My hands
Here’s my left hand
And here’s my right,
I can clap them
With all my might.
The 12 th of November
Theme of our lesson:
« My body»
a head [hed] бас
a hair [heә’] шаш
a face [feɪs] бет
eyes [aɪs] көздер
an ear [ɪә] құлақ
a nose [nǝus] мұрын
a mouth [mauθ] ауыз
a lip [lɪp] ерін
a shoulder [‘ʃouldә] иық
a hand [hӕnd] қол
a leg [leg] аяқ
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
Where is your
hand ?
Where is your
face ?
Where is your
hair ?
Where is your
head ?
Where is your
nose ?
Where is your
lip ?
Where is your
mouth ?
Where is your
shoulder ?
1. Шаш; 2. Аяқ; 3. Мұрын; 4. Ерін; 5. Бас...
You see with your ___
You hear with your ___
You eat with your ___
You walk with your ___
You write with your ___
Home task…
- To learn new words …
- Continuous this sentence: This is my………..
Good bye!