«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Проект по английскому языку " Starting Your Own Restaurant"

Проект разработан в рамках вводного бизнес-курса по английскому языку.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Starting Your Own Restaurant


So, it has been a dream of yours to own your own restaurant? By creating a menu and producing a PowerPoint to describe your dream restaurant to potential customers and investors, you will be well on your to seeing your dream come true!


Your task, as a young inspired future business owner, is to research the type of restaurant that you are interested in owning. You will need to come up with the style and name of your restaurant, the menu design, as well as the items you wish to include on the menu. Then you will need to: design your menu and include categories of foods, prices, and a brief description of the items. You will be presenting to the banker why your restaurant is a good investment. You must incorporate into your presentation the following:

  • a design of your restaurant ( style and name, location)



  • a themed menu ( dishes with descriptions and prices )



  • the recipes of one dish in each category ( starters, main courses, desserts etc.)


  • advertising of your restaurant and ways to attract new customers


  1. Research to begin the planning, designing, opening and successfully running a restaurant

  2. Find a good location

  3. Decide on a theme and name of your restaurant

  4. Designate rolls to each member of the group. Each person will be responsible for researching the information relevant to his/her role and for incorporating it into the entire project.

Head Chef - in charge of designing the menu, choosing dishes and recipes. In addition as head chef you are in charge of deciding how much to charge your customers per plate.

Chief Designer - in charge of designing the restaurant. As cheif designer you must find the location of the restaurant. Inside you must provide a dining space that reflects the theme of your restaurant.

Public Relations Officer - This is a new restaurant and you need to attract your potential customers. How will you do this? Billboards? Commercials? You are in charge of advertisements.

Ok, so now everyone has a specific job. At the end of your task you should prepare a presentation of your restaurant where slides will represent each of your points.

Day of the Presentation

I will be the banker, following the rubric I have created for evaluation. You are going to show me that I should invest my money into your restaurant because you will be successful. You will show me what your restaurant will look like, how the theme is incorporated inside. You will impress me with your well designed menu and prices that are reasonable (for your customers) yet set to make a profit. You will show me the recipe for one of these plates on the menu. Moreover, you will present me your advertising solution.















Unoriginal and borrowed ideas


Borrowed ideas with a touch of originality

Mostly  all of it is original

 Great creativity

Very original





Not enough detail

Somewhat unique

More detail needed

Mostly all unique

Good ideas

Very unique

Great job





No detail


Not everyone spoke

Good ideas

Everyone spoke 

 Everyone spoke

Very well presented

Great job



You should now have completed your "I Would Love to Own a Restaurant" Project. Hopefully, potential customers and investors will be knocking down your doors to eat and help fund your new dream come true! As you worked on your project, you should have got a taste for what it takes to become a restaurant owner.

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