«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку на тему: "Типы вопросов".

Проверочная работа предназначена для контроля уровня знаний детей по теме "Типы вопросов в английском языке". Содержит несколько видов заданий разного уровня сложности.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

4а 1-в

  1. Part 1. Write 4 types of questions.

My sister drinks coffee every morning.





  1. Part 2.

  1. Write Yes/No-questions.

  1. Boys went to school last week.


  1. They have got a lot of fruit at home.


  1. Ann and Fred are from the USA.


  1. Write Wh-questions (What? Who? When? Where? Why?)

  1. ___________were you yesterday?

  2. ___________does Tom like to eat?

  3. ___________did children swim in the pool?

  1. Write or-questions

  1. Is her brother a pilot ______________________?

  2. Do they play with a ball _____________________?

  3. Can frogs jump _____________________?

  1. Write tag-questions

  1. Cats like milk, ____________________?

  2. Jane has got a bike, __________________?

  3. We watched TV in the kitchen, ______________?

  1. Part 3. Read, translate and answer, what are the types of questions.

  1. Did Mike or his dog run near the house? _____


  1. Why does she like lemons? ______


  1. Her dad works on the computer, doesn’t he? ______


  1. Can crocodiles swim well? _______


Кол-во баллов _____________ Оценка_________

4а 2-в

  1. Part 1. Write 4 types of questions.

My friends watched TV last evening.





  1. Part 2.

  1. Write Yes/No-questions.

1) Bob goes to school every day.


2) Tom had got a lot of milk at home.


3) Ann and Fred were tall last year.


  1. Write Wh-questions (What? Who? When? Where? Why?)

1) ___________is you name?

2) ___________do they play basketball?

3) ___________did he sleep all day long?

  1. Write or-questions

1) Does her mother work at school ______________________?

2) Do they like apples _____________________?

3) Have children got a sister _____________________?

  1. Write tag-questions

1) Cats can climb ____________________?

2) Jane cleaned a car yesterday, __________________?

3) Girls were at the Zoo, ______________?

  1. Part 3. Read, translate and answer, what are the types of questions.

  1. Parrots can fly, can’t they? _____


  1. Does she like lemons or bananas? ______


  1. Who is your teacher? ______


  1. Did Dave jump on the bed? _______


Кол-во баллов _____________ Оценка_________

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