«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Итоговые контрольные работы по английскому языку 2-4 класс.

Итоговые контрольные работы по английскому языку 2-4 класс.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Контрольнозмерительные материалы

по иностранному языку

2 - 4 класс

Контрольные работы по английскому языку (2 класс).

Контрольная работа 1. АУДИРОВАНИЕ

Послушай рассказ Алисы о ее игрушках. Выбери и отметь те картинки, на которых изображены игрушки Алисы. Среди картинок есть три лишние. Свой ответ запиши в таблицу буквами.

My name is Alice. I am 5. I have got many toys. My toys are big and little. I have got little monkeys and puppies. My monkeys and puppies are funny and nice. I have got big bears and little bears and a big elephant. My bears are brown. My elephant is grey. I have got a little bird, too. It is yellow and green, red and white. I like my toys very much.





1 2 3 4 5

Контрольная работа 2. ЧТЕНИЕ

Прочитай рассказ о девочке Розе. Определи, какие из приведённых ниже утверждений (6 -10) соответствуют содержанию текста (T - True), какие не соответствуют (F False) и о чём в тексте не сказано(DS - Doesn't say).Букву правильного ответа занеси в таблицу. My name is Rose. I'm nine years old. I'm in class 2A. My two dogs are my favourite animals. My favourite colour is yellow. I like apples, yummy! My friend's name is Andrew. He is ten and he is in class 3B. His favourite film is "Jurassic Park", but my favourite film is "Star Wars".

1. Rose's favourite animals are cats.

A) True B) False C) Doesn't say 2. Andrew's favourite animals are dogs.

A) True B) False C) Doesn't say 3. Her favoutite colour is yellow.

A) True B) False C) Doesn't say 4. Rose's friend is in class 2A too.

A) True

5. Andrew likes apples.

A) True

B) False

B) False

C) Doesn't say

C) Doesn't say

1 2 3 4 5

Контрольная работа 3. ГРАММАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКА

Прочитай текст и заполни пропуски, выбрав правильное слово. Тебе поможет картинка. Букву правильного ответа занеси в таблицу.

This is Larry's room. He's got a bed and a chair. The chair is (1)___ _ the bed! Wow! His favourite toy (2)___ _ a Teddy Bear. The toy is (3) ____ _ to the bed. Larry has got a lot of (4) ____ _, but he (5) ____ _ got a desk in his room. I don't like his room. It's untidy.

A in front of

A is

A behind

A toys

A hasn't

B on

B be

B next

B flowers

B haven't

C under

C am

C in

C books

C doesn't

1 2 3 4 5

Контрольная работа 4. ПИСЬМО

Напиши письмо своему другу по переписке. Закончи приведенные предложения. Dear Pam,

My name is _ .I am from Russia.

I live with my (16) . My favourite food is (17) _, yummy!

I can (18)_ , but I can't _ _. I like (19) _ _.

I don't like (20) _ _ . Best wishes,



1. Подружка показала тебе свою любимую игрушку. Она находится на одной из трех

картинок. Опиши ее так, чтобы учитель догадался, о какой игрушке идет речь. Скажи не менее 5 предложений.

2. Расскажи о своей любимой игрушке. Не забудь сказать, почему ты ее любишь. Скажи не менее 5 предложений

Контрольные работы по английскому языку (3 класс).

Контрольная работа 1. АУДИРОВАНИЕ

Ты услышишьрассказ Ника о том, как его семья проводит выходной день. Прослушай текст и выбери правильное окончание каждого предложения.

Hi! I'm Nick. It's Sunday today. Our family is in the country now. Dad is working in the garden. My big brother is helping him. Mum is cooking dinner. My little sister is sleeping in the bedroom. I'm drawing a picture for her. It's a lovely day. We are happy.

1. They are in the ... now.

A) town B) country C) garden 2. Dad is working in the ... .

A) garden B) kitchen C) bedroom 3. His big brother is helping ...

A) his mother

4. His Mum is in the ...

A) kitchen

B) Nick

B) bedroom

C) his father

C) garden

5. Nick is drawing a picture for his ...

A) little sister B) big brother C) Mum.

Контрольная работа 2. ЧТЕНИЕ

1. Прочитай текст и выбери заголовок, который подходит к этому тексту.

A) Myself B) My week C) My weekend

Hi, I'm Tanya.

I've got a friend. her name is Olga. She is my best friend. On Saturdays Olga and I go to the swimming pool with Olga's mother. We can swim very well. On Sundays I watch videos with Olga. She's got a table for table tennis at home. We play table tennis every Monday. On Tuesdays we play volleyball together. On Wednesdays I visit my grandpa and grandma. Olga loves computer games. We play computer games on Thursdays. We have a lot of fun! On Fridays I go to the cinema with Peter and Olga.

Прочитай текст еще раз и запиши в таблицу дни недели:

2. Tanya plays tennis.

3. They play volleyball.

4. She visits her grandpa and grandma.

4. She plays computer games.

6. She goes to the cinema.

7. She goes to the swimming pool.

8. They watch videos.

Выбери и напиши 5 предложений о том, что Таня делает вместе с Ольгой.

Образец: They go to a swimming pool on Saturdays.


__ _ 10.

__ _ 11.

__ _ 12.

__ _ 13.

__ _

Контрольная работа 3. ГРАММАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКА

Прочитай текст и выбери подходящие по смыслу слова.

Maya lives in a very big (1) ___ . There (2) ____ _ eight rooms in her house. The living room (3) ___ yellow and (4) ___ is a big sofa in it. It's her

(5) ___ favoutite room. She likes to read there. There is a lamp (6) ___ _ to the

sofa. (7) ____ _ lamp is big and bright.

1 А) living room 2 А) be

3 А) are 4 А) there 5 А) Mum 64 А) next 7 А) The


Контрольная работа 4.


В) house В) is

В) be В) here

В) Mum's В) behind

В) A

С) garden С) are

С) is С) so

С) Mums' С) by

С) These

Прочитай письмо от твоего друга по переписке о его питомце. Напиши о

своем домашнем животном и ответь на его три вопроса.

Dear friend,

I'm Jeff and I'm writing to tell you about my pet. I've got a parrot. His name is Rocky. he's got a long green tail and a big nose. His eyes are black and his legs are red. He's very nice. He can fly and talk. I love Rocky!

What pet have you got? What does your pet look like? What can he do? Best wishes,


Dear Jeff,

I'm _ _ and I'm writing to tell you about my pet. I've got a _ _ _. His nameis . He's got

__ _ ___. He can_ .I love

__ ! Best wishes,



Ты побывал в гостях у своего нового приятеля. Его дом показался тебе большим и уютным. Опиши его своим родным. Картинка и ключевые слова тебе помогут.

There are ___ rooms in Adam's house. Adam's bedroom is

__ . There is ___ _______________________ in his room. There is __ next to his room. There is a

__ downstairs. There are __ ____________________ in the living room. We can _ there. In the kitchen __.................................................I like Adam's house!

Расскажи Адаму о своем доме и своей любимой комнате в нем. Начни свой рассказ словами: In my house there are....Скажи не менее 5 предложений.

Контрольные работы по английскому языку 4 класс.

Контрольная работа 1. Аудирование

Прослушать текст и выбрать правильное утверждение:

Im Linda I’m ten. I live in Edinburgh. It is in Scotland. I have got a lot of toys. I love animals. I have got a cat and a dog. My friend Irene lives in London. I often visit her. I like tennis. My friend Irene can’t play tennis. Irene is good at basketball.


1. Linda is ten. 2. Linda is nine.


1. Linda lives in London. 2. Linda lives in Edinburgh.


1. Linda likes tennis

2. Linda is good at basketball 4.

1. Irene lives in New York 2. Irene lives in London.

Контрольная работа 2. Чтение

Прочитать текст и отметить:

1. правильное утверждение (True) 2. ошибочное (False).

I Like Living Here!

There are a lot of different places to live: cities, towns, villages. Richard lives in London. He likes living here. «The life in a large city is not boring»-he says. There are a lot of interesting

historicalplaces, libraries, theatres, cinemas and museums. He thinks the life in the city is more

exciting than in a small town or a village.

Richards cousin Perry lives in the village. He doesn’t want to live in a large city. He likes beautiful forests and lakes. He can enjoy nature. He thinks the life in the country is better than life in the city.

1. Richard lives in the city.

2. Richard doesn’t like the life in the city. 3. Perry is Richards friend.

4. Perry loves natur

5. Perry lives in Moscow.

6. Richard likes forests and lakes.

Контрольная работа 3. Грамматика и лексика

Выбрать правильный ответ и подчеркнуть 1,2 или 3 как показано в примере «0». 0. Last week we ___ to the zoo and _ 3_ _ many different animals there.

1. go … see 2. went…see

3. went saw

1. July is ___ _ summer month. 1. second

2. a second 3. the second

2. English people celebrate Christmas ___ the 25th of December. 1. at

2. in 3. on

3. There ___ no milk in the glass. 1. can

2. are 3. is

4. Jack __ lunch at school yesterday. 1. has

2. will have 3. had

5. I think Mary is ____ than Jane. 1. clever

2. cleverer

3. the cleverest

5. _ _ book is more interesting than that one. 1. That

2. This 3. Those

6. Would you like ___ juice? 1. some

2. no 3. any

Контрольная работа 4.Письмо

1. Закончить предложения. Написать 5 предложений о ваших зимних каникулах. 0. My winter holidays are in December and January.

1. I usually go to __

2. In winter I like to __ _ 3. I can ___

4. In winter we celebrate ____ _ 5. My favourite ___


1. Расскажи о своей школе: опиши свою классную комнату, расскажи о любимых предметах, перечисли, что ты делаешь на уроках.

2. Составь диалог, расположив реплики по порядку: ___Here you are.

___Hello! ___Thank you. ___Good morning.

___You are welcome.

___ Give me a cake, please

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