«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Перевод калмыцкой сказки "Кеедя" на английский язык

Once upon a time there lived an old man. He was so poor that had nothing but one bald headed ram.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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Приложение 1

Перевод с калмыцкого языка на английский сказки «Кеедя».

Выполнила: Мучкаева Валерия (ред. Менкеева Е.В.)

Кер һалзн хуцта Кеедә гидг өвгн.

Кезәнә бәәҗ.Кер һалзн хуцта Кеедә гидг өвгн бәәҗ. Эн угатя өвгн һанцхн һалзн хуцан унад, хааһарнь цокад хавшулад, һуярнь цокад һувшулад һарад йовна. Зуурнь нег хумха дал кевтҗ.

- Махн уга цагт, кергтә чигн болад бәәдг, - гиһәд далыг өвгн хавтхлчкад һарв. Асхн бүрүл дахад, өвгн нег байна хотнд ирәд, хуцан уйчкад, герт орад ирхлә, байнахн цәәһән ууҗ бәәнә.

Ɵлссн өвгнд цәәһәсн күн өгсн уга.

Мал хотнд орсн хөөн байнахн бас махан чанв.

«Эн махнасн бас өгш уга бишив», - гиҗ санҗаһад:

- Би нег бичкн махтав, түүгән чанҗ идх хәәс өгит, - гив. Тиигхләнь:

- Мана махнла чанад ид, - гиҗ байн келв.

- Махитн махим идҗ оркхла, яахв, - гиҗ өвгн келв.

- Мана махн махичнь идхлә, махан цугтнь өгнәв, - гиҗ байн келв.

Тиигхләнь, өвгн босад, хумха далан күүнд үзүл уга хәәснд тәвҗ оркв. Махиг болһад һарһхла, өвгнә дал нүцкн болна.

- Хәлә, махнтн махим идҗ, - гиҗ өвгн ярвна.

Байн арһ уга, келсн үгдән боогдад, махан цуһараһинь өвгнд өгчкв. Ɵвгн махан идчкәд, хуцан архлх нег арһмҗ сурв.

- Хө күн архлдв. Хуцан хөөнлә хашад орулчк, гиҗ байн келв.

- Хөөнтм хуцим идҗ оркхла, яахв, - гиҗ өвгн келв.

- Хөөдм чини хуцичнь идхлә, хөөһән цугтнь өгнәв, - болна байн. Ɵвгн хуцан хашад орулв.

Әмтн цуһар унтв. Сөөднь өвгн босад, кер һалзн хуцан алад, хөөдин амнд цугтаднь цусинь түркәд, махинь нохаст өгч оркад, тагчг орҗ ирәд унтв.

Ɵрүнднь босхла, өвгнә хуц уга, хөөдин амн ху цусн.

- Нә, хөөнтн хуцим идчкҗ. Би келлүв танд, ода хөөһән цугтнь өгтн, - болв.

Байн арһ уга болад, зөв хәләҗ инәһәд, буру хәләҗ ууляд, өвгнд хөөһән туулһад тәвб. Тиигәд өвгн дала хөөтә болад, амрад җирһәд бәәв.

The Witty Old Man Keedya With His Bald Headed Ram.

Once upon a time there lived an old man. He was so poor that had nothing but one bald headed ram. That is why people called him Old Keedya with his bald headed ram.

Once Keedya sat on his ram's back, kicked him with his both legs on the sides and set off travelling. On his way he came across a sheep's blade bone lying on the ground. It was very old and dry. Keedya picked it up and then hit his ram on the nose with it. He smeared the blade bone with blood that was running out of the ram's nose, hid it in his pocket and continued his journey.

After a while Keedya came in a big khoton. He left his ram at the door and entered the kibitka. A Rich with his family lived there. They were sitting in a circle and drinking hot dzhomba at the very moment. Not a bowl of the dzhomba was given to the old and hungry traveller.

A pot full of meat was boiling on the fire. The smell was fantastic! “These greedy people won't give me any meat to eat”, - thought Keedya.

I 've got some meat with me. Can you give me a pot to cook it ?, - asked the old man.

“Put it in our pot and cook with our meat”, - said the rich man.

I can't do so!”, - exclaimed Keedya. “What if your meat would eat mine?”

“If it happened, I would give you all the meat from the pot.”, - said the rich man, laughing.

At these words, the old man stood up and put his blade bone in the boiling pot without showing it to anybody.

When the meat was cooked and taken out from the pot everybody could see that there was no any meat on the old man's blade bone.

“Look! Your meat has eaten mine!”, - shouted the old man.

The Rich couldn’t do anything but keep his promise. He gave the witty old man all his meat.

After eating the meat Keedya asked the Rich for a rope to tie his ram.

Are there any men in the world who tie a sheep!”, - exclaimed the Rich. “Take your ram to the sheep's barn.”

I can't do so! What if your sheep would eat mine?!” - nagged Keedya.

“Sheep don’t eat each other. If it happened, I would give you all my sheep.” - said the Rich.

At night when everybody was sleeping, the old man got up and killed his lovely bald headed ram. He smeared the sheep's mouths with the ram's blood. And the ram's meat he threw to the dogs. After that he got into the kibitka quietly and fell asleep.

In the morning everybody got up and saw that the old man's ram had dissappeared and the sheep's mouths were in blood.

“Oh, poor me!”, - cried the old man. “Your sheep have eaten my ram!”

The Rich had nothing to do but to keep his promise. Moaning and crying did he give all his sheep to the old man.

That was the way the old and witty man Keedya became rich. He lived happily ever afterwards with his flock of sheep.

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