Control work for II-term
Task 1.
Подчеркни слова, которые читаются не так, как остальные слова.
brave, name, farm, skate, take
farm, dark, park, cat, are
but, mum, pupil, butter, run (3)
Task 2.
Найди слова по теме «FOODS» (7 слов).
S | o | c | h | e | e | s | e | c |
w | h | q | o | c | v | f | c | d |
e | j | y | f | i | s | h | q | p |
e | g | g | s | x | m | q | h | n |
t | a | r | w | z | l | s | a | u |
s | t | m | i | l | k | n | m | h |
o | u | c | a | b | b | a | g | e |
p | c | a | k | e | q | t | a | l |
Task 3.
Образуй множественное число существительных
Cat-______, fish-________, toy-________, sweet-_________, woman-_________,
Fox-______, foot-________, tooth-_________, hand-________, family-__________.
Task 4.
Выберите слово, которое выпадает из логического ряда, подчеркните его.
1. Meat, fish, milk, tree.
2. Doll, apple, toy, kite.
3. Dress, boots, shoes, chess.
Task 5.
Напишите в прошедшем времени.
Образец: We help Tom. – We helped Tom.
I play tennis. -
We wash our cars. -
You watch TV. -
I walk in the park. –
Task 6.
Прочитайте текст.
Sasha lives in a small town. The town is very nice, clean and green. There are many beautiful parks in Sasha’s town.
You can see fine houses, nice streets (улицы) and a big stadium in this town. Sasha and his friends like to play in the stadium.
Usually they play games in the park. Sometimes children have picnics too.
It is fun to spend time together. Sasha likes his town and his friends very much.
Выберите правильный ответ (true(+) – false(-))
1. Sasha lives in a big town. -
2. There are no beautiful parks and gardens in the town. -
3. Sasha and his friends like to play in the stadium. -
4. Children have picnics too. -
5. They do not play games in the park. -
Всего: 32балл
«5» - 25-32балл
«4» - 16-24балл
«3» - 8-15балл
«2» - 0-7балл