«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Урок "Беларусь- Шотландия"

Данный урок построен на использовании ИКТ. Учащиеся знакомятся с традициями и культурой Шотландии,общаясь с носителями по Skype, а также делятся информацией о своей стране. Урок включает танцевальные элементы

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Тема: Телемост: Шотландия-Беларусь

Тип: урок комплексных применений знаний с использованием ИКТ

Цели урока:

Образовательная цель: совершенствование навыков говорения по теме

Сопутствующие задачи:

Совершенствование навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух

Прогнозируемый результат : предполагается, что к концу урока учащиеся смогут рассказать о традициях и кухне Шотландии, высказать свое отношение к ним, провести сравнение с белорусскими традициями и кухней.

Развивающая цель: способствовать развитию всех видов мыслительной деятельности (анализ, синтез, обобщение)

Способствовать формированию умения выражать личное отношение к поставленной проблеме

Воспитательная цель:

Расширить страноведческие знания по данной теме.

Воспитывать  уважительное отношение  к иноязычной культуре и патриотические чувства к своей стране.

Познавательная ценность

Это мероприятие обогащает детей новыми знаниями о своей стране и о Шотландии. Разговор с носителем языка  позволяет лучше узнать, улучшить и расширить страноведческие  знания по данной теме.

Оборудование: плакат «Дружба народов», демонстрационный материал (изображения символов, достопримечательностей, национальных блюд),значки с шотландским флагом, техническое оборудование для использования Skype, презентация, костюмы для танцев.

Ход урока

Good morning dear pupils, hope you are fine and will take an active part in our activity .Today we are going to have an unusual one -it’s satellite link between Belarus and one more country. What country it is going to be I suppose you will guess by yourself. Please have a look at the blackboard. As you can see there are some pictures here. Let’s see if you know what they mean.

( children name the symbols and sights of Scotland which they know).

Ok. Some of them are known to you but some aren’t. So how do you think what country they are related to? You are right the other country we are connecting with today is Scotland. Now could you tell me what the aims of our lesson are?(pupils’ answers)

Right. We are going to have a talk on Skype with a Scottish person Claire to learn more about this country ,its symbols , national cuisine, sights ,music and just practise our speaking skills. Before switching on Skype let’s see what facts you know about Scotland

  • What is the location of Scotland?

  • What language is spoken in Scotland?

  • What area does Scotland occupy?

  • What is Scotland famous for?

  • What is the highest mountain in Scotland?

Ok it’s high time for Skype

(Switching on Skype)

Teacher: Hello, Claire , how are you? We would like to invite you to take part in our activity and tell our pupils about your country , its sights and cuisine and some other interesting things. Usually we learn a lot about England, but very little about Scotland.

(Claire is introducing her family, the place she lives in).


Pupil 1: You have told you visited Belarus several times but mostly you visited Mogilev and Mogilev region and we’d like to tell you some things about the whole country.

(Pupil is speaking about Belarus, its sights and position).

Pupil 2: Do you know what the name of our country means?

(Speaking about the origin of the name of our country).

Are there any legends about the origin of the name of your country?

3. Pupil 3: Claire, could we ask you a question, please? (showing the picture of a thistle). What plant is it and what it symbolizes? ( Claire is speaking about the legend of that symbol). It’s so interesting. We have some symbols of Belarus as well. Do you know what they are?

(showing the pictures and then Pupil 3 tells about the stork, the cornflower and the bison).


Pupil 4: Claire, are you fond of music? Is folk music popular in Scotland?

(Claire is speaking).

We have our Belarusian music as well. We could tell you a little bit about it

( A pupil is speaking about music).

- Claire, my friend Masha would like to perform one of Belarusian dances for you

(Masha is dancing).

Teacher: Claire , we have a surprise for you. Our girl Margarita is fond of both the English language and British music. Today she would like to show you a Scottish dance( Margarita is dancing).


– We hope you have enjoyed our girls’ performances . They tried to do their best.

Pupil 6: Claire, we have one picture which we couldn’t recognize. Could you explain to us , please, what it is?

(Showing haggis).

  • Is it your national Scottish dish and how often do you eat it?

(Claire is speaking about Scottish cuisine)

Pupil 7: Claire, we have Belarusian national dishes as well.

(Showing pictures of Draniki, Machanka, Beetroot soup).

- Do you know what they are? Have you ever tried them?

(Claire’s answers).

  • Would you like to listen to about our favorite meal?

(Polina is telling about Belarusian cuisine and what national dishes are made from).


Pupil 3 Claire , we know you are coming to Belarus in March, so if you have got interested in some facts or sights of our country, we would be happy to show them to you in reality. Welcome to Belarus.

Pupil 8: Thank you very much for telling us such interesting things about your country.

Pupil 1: It was really exciting to have a talk with an English-speaking person.

Pupil 2: Thanks a lot. During today’s conversation we have really learnt much more information about your country, which we have never heard about.

Teacher: Ok, I think , it’s time to say goodbye to Claire. We are very grateful to you for being so kind and taking part in our activity. See you in March. Hope we will be in touch.


Teacher: Our activity is going to the end and we would like you to share your impression about it. We are going to give you special cards in the shape of hands and you are to write on them the things which you liked most of all or which you’ve heard about for the first time.

(Pupils are writing and sticking the cards of a big sheet of paper with joined Belarusian and Scottish flags , commenting their opinions).


Teacher: Thanks a lot. I hope you have enjoyed today’s conversation. As a good memory of it we would like to present you special badges with Scottish flag.

We want to finish our extra-class activity with a popular Scottish song “My Bonnie is over the ocean”

(Children are singing and watching the presentation of photos taken in Scotland).

Thanks a lot. Have a good day.


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