«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Professions 5th form

The lesson objectives/learning objectives were realistic. Learners achieved lesson and learning objectives. All learners were involved in the learning process. Learning atmosphere was collaborative and friendly. I am sure that my planned differentiation work well. Differentiated task helped to involve all learners to the lesson.

Learners learnt how to work in groups, to make dialogue, to learn what they didn’t know before and shared their knowledge. Passive students started to strive forward. Students took more time in completing Venn diagram. I would keep on improving my skills on working by criteria based system. Finally, I want to say learners need to be motivated to succeed in learning any language. Therefore, teaching materials must be motivating and raise learners interest.

Learners took part in different tasks and activities to collaborate working in small groups, shared ideas.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Unit: The world of work. School: Y. Altynsarin.

Date: Teacher’s name: Orazalieva Lyazzat

Grade: 5 Number present: 12 absent: 0

Lesson tittle


Learning objectives

5. L6. Deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics.

5. S6. Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges.

5. UE10. Use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Listen and speak about professions and jobs with some support.

Most learners will be able to:

Use grammar to talk about present and future.

Some learners will be able to:

To talk about a job they would like to be.

Language objectives

Learners can: asк аnd give рersonal informatіon (profession)

Key words: policе officer, gardener, theme park mascot, accountant, bakеr, pizza-delivery boу, cashier.

Discussion points: Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

-What does your mother do?

-She is a teacher.

-What kind of professions do you know?

-Doctor, gardener, teacher etc.

-What do you think of these professions? Which profession do you like? etc.

Level of thinking skills

Higher order of thinking level.

Assessment criteria

-Use meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics.

-To apply meaning at sentence level during pair, group and whole class exchanges.

-Use present continuous with present and future meaning.

Value links

Respect and support classmates points of view and their choices.

Cross curricular links

Kazakһ, Russian.

Previous learning


Checking the home work.

Strаtegy « Hоt chаir».

Choose a learner to act in role as a specific character from a studied text. The rest of the class take it in turns to ask questions , which the learner must answer as their character.




Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



8 min

  1. Organization moment.


Teacher greets with the pupils and check their attendance.

  1. Dividing into groups

Teacher divides learners into 2 groups “ Professions” and “Jobs”, choosing cards with appropriate names.

  1. Braіnstоrming.

Strategy “Concept questions”.

  • What does your mother do?

  • What does your father do?

  • What kind of profession do you know?

  • What is the theme of our lesson by your opinion?

(about jobs, professions)

Active vocabularу: policе officer, gardеner, theme, park, masсot, acсountant, baker, pizza-delivery boy, cashier.

Flashcards of the jobs


12 min



10 min



10 min



  1. Listening.

  1. Pre-listening task.

Strategy “Vocabulary bag”

A learner takes a picture from the bag and shows pictures with new words and puts down into bag by repeating them.

  1. Listening to the text about jobs.

Steven, basketball mascot

Do you like basketball? Then you can be a basketball mascot like me. I’m a mascot for the Temple University team. I entertain the fans at matches and other events. I wear a red owl costume and do silly things. I slide across the court, throw sweets to the fans and celebrate when my team scores. I have to be creative to think of different ideas to entertain the fans. And I have to do all this in silence – I can’t speak a word. I love the work and it’s well paid, but it’s tiring. Luckily, I only work part-time!

Mark, waterslide tester I go down fast waterslides all around the world, but not when I’m on holiday – it’s my job! I visit water parks in places like Turkey, Egypt and Jamaica. I check that the slides are safe and exciting with lots of splashing water. I love my job. It’s interesting, well-paid and I have lots of fun. But it’s not always easy. I have to be careful, hardworking and brave. I go down slidesin every kind of weather, even when the water’s freezing!

  1. Post-listening task.

Pupils complete the ‘’Venn diagram’’. To compare Mark and Steven (G)


StevenS Steven


A learner:

  • Uses of the new words.

  • Understands listening text clearly.

  • Complets the diagram.

Formative assessment: pupils get figures



4or more

  1. Speaking

  1. Making a dialogue on the topic. (P)

L. 1: Hello, what’s your name?

L. 2:My name is …..

L. 1: Are you a ____________ ?

L. 2: Yes/ No, I ___________. ……

2) - Tasks for more able learners:

Answer the questions.

  1. What kind of professions do you know?

  2. What do you want to be? Why?

  3. What does your friend want to be?

  • Tasks for less able learners:

Complete the sentences.

  1. Steven works as a ______

  2. Steven finds his job_______

  3. Mark works as a ______

  4. Mark’s job isn’t ______

  5. Mark needs to be______

A learner:

  • Makes a conversation about the job.

  • Asks questions.

  • Complets the sentences.

Formative assessment: Heads down, thumbs up.

  1. Use of English.

The Present Continuous forms with present and future meaning.

Put in the right form of to be and the verb.

  1. You___ ____ a newspapers ( to read)

  2. You ___ ____ a bike. ( to buy)

  3. He ___ ___ for the bus. ( to wait)

  4. We ___ ___a magazine. (to read)

  5. I ___ ___ at the picture (to look)

A learner:

  • Describes the picture using the Present Continuous.

  • Does grammar exercise.

Formative assessment: pupils get emotional smileys.



5or more



Pictures, text book



Colored cards









Vocabulary work

Group’s work

Makes a dialogue

Complete the sentences

Answers the questions


12-15 = “excellent” job

8-11 = “good” job

3-7= “satisfied” job

Teacher assesses learners after each task through support, encourages and oral comments.

Exit slip.

Students write their opinions about the lesson on the sheet.


Things I learned today….


Things I found interesting….


Question I still have….

Giving the homework.

Ex: 6.What do you want to be when you grow up? Write and draw a picture.



Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check students’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

Most support:

Make sure that they try to justify personal opinions while giving the answers.

Minimal support:

Help less able learners with the completing the sentences



Vocabulary work

Group’s work

Makes a dialogue

Complete the sentences

Answers the questions


12-15 = “excellent” job

8-11 = “good” job

3-7= “satisfied” job

Using ICT pupils used to work systematically and faster than at ordinary lesson .

Cross-curricular links with the Kazakh Language.

Values links:

Respect and support classmates points of view and their choices.


Were the lesson


objectives realistic?

What did the

learners learn


What was the


atmosphere like?

Did my planned

differentiation work


Did I stick to

timings? What

changes did I make

from my plan and


Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevantquestions from the box on the left about your lesson.

The lesson objectives/learning objectives were realistic. Learners achieved lesson and learning objectives. All learners were involved in the learning process. Learning atmosphere was collaborative and friendly. I am sure that my planned differentiation work well. Differentiated task helped to involve all learners to the lesson.

Learners learnt how to work in groups, to make dialogue, to learn what they didn’t know before and shared their knowledge. Passive students started to strive forward. Students took more time in completing Venn diagram. I would keep on improving my skills on working by criteria based system. Finally, I want to say learners need to be motivated to succeed in learning any language. Therefore, teaching materials must be motivating and raise learners interest.

Learners took part in different tasks and activities to collaborate working in small groups, shared ideas.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

1. -Checking the home work. Strаtegy « Hоt chаir».

-Choose a learner to act in role as a specific character from a studied text. The rest of the class take it in turns to ask questions , which the learner must answer as their character.

2.-Speaking using the new words went well.

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

1.-I think I should improve learners speaking abilities.

2.-It would have been better to use more pictures.

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

-Students’ speaking skills should be improved

-According to updated curriculum I understood that the main idea is based on active learning by doing.

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Олимпиады «Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

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Качественные видеоуроки, тесты и практикумы для вашей удобной работы


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