«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Игровой конкурс "Путешествия Гулливера"

Игровой конкурс по английскому языку состоит из пяти разделов, включающих в себя 38 заданий. На выполнение заданий дается 45 минут (по 9 минут на каждое задание). В разделах 1 и 2 предлагается посмотреть мультфильм и выполнить 10 заданий по грамматике и 5 заданий на понимание увиденного. Разделы 3 и 4 (задания по грамматике и лексике) состоит из 10 и 12 заданий соответственно. В разделе 5 (задание по письму) дано 1 задание, предлагающее написать предложение из данных слов.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Игровой конкурс «Путешествия Гулливера»

  1. Watch the cartoon “Gulliver’s travels. Shipwrecked”.

Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the verbs.

Go, begin, rise, make, hit, break, sink, be, touch, lie.

Our journey -1- well until one morning near Tasmania. A violent storm -2- . The sea -3- in great, angry waves much taller than the Antelope. The wind -4- a terrible sound. Suddenly the Antelope -5- some rocks and -6- in half. The ship -7- quickly. After a while, I -8- too tired to swim anymore. Then my feet -9- the ocean floor. I -10- down on the sand and fell into a sleep.

  1. Watch the cartoon. “Gullliver’s travels. A new adventure”.

Match the beginnings of the sentences to their endings.

Put them in the right order.

  1. We will have to walk along the shore to

  2. Then I turned and walked back to the shore to

  3. A huge giant walking through the sea was trying to

  4. Everyone at the ship was happy to

  5. The captain predicted the wind to

  6. get stronger and the storm to begin.

  7. hear “Land!”

  8. catch up with the rowboats.

  9. meet the crew.

  10. look for fresh water.

  1. Read the text. Use the words in brackets in the correct form.

Gulliver's Travels

One (1 storm) night at sea, a ship was wrecked. All the passengers on board drowned, except Lemuel Gulliver. Gulliver was an excellent (2 swim) and swam for many miles before he reached shore. Gulliver was very (3 tire) and decided to sleep.

When he woke up, he could not move. His hair, hands, legs and body were tied to the ground. He saw little (4 man) running all around him. Someone had got a tiny ladder and was climbing up to (5 he). The little man, no (6 big) than Gulliver's thumbnail, came up to his ears and said, "You are in the land of Lilliput; we are (7 Lilliput). We are taking you to (8 we) Emperor”.
Gulliver was slid on to a huge wooden structure with wheels. Finally, they arrived at the Emperor's palace. The Emperor said, "If you stay here you will have to be of service to my people," Gulliver replied, "I agree to any condition but only if you (9 tie) me." Gulliver was freed. He was provided with food and water, a house was built for him. It was a (10 monument) effort by the Lilliputians, who were all out to serve Gulliver. Gulliver stayed with the Lilliputians, helping them with many small tasks.

4. Do on-line Gulliver’s travels test


    1. Read the text and make up the sentence using the given words

TWO hundred years ago, a great deal of the world as we now know it was still undiscovered; there were yet very many islands, small and great, on which the eyes of white men had never looked, seas in which nothing bigger than an Indian canoe had ever sailed.

A voyage in those days was not often a pleasant thing, for ships then were very bluff-bowed and slow-sailing, and, for a long voyage, very ill-provided with food. There were no tinned meats two hundred years ago, no luxuries for use even in the cabin. Sailors lived chiefly on salt junk, as hard as leather, on biscuit that was generally as much weevil as biscuit, and the water that they drank was evil-smelling and bad when it had been long in the ship's casks.

So, when a man said good-bye to his friends and sailed away into the unknown, generally very many years passed before he came back,—if ever he came back at all. For the dangers of the seas were then far greater than they now are, and if a ship was not wrecked some dark night on an unknown island or uncharted reef, there was always the probability of meeting a pirate vessel and of having to fight for life and liberty. Steam has nowadays nearly done away with pirates, except on the China coast and in a few other out of the way places. But things were different long ago, before steamers were, invented; and sailors then, when they came home, had many very surprising things to tell their friends, many astonishing adventures to speak of, amongst the strange peoples that they said they had met in far-off lands. One man, who saw more wonderful things than any one else, was named Lemuel Gulliver.

Make up the sentence using the words:

lands they sailors, came adventures in home, friends. had astonishing far-off to tell their when many

Ответы :

1. Watch the cartoon. (Verbs)

1 went 6 broke

2 began 7 sank

3 rose 8 was

4 made 9 touched

5 hit 10 lay

2. Watch the cartoon. (The right order)

5- 6, 4-7, 1-10, 2-9, 3-8

  1. Read the text. Use the words in brackets in the correct form.

1 stormy 6 bigger

2 swimmer 7 Lilliputians

3 tired 8 our

4 men 9 untie

5 him 10 monumental

  1. TEST ON-LINE https://videouroki.net/tests/gulliver-s-travels.html#

  1. Make up the sentence

Long ago sailors, when they came home, had many astonishing adventures in far-off lands to tell their friends.

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