«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2024»

Lesson plan in the 6th grade "Going to the movies" with additional materials

Lesson plan in the 6th grade "Going to the movies" with additional materials

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

ГУО «Средняя школа №14 г. Солигорска»

План-конспект открытого урока

английского языка в 6 классе

то теме «»

Коммуникативная ситуация

«Поход в кино»

Учитель английского языка

Второй квалификационной категории

Бурта Данута Михайловна

Солигорск, 2018

Тема: Книги и фильмы

Урок 11 «Поход в кино»

Цель: развивать навыки говорения в рамках коммуникативной ситуации по теме


- развивать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения в коммуникативной ситуации «Поход в кино»;

- развивать навык диалогической речи

- организовать использование при составлении диалога лексических структур «Would you like?», «to be going to»

- формировать познавательную активность учащихся;

- содействовать сотрудничеству в классе

Планируемый результат: планируется, что к концу урока дети смогут составить и разыграть диалог в рамках коммуникативной ситуации «Поход в кино»

Оборудование урока:

- Английский. Учебное пособие для 6-го класса. Авторы: Н.В. Юхнель, Е.Г. Наумова, Е.А. Родовская.

- Английский. 6-й класс. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Часть 2. Авторы: Н.В. Юхнель, Е.Г. Наумова, Е.А. Родовская.

- карточки с лексикой по теме «Книги и фильмы»

- постеры различных фильмов для введения в коммуникативную ситуацию

- карточки для составления диалога

- аудиозаписи и средства аудио воспроизведения

Books and Films

Lesson 11 "Going to the movies"

Purpose: to develop speaking skills in the context of a communicative situation on the topic


- develop lexical and grammatical skills of speaking in the communicative situation "Going to the cinema";

- develop the skill of dialogical speech

- organize the use of lexical structures "Do you want?", "to be going to"

- to form cognitive activity of students;

- to promote cooperation in the class

Expected result: it is planned that by the end of the lesson children will be able to compose and play a dialogue in the context of the communicative situation "Going out"

Lesson equipment:

- English. Textbook for the 6th grade. Authors: Н.В. Yukhnel, E.G. Naumova, E.A. Rodovskaya.

- English. 6 th grade. Workbook 2. Part 2. Authors: N.V. Yukhnel, E.G. Naumova, E.A. Rodovskaya.

- cards with the vocabulary on the topic "Books and films"

- posters of various films for introduction into a communicative situation

- cards for dialogue

- control and management

Lesson plan

Stages of the lesson


Didactical task

The content of the lesson phase

Teacher Activities

Pupils activity

I. Organizing stage


Preparing pupils for the lesson, stating the theme of the lesson, the goals, the formation of motivation


Speech Warm-up

Greet pupils

Do you often go to the cinema or you prefer watching films at home. Please, explain your answer.

ex.1 Look at the picture and answer the questions

Greet Teacher

Pupils answer for teachers questions.

II. Phonetic workout


Control and activation of vocabulary on the topic and grammar

Phonetic workout

Riddles about different types of films.

1. a film with light and humorous character, with a happy or cheerful ending


2. film that focuses on a detective-hero’s investigation into the mystery surrounding a crime (detective film)

3. a genre of film that typically use their action scenes to display and explore exotic locations in an energetic way (Adventure film)

4. genre of films which tell stories about life of cowboys or gunfighter armed with a revolver and a rifle who rides a horse (Western)

5. love stories, or affairs of the heart that center on passion, emotion, and the romantic, affectionate involvement of the main characters (usually a leading man and lady), and the journey that their love takes through courtship or marriage. (Romantic films)

Pupils guess the riddles and try to make their own riddles

III. Listening, reading


Motivate the need to read the text

improve listening skills

improve reading skills

Talking with pupils before listening/ reading the text


Reading the


How can we invite our friends to go somewhere?


Where’re the children goin? Listen to the conversation.


reading by the roles

Read the conversation and answer the questions after them

talk to a friend in person, call a friend on the phone, write a massage (SMS or e-mail), and ect.

Pupils listen the conversations and answer the questions

Pupils read the conversations

answer the questions

IV. Moving activity


to change the type of activity, to give a rest

Active workout

I have a small video for you

Watch it carefully, because I have a task for you after it

I hope you listened attentively, each of you has a part of this dialogue, get up and put it in the right order on the board

V. Speaking


improve speaking skills

making the own dialogue


For this exercise, come to me,

-divide into groups of 5,

-divide into groups of 4

-divide into groups of 3

OK, we have 3 groups of 3 pupils

Now you will form a dialogue, two from the group will play the dialogue at the end of the lesson, the third one is an expert

select an expert

Experts, come to me, choose an envelope with the task

you have5-7 minutes to make the dialogue

then I’ll check you

pupils divide into groups

pupils make up dialogue

pupils present their dialogues

VI. Round-up


check the knowledge of children at the end of the lesson

Summing up the lesson

Marking out

What did we do in the lesson?

What did you do good?

What did not work out for you?

Why do you think?

Experts, help me, what marks would you put to your classmates?

pupils answer teachers questions

VII. Homework


to explain homework

explanation of homework

WB ex2

write down the homework in their diaries

VIII. Reflection


check the emotional state of pupils at the end of the lesson

Checking the emotional state

Ladder of feelings”

How do you feel in the end of the lesson?

Put your sticker on the step with a smile

And now I have some presents for you, thank you for the lesson. Goodbye!

pupils do the teacher’s task

Содержимое разработки

Situation 1

Student A: You have a free evening tomorrow. You would like to go to the cinema to see “____________________" (a _____________ film). It’s at ______ p.m. Telephone your friend and ask to go with you

Student B: Your friend telephones you and invites you to go to the cinema You are free tomorrow evening, so you can go. You don’t like horror films. And you have to help your mum with housework at the same time. You can go out lately. Invite you friend to go to the other film lately.


Situation 2

Student A: You are free in the afternoon on Sunday. You would like to go to the cinema to see “____________________" (a _____________ film). It’s at ______ p.m. Telephone your friend and ask to go with you. Discuss where and when you should meet.

Student B: Your friend telephones you and invites you to go to the cinema on Sunday. You are free on the weekend and you would like to go. Ask your friend what is on and when the film starts. Discuss the types of films you like watching.


Situation 3

Student A: You are free on the next week. You would like to go to the cinema to see “____________________" (a _____________ film). It’s at ______ p.m. on _____________________________. Telephone your friend and ask to go with you. Discuss where and when you should meet and what film would you like to watch.

Student B: Your friend telephones you and invites you to go to the cinema on the next week. You are free and you would like to go. Ask your friend what is on and when the film starts. Discuss the types of films you like watching. Choose the one what you both would like to watch.

Содержимое разработки

Inviting your friend to the cinema

W: Hello!

M: Hi! What are you up to?

W: I just finished work and I’m about to go home. You?

M: I’m just hanging out at home. I got 2 free movie tickets from a colleague today. His brother works at the cinema. Would you like to go with me tomorrow?

W: Oh. I’m so sorry. I don’t think I can go. I have some stuff I need to do. Deadlines, you know.

M: Really? I see.

W: Actually, I’m free tomorrow night. I would love it if we can go out then.

M: Me too. Okay. Luckily, I can change the time and movie with these tickets. Let’s meet tomorrow.

W: That’s great!

M: A romantic comedy sounds nice, right?

W: Certainly. Please make sure to choose a good movie. I’m really looking forward to this.

M: Sure. I’ll pick you up at 8pm.

W: Sounds great. See you then!

M: See you! Bye.

Содержимое разработки

Gnomes in the house

Year: 2017

Country: Canada, United Kingdom, United States

Directed by Peter Lepeniotis, Shelley Schena

Scenario: Michael Schwartz, Zina Zaflow, Jared Mika Herman

Produced by: Daniel Sterling, John H. Williams, Jon Christianson

Genre: Animation

Time: 85 mins. / 01:25

Cast: Becky Gee, Josh Peck, Tara Strong, Olivia Holt, David Cockner, Jeff Dunham, Patrick Stump, Nash Grier, Madison De La Garza, George Lopez

Moving to an old mansion, no one even suspected that the big house hides "little" secrets. Garden gnomes living here for centuries protected our world from evil troggs. People will not have a choice - they will have to join the great battle ...

Leonardo: Mission of Mona Lisa

Year: 2018

Country: Italy

Director: Sergio Manfio

Scenario: Francesco Manfio, Sergio Manfio, Anna Manfio

Produced by: Fabio Testa

Genre: cartoon, adventure, family

Time: 90 minutes. / 01:30

Cast: Alex Polidori, Emanuela Ionika, Gabriel Patriarch, Arianna Vignoli, Giulio Bartolomei, Roberto Dragetti, Franco Mannella, Roberto Stokki, David Jarbolino, Stefano Mondini

Leonardo lives a quiet and peaceful life, devoting himself to invention. His friend Lorenzo in everything helps a friend and supports in all endeavors, but the beautiful Gioconda scoffs at the strange ideas of Leonardo. But soon in the life of the girl there is a misfortune - in her house there is a fire, and she remains with nothing. One day a storyteller wanderers into their city, who mentions a lost treasure, which no one has ever been able to find. The guys decide that they are lucky, and go on an amazing journey.

We'll wave on the moon!

Year: 2017

Country: Peru

Director: Alex Orrell, Eduardo Schuldt

Scenario: Rodrigo Moraes, Martin Pirojanski, Ishay Ravid

Producer: Javier Ernaez, Hugo Rose, Abraham Vornbrand

Genre: cartoon, fantasy, comedy, adventure

Time: 88 mins. / 01:28

Cast: Omar Chaparro, Jessica Sediel, Christian de la Fuente, Jay Mammon, Coco Legrand, Matthias Brivio, Francisco Colmeno, Ignacio Ochoa

Evil extraterrestrials have decided to conquer our planet thanks to a powerful amulet with which you can subordinate any intelligent being to your will. A rescue operation is being prepared on Earth. But there is one problem. Only the one whose intellect is very small and who is not affected by the amulet can fulfill a mission. But where to find such a fool? Unless to send in space of one unlucky condor living among people. Although he spoils nine cases out of ten, but now, it seems, his "chicken brains" will come in handy.

Avengers: War of Infinity

Year: 2018

Country: USA

Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo

Scenario: Jack Kirby, Jim Starlin, Christopher Marcus

Producer: Kevin Feigi, Victoria Alonso, Mitchell Bell

Genre: fantasy, fantasy, action, adventure

Time: This is 149 minutes. / 02:29

Cast: Karen Gillan, Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Holland, Chadwick Bozeman, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Josh Brolin, Sebastian Stan, Linda Cardellini

While the Avengers and their allies continue to protect the world from various dangers that one superhero could not cope with, a new threat comes from outer space: Thanos. The intergalactic tyrant is pursuing the goal of collecting all six Infinity Stones - artifacts of incredible power, with which you can change the reality at will. Everything that the Avengers encountered earlier led to this moment - the fate of the Earth has never been so vague.

Papa-mama goose

Year: 2018

Country: China, United States

Director: Chris Jenkins

Scenario: Chris Jenkins, Rob Muir, Scott Atkinson

Producer: Penny Finkelman Cox, Sandra Rabins, Edoardo Bussy

Genre: cartoon, comedy, adventure, family

Time: 91 minutes. / 01:31

Cast: Jim Gaffigan, Zendey, Lance Lim, Greg Prups, Natasha Ledgero, Didrich Bader, Reggie Watts, Carl Reiner, Stephen Fry, Craig Ferguson

The roles were duplicated: Sergei Garmash, Polina Gagarina, Natan

Pam is a hilarious and narcissistic loser who constantly finds himself in ridiculous situations and puts his relatives at risk. He always managed to escape punishment, but not this time .... Because of the resulting injury to the wing, the unfortunate egoist fell to the ground where he failed to land safely. Rushing down, he nearly crushed two small ducklings. Despite his bad and frivolous nature, Pam took care of the kids. The goose has a plan - to go on the road with the chicks on foot. They have to overcome many kilometers, where they are waiting for a lot of adventure and trials.

Glorious Bird

Year: 2017

Country: Iceland, Belgium

Director: Audny Ausgeirsson

Scenario: Friedrich Erlingsson

Producer: Yves Agamance, Hilmar Sigurdsson

Genre: Animation

Cast: Jamie Oram, Harriet Perring, Ian Stewart Robertson, Richard Wills-Cotton, Torunne Erna Clausen, Thomas Arnold, Kaiser Akhtar, Debbie Chazen, Dona Kroll, Graham York

The Adventures of a Little Chubby Ryzhik and Herzler's Partridge. Fate brings them together when Ryzhik, behind the pack, could not fly to the south. Ryzhik persuades the eccentric and eternally grumbling Guyron to show him the way to the Paradise Valley - a secret place in the mountains where birds can wait out the harsh winter. The way there is fraught with a lot of dangers. Gradually cheerful Ryzhik manages to melt the heart of the old hermit. Together, this couple becomes for each other a real family, which is able to turn mountains.

Smeshariki. DejaVu

Year: 2018

Country Russia

Director: Denis Chernov

Scenario: Denis Chernov, Dmitry Yakovenko

Producer: Ilya Popov, Fedor Bondarchuk, Dmitry Rudovsky

Genre: cartoon, comedy, adventure, family

Cast: Anton Vinogradov, Sergei Mardar, Mikhail Chernyak, Vladimir Postnikov, Svetlana Pismichenko, Vadim Bochanov

Krosh decides to arrange an unforgettable birthday for Kopatych - he turns to the agency "Dejavu", which promises his clients amazing travels in time. But due to non-observance of the terms of the agreement, all Smeshariki scattered in time, and Krosh would have to gather friends at different epochs in the company of his second "I" - the grown-up and grouchy Shork, who appeared due to a temporary paradox.

Taxi 5

Year: 2018

Country: France

Director: Frank Gastambid

Scenario: Frank Gastambid, Stefan Kazandjian

Produced by: Luc Besson, Fanny Besson

Genre: action, comedy, crime, adventure

Cast: Salvatore Esposito, Frank Gastambid, Sand Van Roy, Sabrina Oazani, Bernard Farsi, Malik Bentalha, Sissi Dupark, Marvin Beyster, Fabricio Nevola, Gregory Fromentin

Ex-Commissioner Zhiber, who became the most unlucky in the history of the city by the mayor of Marseilles, instructs the newly recruited recruit Silvan Maro to deal with the elusive "gang of Italians" on the Ferrari. To stop them, Maro, super-cop and super-driver, you have to unite with Daniel's nephew. The guy got the famous white taxi of his uncle, but not his talent.

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