests playing the game to have a good mood. Teacher explains rules for this game.

Learners stand in a circle, pass the ball to each other and tell their

names and things they like. For instance, My name is Alina and I like apples. The things they like should begin from the same letter as their names. The teacher begins the game.

Each learner should repeat information about his neighbor and add his own information.


Motivated students can introduce not only the person to the right but try to repeat all group names and adjectives from the beginning of the game.

2. Teacher tells the students the objectives of the lesson(W)

The objectives of the lesson is to get to know each other better, make friends and make some rules for a new learning year.

The main part of the lesson

3.Defining aims for a new study year.

Explain that the overall aim of this lesson is to make an agreement with learners on goals and expectations of themselves and ways of achieving them including positive behaviour in the learning process.

Teacher shows the pictures of very angry teachers and asks if they want to have such teachers.

Teacher offers children to work on the classroom management and behavior on the lessons.


  • Learners put in pairs. They are given time to think about the reason why they need to visit English language classes, what aims they expect to achieve during the school year.
  • Learners share ideas in pairs and define common ones.
  • Learners name them to others.

Learners do the same with the following questions:

  • What can help me to reach these goals?
  • What could prevent me from it?
  • How we would behave in order to achieve the set aims?
  • What are the consequences of positive and negative models of behavior?

4. Picturing rules and presentation

Learners can work in pairs or small groups of 3-4. They are given the task to make pictures of some classroom rules.


  1. Make a picture/a poster for classroom rules;
  2. Convince classmates that your rules are important;
  3. Make an agreement with others on common classroom


Less able students who have a limited vocabulary will make up rules from separate words, which will be given by the teacher. Learners can be given some ideas for making a poster.

E.g.: You should listen carefully to the teacher

You should not shout when your classmates speak.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Short term plan for Introductory Lesson


Term 1 Unit 1


Date: 04. 09. 2017

Teacher name: Veronika Alexandrovna

Grade 7

Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.C3 Respect different points of view.

7.S3 Give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectieves

All learners will be able to:

  • Define goals for a new study year;

Most learners will be able to:

  • Share own perspectives with others;

  • Give examples of behavior models and wishes for study process;

Some learners will be able to:

  • Generalize and express the opinions of others;

Language objective

Ability to make up questions, revision of vocabulary for feelings.

Value links


Cross curricular links


Previous learning

Adjectives describing feelings

Use of ICT

Projector or Smart board to show a presentation

Intercultural awareness

If students know any classroom rules, which children use abroad they will be able to include them into our rules after voting.

Kazakh culture

If students have special rules/Kazakh traditions at home which will be suitable at school we will give them a chance to share them with us

Pastoral Care

Assure the students should understand how important to be friendly at school

Health and Safety

Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords

Planned timings

Planned activities


10 min

10 min

15 min

  1. Leading-in stage. Game “Name Chain” (W)

Teacher greets learners and suggests playing the game to have a good mood. Teacher explains rules for this game.

Learners stand in a circle, pass the ball to each other and tell their

names and things they like. For instance, My name is Alina and I like apples. The things they like should begin from the same letter as their names. The teacher begins the game.

Each learner should repeat information about his neighbor and add his own information.


Motivated students can introduce not only the person to the right but try to repeat all group names and adjectives from the beginning of the game.

2. Teacher tells the students the objectives of the lesson(W)

The objectives of the lesson is to get to know each other better, make friends and make some rules for a new learning year.

The main part of the lesson

3.Defining aims for a new study year.

Explain that the overall aim of this lesson is to make an agreement with learners on goals and expectations of themselves and ways of achieving them including positive behaviour in the learning process.

Teacher shows the pictures of very angry teachers and asks if they want to have such teachers.

Teacher offers children to work on the classroom management and behavior on the lessons.


  • Learners put in pairs. They are given time to think about the reason why they need to visit English language classes, what aims they expect to achieve during the school year.

  • Learners share ideas in pairs and define common ones.

  • Learners name them to others.

Learners do the same with the following questions:

  • What can help me to reach these goals?

  • What could prevent me from it?

  • How we would behave in order to achieve the set aims?

  • What are the consequences of positive and negative models of behavior?

4 . Picturing rules and presentation

Learners can work in pairs or small groups of 3-4. They are given the task to make pictures of some classroom rules.


  1. Make a picture/a poster for classroom rules;

  2. Convince classmates that your rules are important;

  3. Make an agreement with others on common classroom


Less able students who have a limited vocabulary will make up rules from separate words, which will be given by the teacher. Learners can be given some ideas for making a poster.

E.g.: You should listen carefully to the teacher

You should not shout when your classmates speak.

Groups present their rules to classmates.

5.Teacher explains requirements for the English classes.

6. Plenary

Learners make wishes to the classmates for a new study year and put them on the board. Classmates find wishes and read them.

Active board

PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation



Feedback: Teacher asks students what task was difficult to them and which pair worked well.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Critical thinking

Differentiation by support

More support:

Some questions are more difficult than others;

Allow thinking time.

More-able learners:

Encourage students to use previously learned vocabulary.

The teacher will observe and guide the students helping with their questions. Oral formative assessment

Students try to express opinions for good behavior and for classroom management.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from the lesson about this class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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Олимпиады «Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

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