«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Раздаточный материал. Карты ЗИУ

Карты ЗИУ предназначены для учителей английского языка, работающих в старших классах. Соответствуют ФГОС.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки


1. Plan. Vocabulary, Social quest, Text, Types of schools, Schools in the USA and in the UK. Differences, Conclusion, Self –assessment

  • Live and learn

  • Knowledge is a power

  • It is never too late to learn

  • Practice makes perfect

  • Diligence is a mother of success


A pause between 2 lessons. –

A place you have lunch. –

A place where students of the age 14-17 study. -

What do students do (get) at the university? –

A kind of product or food at the school dining room. –

The cost of the dish. - What shows the order of the lesson every day? –

A lesson you like most of all. –

A student you study together in the class. –

A lesson where you physically very active. -

Break, dining room, high school, get education, dish, price, timetable, favorite lesson, classmate, PE

4.boarding school – a school which students live in during school term

single-sex school – a school for boys and girls

co-educational school – a school for only boys and girls

state school -a school you have to pay to go to

private school – a school owned by the government

specialist school – a school students go to for a particular reason.

5.Do you like the work of this group?

  • Well done. /Good./ Not bad./They have to try again

  • They use (don’t use) new words and phrases.

  • The words were (weren’t) correct.

  • They don’t have (have) any mistakes.

  • Their answer was (wasn’t) full.

5. Self-assessment. Tick (V) your mark.

Description of achievement





I can read and understand the information about

I can listen and understand the information about

I can write

I can speak about

I can ask and answer the questions about

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Олимпиады «Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Комплекты учителю

Качественные видеоуроки, тесты и практикумы для вашей удобной работы


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