«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Конспект открытого урока "Школьная жизнь"

Урок английского языка в 7а классе по теме "Школа и школьная жизнь" является уроком отработки умений и рефлексии раздела " Школьное образование, школьная жизнь, изучаемые предметы и отношение к ним", учебника М.З. Биболетовой "Английский с удовольствием" для 7 класса общеобразовательных школ.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки


Ход урока:

  1. Орг. момент.

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! Let’s greet our guests.

(Good morning dear guests. We are glad to see you! )

Sit down, please! Who wants to ask questions to the pupil on duty? Well, you are welcome!

Ok, today we have an unusual lesson. Let’s guess the theme of it. Look at the screen! (Slide 1 – video: Schools and teachers

Always teach us

And school life is fun

Knows everyone)

So, who can tell me the theme of our lesson?

Yes, our theme is: “School and school life” (SLIDE 2)

  1. Постановка целей и задач урока. (Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся).

What will we do at the lesson? (SLIDE 3)

Today we will:

  • remember school subjects;

  • learn a poem;

  • learn new words and word combinations;

  • learn the definition between to learn and to study;

  • speak about our school life;

  • do different exercises;

  • make a cluster.

We will work in teams. The first team will be “Russian students”, the second “Foreign students ’. During our lesson each team will make a cluster with the key word “School”. And we’ll see which students is better Russian or Foreign.

(раздать ватманы для кластера)

(попросить Тихоненко Р.Ф, Назаренко Е.А., Зудину Л.Ю. быть судьями)

Let's greet our strict, but fair jury. They will appreciate your work during our lesson.

Are you ready to work?


Let’s start!

  1. Lesson 1. Phonetics: let’s listen to the tape. Mind the stresses of the words. And then you will read the words. (SLIDE 4) (развитие навыков )

Listen, read and remember















(команды читают по очереди, жюри оценивает по 5 бальной системе)

  1. Lesson 2. Literature: (Ознакомление учащихся с новым стихотворением по теме «Школа».) (развитие навыков аудирования)

Ok, well done!

Now let’s listen to the new poem and learn to read it. (SLIDE 5)

(прослушиваем стихотворение)

The happiest days of your whole life

(So all the grown-ups say),

But I would never go to school

If I could have my way.

My pencil point is broken,

My pen’s run out of ink

My head’s just filled with sawdust

And with sawdust you can’t think.

The happiest days of your whole life

(So all the grown-ups say),

But I would never go to school

If I could have my way.

Now read the poem line by line after me! Let’s translate the poem.

Very good!

(Слушаем, читаем по строчке, переводим, первое четверостишие 1 команда, 2 другая)

How do you think, does the author like her school?

Who wants to recite the poem? (По 4 строчки каждая команда)

Thank you, good!

  1. Lesson 3. Discussing: Закрепление монологической речи.

Some pupils like their school years, others don’t like. (SLIDE 6)

Let’s make sentences to agree or disagree with the author of the poem.

Look at the screen!

(команды по очереди составляют предложения: один из одной команды, другой из другой)

I like my school years because I …

I don’t like my school years because I …



to become smarter

to study interesting subjects

to learn new things

to prepare for adult life

to have a lot of friends

to develop your mind

to have good teachers

to enjoy school life

to have no time for sports and hobbies

to get up early in the morning every day

to be tired of doing homework

to have many tests

to work too hard

to have boring lessons

to be afraid of some teachers

to get bad marks

  1. Lesson 4. Grammar: (Развитие лексических навыков по теме «Школа»)

Look at the screen! (SLIDE 7)

Every day a lot of pupils go to school to study. They learn many new things there.

Let’s read the examples and compare the words “to study” and “to learn”.

( Разбираем правило употребления слов to study and to learn”).

Will you read the sentences and translate them.

Well done, thank you.

(1 команда“to learn”, 2 команда “to study” )

To learn – учить, учиться, выучить, заучивать, изучать.

Например: учить стихи, новые слова, правила.

We are learning new words at the moment.

Have you learned the poem by heart yet?

Live and learn.

To study учиться, изучать, исследовать.

Например: учиться за границей, изучать языки, изучать предметы.

The students will study eight new subjects next year.

My best friend studied in City of London School a year ago.

How many languages do you study in your college?

  1. Lesson 5. Writing

Первичное закрепление введенного лексического материала.

Let’s try to use the words “to learn” and “to study” in the sentences of ex.48 at page 71. (SLIDE 8)

We’ll do it in written form. Write down ex.48, p.71. I’ll give you 3 minutes.

  • You’ll never … a foreign language without … grammar rules.

  • The head of expedition … the map carefully and then left the room.

  • It takes times to … how to do things correctly.

  • How many new words have you … by heart at this lesson?

  • What do you think of … (+ing) abroad?

OK. Let’s check!


  • You’ll never study a foreign language without learning grammar rules.

  • The head of expedition studied the map carefully and then left the room.

  • It takes times to learn how to do things correctly.

  • How many new words have you learned by heart at this lesson?

  • What do you think of studying (+ing) abroad?

  1. Физминутка Now, it’s time for a break!!! (SLIDE 10) (Видеоролик)

  1. Lesson 6. Speaking. Look at the screen! (Видеоролик) (SLIDE 11)

What do British students really think about their schools?

What do you think? (Обе команды по очереди говорят, что они думают о школе) (SLIDE 12)

  • It’s a place where I make friends.

  • It’s a place which helps me to find a good job in future.

  • It’s a place where it is fun.

  • It’s a place where I learn about people as well as subjects.

  • It’s a place where I write tests too often.

  • It’s a place where the teachers are very good.

  • This is the only school in my life.

  • My friends go to the same school.

  • I like our school uniform.

  • I don’t like our school uniform.

  • I like our school food.

  • I don’t like tests.

  • I would never go to school if I could have my way.

  • I don’t like homework.

  • Most of all I like after school activities.

  • I like to learn and to study.

  1. Lesson 7. Presentation. (рефлексия)

Show and present your clusters

(Команды показывают и представляют свои кластеры), жюри подводит итоги и делает вывод, что иностранные и русские ученики молодцы, победила ДРУЖБА)

  1. Самооценка. (учащиеся оценивают свою работу одним словом)

Now, describe your work during the lesson in one word, please! (Good, well, fantastic, wonderful, beautiful, splendid, magnificent, marvelous, cool, fine, great, excellent, best, perfect, superb, ideal)

  1. Домашнее задание.

Then write down your homework. p.98 words, p. 94 Ex. 24, 25

(домашнее задание объясняется подробно).

  1. Итоги (жюри подводит итоги и делает вывод, что иностранные и русские ученики молодцы, победила ДРУЖБА)

All of you work hard today. Thank you for your work. Good bye!

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