«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Открытый урок для 8 класса по теме “Mass Media”

Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме "Mass Media"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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Открытый урок для 8 класса по теме “Mass Media

Учитель Карпач Т.А.

Тема урока: Средства массовой информации

Цель урока:

- совершенствовать иноязычную коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся по теме Средства массовой информации;

- учить учащихся добывать необходимую информацию, которая поможет им совершенствовать иноязычную коммуникативную компетенцию по теме Средства массовой информации



- расширение лексического словаря по теме Средства массовой информации;

- развитие умения характеризовать средства массовой информации по опорным словам;

- развитие умения выделять преимущества и недостатки средств массовой информации;

- развитие навыков чтения на основе текста “Mass Media”;

- развитие навыков монологической речи “My favourite Mass Media”;

- развитие навыков аудирования на основе видео сюжета “Watching TV in Britain”.


- воспитание интереса учащихся к различным средствам массовой информации;

- дать учащимся увидеть разность\схожесть их интересов и интересов британских подростков в СМИ.


- развитие памяти, внимания, мышления, воображения, трудолюбия;

- развитие метапредметных умений.


- повышение общей речевой культуры учащихся;

- улучшение знаний учащихся о СМИ в стране изучаемого языка.

Языковой и речевой материал: teletext, text messages, detailed, versatile, source, aim, advantages, disadvantages

Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска, полный интерактивный курс “Total English”, DVDWindow on Britain 2”, презентация “Mass Media”, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

  1. Подготовительный этап.

Приветствие и знакомство.

Слайд 1: Yes, it’s me! I take part in this contest and you too, together with me today! My name is Svetlana Lvovna. And, by the way, I know everything about you! You have … boys and … girls in the group. You make a nice cheerful team together! Guess how I got to know you?

Слайд 2: I surfed the Net and found your school site; I found the photo of your group and the information about you there.

Слайд 3: Isn’t it cool that in our huge world there are a lot of ways of getting information? I personally get my news from the Internet. And what about you? Where do you get new information from?

(учащиеся называют СМИ (newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, the Internet, books, videos), а учитель записывает их на интерактивной доске в интерактивном режиме)

Если называют не все:

Звучит звук смс (501 Nokia) – Oh, whats that? A text massage! Isn’t it a way of getting news? I’ve got mine from Colin’s shop! Discounts!

What’s this? Teletext! Is it a news source? Of course, you may use it as a TV guide, for example.

T: So, you see there are a lot of different mass media.

Сообщение темы и задач урока.

Постановка в проблемную ситуацию.

1) But what can you say about them? – Not so much!

2) Why can’t you speak about them in detail in English? – You know very few words!

Выход на познавательную задачу (цель).

3) What do you need to speak about them in English?

You need more words! So, what do you think the aim of our today’s lesson is? – To find the words which will help you to describe mass media.

4) Where can we find them?


The Internet




In my opinion, textbooks and texts are the old favourites! That’s why we’re going to read the text will help you to find the necessary words.

  1. Основной этап урока.

Чтение текста.

T: Look through the text and pay attention to the word: versatile – разносторонний. Then tick the correct adjectives in the table. You have one minute to look through the text.

come to the board, the class will say the words and you will tick them (1 учащийся выходит к доске и отмечает галочкой слова, которые ему называют ученики с места)

Newspapers – detailed, cheap, versatile

The radio – easy

TV – exciting

Teletext – fast

The Internet – fast, detailed

Text messages – fast, new

T: Let’s check! Wow! So few\No mistakes! It’s so good to work in a team, isn’t it? What have we just learned? Yes, all the necessary vocabulary to characterize every mass media. Do it using these words! For example: the radio is easy to listen to. (учащиеся характеризуют каждый вид СМИ)

T: Well done! By the way, pay attention to these characteristics! What are they? Are they positive or negative? Yes, they are positive, they are advantages! And these mass media may also have what? Yes, disadvantages! Working in pairs, use the text and your textbooks to find these disadvantages. (на доску) In your books p. 63 ex. 3. Each pair has only one mass media. So, start working. You have 3 minutes. (учащиеся выполняют задание)

T: Let’s see what you’ve got! (Newspapers, The radio, TV, Teletext, the Internet, text messages) (учащиеся читают выбранные недостатки)

Thank you. It was good. What have we just learnt to do?

to characterize every mass media.

- to point out advantages and disadvantages.


T: People say, some mass media are very popular and others are not so famous. Do you agree with them? Which one is the best for you? Why? Speak about it using the words you’ve just learned. You have 3 minutes to get ready.

I think you are ready. Who will be the first? Who else would like to speak? (отвечают 1-2 человека) Thank you very much. I see that you prefer different (or the same) mass media.

Просмотр видео.

Постановка в другую проблемную ситуацию.

T: These are your preferences. And what do British teenagers like?

Where can we find it out? Yes, in the internet, in books, in newspapers and magazines, on TV and the radio and in video. Now we’ll watch a video and see if you and British teenagers like different or the same things. (смотрим – 1 мин)

T: Wonderful! What is British teens’ favourite mass media? Yes, it’s TV! So, you like different\the same kinds of mass media.

T: Let’s watch the video again and find out what their favourite TV programmes are. (смотрим еще раз)

So, what are their favourites? (the Simpsons, East enders, Friends)

  1. Заключительный этап.

Подведение итогов урока.

T: Uff, we’ve done a lot of work! And now let’s recall what we’ve learnt at the lesson today. We’ve learnt

many new words,

characterized mass media,

pointed out advantages and disadvantages,

spoke about your favourite ways of getting news and

learned that British teenagers like TV most of all and what their favourite programmes are. (выводят учащиеся)

Сообщение домашнего задания.

T: Now your home task.

Ask your classmates what TV programmes they prefer and why. At the next lesson we’ll make the survey of the whole class and see whether you and British teenagers are different or alike in your preferences. Ok?

T: Now who can give a 4 to himself today? And who can give a 5 to himself? These are your marks.

T: And a special gift for you: here are my best wishes and thanks for today’s wonderful lesson with the address of my personal site in the net where we can meet again and become friends!


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