1.Прочитай рассказ и отметь утверждения, соответствующие содержанию рассказа, знаком «+», не соответствующие – знаком «–» .
My Friend
I have got a friend. His name is Tom. He is from Great Britain. He has got a mother, a father and a grandmother. Tom hasn’t got a sister or a brother. His mother is a teacher. His father is a doctor. Tom doesn’t want to be a teacher and he doesn’t want to be a doctor. He wants to be an engineer. Tom has got many toys. He likes to play with his toys. He has got a dog. His name is Rex. And his cat is Pussy. Tom and I like to play tennis.
Tom is my friend.
He has got a mother, a father and a grandfather.
Tom has got a sister and a brother.
His mother is a teacher.
His father is not a doctor.
He wants to be an engineer.
He has got a dog Spot.
He hasn’t got a cat.
Tom and I like to play tennis.
2.Составь из слов предложения.
is, name, His, Sam.
Bill, My, is, name.
driver, He, not, is, a.
play, I, to, like.
3.Расставь буквы в алфавитном порядке.
b, g, p, s, q, a, l, f, e, w, I, r, u, y, t
4.Подчеркни слова, в которых есть следующие звуки.
[і:] – see, green, please, red
[k] – kitten, can, thanks, nice
[au] – brown, two, cow, how
[eı] – name, play, and, Kate
5.Переведи следующие слова на русский язык.
sing - _________________
stick - _________________
fly - _________________
bag - _________________
6.Прочитай рассказ. Подчеркни подходящие по смыслу слова.
My friend.
I have got a (friend, green, ten). His name is (Bill, cat, jump). He is a (eight, pupil, like). He is from (bird, me, America). Bill is a good (dog, boy, girl).
7.Вставь is или are.
This ball______red.
What colour_______these pens?
The ducks_______not in the bag.
_________you from Africa?
1.Прочитай рассказ и отметь утверждения, соответствующие содержанию рассказа, знаком «+», не соответствующие – знаком «–» .
My Friend
I have got a friend. His name is Tom. He is from Great Britain. He has got a mother, a father and a grandmother. Tom hasn’t got a sister or a brother. His mother is a teacher. His father is a doctor. Tom doesn’t want to be a teacher and he doesn’t want to be a doctor. He wants to be an engineer. Tom has got many toys. He likes to play with his toys. He has got a dog. His name is Rex. And his cat is Pussy. Tom and I like to play tennis.
Tom is my friend.
He has got a mother, a father and a grandfather.
Tom has got a sister and a brother.
His mother is a teacher.
His father is not a doctor.
He wants to be an engineer.
He has got a dog Spot.
He hasn’t got a cat.
Tom and I like to play tennis.
2.Составь из слов предложения.
is, name, His, Sam.
Bill, My, is, name.
driver, He, not, is, a.
play, I, to, like.
3.Расставь буквы в алфавитном порядке.
b, g, p, s, q, a, l, f, e, w, I, r, u, y, t
4.Подчеркни слова, в которых есть следующие звуки.
[і:] – see, green, please, red
[k] – kitten, can, thanks, nice
[au] – brown, two, cow, how
[eı] – name, play, and, Kate
5.Переведи следующие слова на русский язык.
sing - _________________
stick - _________________
fly - _________________
bag - _________________
6.Прочитай рассказ. Подчеркни подходящие по смыслу слова.
My friend.
I have got a (friend, green, ten). His name is (Bill, cat, jump). He is a (eight, pupil, like). He is from (bird, me, America). Bill is a good (dog, boy, girl).
7.Вставь is или are.
This ball______red.
What colour_______these pens?
The ducks_______not in the bag.
_________you from Africa?
1.Прочитай рассказ и отметь утверждения, соответствующие содержанию рассказа, знаком «+», не соответствующие – знаком «–» .
My Friend
I have got a friend. His name is Tom. He is from Great Britain. He has got a mother, a father and a grandmother. Tom hasn’t got a sister or a brother. His mother is a teacher. His father is a doctor. Tom doesn’t want to be a teacher and he doesn’t want to be a doctor. He wants to be an engineer. Tom has got many toys. He likes to play with his toys. He has got a dog. His name is Rex. And his cat is Pussy. Tom and I like to play tennis.
Tom is my friend.
He has got a mother, a father and a grandfather.
Tom has got a sister and a brother.
His mother is a teacher.
His father is not a doctor.
He wants to be an engineer.
He has got a dog Spot.
He hasn’t got a cat.
Tom and I like to play tennis.
2.Составь из слов предложения.
is, name, His, Sam.
Bill, My, is, name.
driver, He, not, is, a.
play, I, to, like.
3.Расставь буквы в алфавитном порядке.
b, g, p, s, q, a, l, f, e, w, I, r, u, y, t
4.Подчеркни слова, в которых есть следующие звуки.
[і:] – see, green, please, red
[k] – kitten, can, thanks, nice
[au] – brown, two, cow, how
[eı] – name, play, and, Kate
5.Переведи следующие слова на русский язык.
sing - _________________
stick - _________________
fly - _________________
bag - _________________
6.Прочитай рассказ. Подчеркни подходящие по смыслу слова.
My friend.
I have got a (friend, green, ten). His name is (Bill, cat, jump). He is a (eight, pupil, like). He is from (bird, me, America). Bill is a good (dog, boy, girl).
7.Вставь is или are.
This ball______red.
What colour_______these pens?
The ducks_______not in the bag.
_________you from Africa?