«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Открытый урок английского языка для 4 класса на тему: “Минск”

Открытый урок английского языка для учащихся учреждений общего среднего образования

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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Государственное учреждение образования

«Гимназия №2 г. Минска О.В.Новицкого»



для 4 класса

на тему:


4 класс

Учитель английского языка


Ирина Анатольевна

Минск, 2024

Класс: 4 класс

Тема: Minsk

Тип урока: комбинированный

Форма организации познавательной деятельности: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая



развитие языковой компетенции учащихся через обобщение знаний по теме “Минск и его достопримечательности”.


способствовать развитию речевых способностей (способностей к языковой догадке, расширение словарного запаса), развитие зрительной памяти, расширение кругозора.


способствовать воспитанию уважительного отношения к культуре и истории своей страны.

Оборудование: экран, компьютер, записи на доске, наглядность, раздаточный материал.


УМК “Magic Box 4”

Английский язык: учебное пособие для 5 кл. общеобразовательн. учреждений с рус яз. обуч. В 2 ч. Ч. 1 / Л.М. Лапицкая

Е.А. Маслыко “Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка”


Цели этапа

Содержание этапа

Вр, мин


I. Начало урока

1. Организац. момент


Речевая разминка

3. Фонетическая зарядка

Организовать внимание детей перед уроком, сообщить тему и цели урока

Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения

Подготовить артикуляц. аппарат к произнесению англ. речи.

- Good morning, pupils! Im glad to see you. How are you?

- OK. Sit down please.


  1. How are you?

  2. Do you live in the city or in the country?

  3. What city do you live?

  4. Is Minsk a beautiful city?

  5. What street do you live?

- You know, today we are going to have a very interesting lesson. We are going to have a tour around Minsk.

What do you think we are going to discuss? Say “yes” or “no”.

- to read and speak about Minsk sights;

- to read about English traditions;

- to find the way;

- to write the route;

- to listen about English food;

- to speak about London.

- to write a test

  • How can we name the topic?

(Sights of Minsk / Minsk tour)

Let’s train our tongue. Let’s read the words.

(ученик 1– ученик 2 - учитель – класс – …)

[ ] circus, suburb

[ ] square, railway, queen

[ ] centre, central, circus

[ ] Gorky, small

[ ] theatre, three

Оформление доски:

рисунок автобуса, рисунок дороги на доске

запись целей на доске

записать тему

запись на доске

II. Основной этап

1. Grammar and vocabulary activation


Активизировать лексико-грам.навыки Соверш. нав. чтения, говорения и аудирования

Смена видов деятельности, снятие усталости и напряжения с глаз

Before we do some exercises let’s see how well you know Minsk.

  1. What’s the population of Minsk?

  1. 1 million people

  2. 2 million people

  3. 3 million people

  1. When was Minsk Founded?

  1. In 1076

  2. In 1067

  3. In 1670

  1. What region isn’t there in Minsk?

  1. Sovetsky Region

  2. Pervomaisky Region

  3. Kupalovsky Region

  4. Frunzenski Region

  1. What street isn’t there in Minsk?

  1. Nikiforov Street

  2. Lopatin Street

  3. Caterpillar Street

  4. Nezavisimosti Prospect

  1. What river isn’t there in Minsk?

  1. The Myshka

  2. The Svisloch

  3. The Dnepr

  1. What can we see in Minsk?

  1. Trafalgar Square

  2. The British Museum

  3. Pobeda Square

  1. What parks can we find in Minsk?

  1. Gorky Park

  2. Hyde Park

  3. Cheluskintsev Park

  1. What is the oldest place in Minsk?

  1. Pobeda Square

  2. The Circus

  3. The Troitskoye Suburb

Good girls and boys! Look at the screen. These are Minsk sights we are going to visit. Let’s join their Parts.

  1. the central a) and Ballet House

  2. the b) Park

  3. the Opera c) Square

  4. Pobeda d) Railway Station

  5. the Troitskoye e) Circus

  6. Gorky f) Suburb

While travelling we’re going to visit 7 sights. Let’s read their names. The seventh sight is the surprise for you. After completing the task you’ll get a part of a puzzle. And after all we’ll know some information about one more Minsk sight.

Reading the names of sights of Minsk.

(учитель - классученик1 – ученик 2 – в парах)

the central Railway Station

the Troitskoye Suburb

The Opera and Ballet House

Gorky Park

The Circus

Pobeda Square

Let’s start our trip. We’ll go by bus. It’s called a double-decker.

I. The central Railway Station.

  1. Pictures. Look at the screen to enjoy its beauty.

  2. Join the parts:

  1. It is one of the most beautiful theatres in Minsk. (The Opera and Ballet House)

  2. You can see clowns and acrobats there.(the Circus)

  3. It’s the oldest place in Minsk (The Troitskoye Suburb)

  4. It’s all children’s favourite place. (Gorky Park)

  5. It’ a square where war veterans come to on the 9th of May. (Pobeda Square)

  6. It’s a modern place where tourists come first. (The Central Railway Station)

II. The Troitskoye Suburb is the heart of Minsk. It’s the oldest part of it.

1. Pictures. Look at the screen to enjoy its beauty.

2. Making up a dialogue.

A:- Excuse me! How do I get to Gorky Park?

B: - Gorky Park?

A: - Yes, Gorky Park.

B: - First walk along Nezavisimosti Prospect. Then turn into Kupala Street, go straight ahead past the Circus. The Park is behind the Circus.

A: - Is it far?

B: - Just 5 minutes.

A: - Thank you.

B: - You are welcome.

III. The Opera and Ballet House is the most beautiful theatre in Minsk.

  1. Pictures. Look at the screen to enjoy its beauty.

  2. The rules of travelling (must / mustn’t)

While travelling

  1. You ____ cross the street when the traffic lights are red.

  2. You ____ play on the road.

  3. You ____cross the street when the traffic lights are green.

  4. You ____ run when the bus is moving.

  5. You ____listen to loud music on a bus.

  6. You ____ listen to your parents.

3. Let’s check your hometask.

Make up sentences.

  1. the / street / you / at / cross / traffic / must / the / lights /.

  2. do / to / I / how / the / get / circus / ?

  3. pet shop / is / a / the / behind / there / cinema / .

  4. the / bank / past / go / along / Park Lane / .

  5. mustn’t / you / litter / drop / in the street.

-Let's play with the word “Please” (учащиеся выполняют только те действия, которые учитель называет со словом “please”): swim please, brush your teeth, sleep, do karate please, ride a bike please, pick mushrooms, do morning exercises please, pick berries please, fly a kite, climb a tree please, play computer games, do gymnastics please, eat carrots please, play football, play basketball please.

-Let’s follow the fly. (зарядка для глаз)

IV. Gorky Park is a joy for children.

1. Pictures. Look at the screen to enjoy its beauty.

2. Fill in the words.

opposite, left, over, past, along, right, to

A: - Exuse me. Can you tell me the way (1)___ the park?

B: - Sure. Walk straight ahead (2)_________ Nemiga Street past the museum. Then turn (3)___________ and walk past the hospital. Go (4)_________ the bridge, turn (5) _______ and walk along the river (5)__________ the supermarket. Cross Frunze Street, and you’ll see the park. It’s (6)_______ the railway station.

V. The Circus

1. Pictures. Look at the screen to enjoy its beauty.

2. True or False (moving to corners “Yes, it’s true.”/ “No, it’s false.”):

  1. You can see acrobats and clowns at the theatre. F

  2. Lions, tigers, bears and horses dance and play at the circus. T

  3. The Cirsus is next to Gorky Park. T

  4. There’s a big wheel, a merry-go-round and other rides in the Opera and Ballet House. F

  5. London is the capital of Belarus. F

  6. There are a lot of cafes, small shops and museums in Minsk. T

  7. War veterans come to Gorky Park on the 9th of May. F

VI. Pobeda Square

1. Pictures. Look at the screen to enjoy its beauty.

2. Name the dates correctly.

  1. Minsk was founded in 1067.

  2. The central Railway Station was built in 2001.

  3. The Opera and Ballet House was built in 1933.

  4. Gorky Park was founded in 1805.

  5. The Circus was built in 1959.

  6. Minsk Zoo was built in 1984.

VII. The National Library. What do you know about it?

1. Pictures. Look at the screen to enjoy its beauty.

2. The text.

The National Library is the biggest and most beautiful library in Minsk. It is located at 116 Nezavisimosti Prospect. It has 20 reading halls. They started building it in 2002 and finished in 2006. There are a lot of written, printed and e-books and magazines at the library. People can take a tour around it.



A double-decker – двухэтажный автобус


В 2 группах


в парах


Проверка по раздаточному материалу


Раздаточный для каждого

На слух


Раздаточный для каждого

Round up.


1) What is the capital of Minsk?

2) Is Minsk an old city?

3) What sights can you visit in Minsk?

Let’s make up a cluster about Minsk and tell about it.

Speak about Minsk.

The words for cluster:




the central Railway Station

the Troitskoye Suburb

The Opera and Ballet House

Gorky Park

The Circus

Pobeda Square

The National Library

III Завершающий этап.

Подведение итогов,

информ. о Д/з, рефлексия,

выставлен. отметок.

Подвести итоги урока

Дать Д/з

Выставить отметки

- Let’s sum it up. Do you like our today’s lesson?

- What place of Minsk is your favourite?’

I’d like to visit …

the central Railway Station

the Troitskoye Suburb

The Opera and Ballet House

Gorky Park

The Circus

Pobeda Square

The National Library

- Your hometask will be:

PB p. 89 ex. 6B written

To speak about the National Library

- Your marks for today are…. (ВЫСТАВИТЬ ОТМЕТКИ)

The lesson is over. Good bye children.



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