«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2024»

Театрализованное представление "O'Henry"

Театрализованное представление к157годовщине со дня рождения О"Генри

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

1862 – 1910)

The Great Consoler”

(a theatrical performance to the 157th anniversary

of O’Henry’s birthday)

Composed by:

Zelenina G.P.

School № 13, Novosibirsk

March 06, 2019

A List of the Literary Works

Used in the Performance:

1. О’Генри. Собрание сочинений в 3-х томах. – М.: Правда, 1975.

2. Писатели нашего детства. Биографический словарь «100 имен».

3. Энциклопедия для детей. М.: Всемирная литература.

4. Тайна О’Генри. Журнал «Будь здоров», № 11, 2000.

5. Детская литература. М., 1976.

6. English. Учебники английского языка для 9, 10 классов средней школы под ред. П. Б. Гурвича, Владимир, 1996.

A List of the Musical Works

Used in the Performance:

1. Country and Western. Пластинка.

2. L. Armstrong. Summertime. CD “What a wonderful World”.

3. We sing America. Аудиокассета с записью песен американских школьников.

4. All that Jazz. CD “Chicago”, musical.

5. Hit the Road Jack. CD “Evergreen Melodies”.

6. Bensonhurst Blues. CD “Golden Rock Ballads”.

7. CD “Superinstrumental”.

A List of the Video Films

Used in the Performance:

1. “Вождь краснокожих” (TV video “Дороги, которые мы выбираем”).

A List of the Stories

Referred to in the performance:

  1. The Princess and the Puma” («Принцесса и пума»).

  2. Witches’ Loaves” («Чародейные хлебцы»).

  3. Makes the Whole World Kin” («Родственные души»).

  4. The Cop and the Anthem” («Фараон и хорал»).

  5. Cupid a la Carte” («Купидон порционно»).

  6. While the Auto Waits” («Пока ждет автомобиль»).

  7. A Lickpenny Lover” («Грошовый поклонник»).

  8. The Ransom of Red Chief” («Вождь краснокожих»).

  9. Strictly Business” («Деловые люди»).

  10. Cabbages and Kings” («Короли и капуста»).

TEACHER 1: In December, 2002 we celebrate the 140th anniversary of O’Henry’s birthday, one of the most interesting American short story tellers. His real name was William Sydney Porter. Today our party is devoted to him. We hope you’ll enjoy yourselves. Let’s begin!

TEACHER 2: (Russian translation).

MUSIC (“We love the USA”).

  1. Two girls march.

  1. Two comperes appear.

COMPERE 1: Ladies and gentlemen! William Sydney Porter!

COMPERE 2: Dear friends! Mr. O’Henry by his pen-name.

  1. O’Henry appears and greets everybody.

  1. WORDS ON THE AUDIO CASSETTE: “John F. Kennedy said during his Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”.”

COMPERE 1: В своем обращении к нации на инногурации Джон Ф. Кеннеди сказал: «Не спрашивай, что твоя страна может сделать для тебя, а что ты можешь сделать для своей страны».

  1. (Comperes approach each other.)

COMPERE 2: Is the real America, American life depicted in O’Henry’s stories? Yes, it’s American life but mainly shown in the genre of review and musical comedy so beloved by the Americans.

Подлинно ли Америка, американская жизнь изображены в рассказах О.Генри? Да, это американская жизнь, но по большей части показанная в столь излюбленном самими американцами жанре ревю, музыкальной комедии.

COMPERE 1: Playing the role of an actor, a producer, a compere in this performance, the author of this stories is the figure which is much more complicated than he may seem to the reader at first sight.

Автор этих рассказов, выступающий также в роли актера, постановщика и конферансье в показываемом представлении, фигура более сложная, чем может показаться (читателю) при первом знакомстве.

(The comperes go away.)

  1. Correspondents appear.

CORRESPONDENT 1: Mr. Porter, Mr. Porter…

CORRESPONDENT 2: May we ask you a few questions?

CORRESPONDENT 3: I say, sir, listen, look here!

CORRESPONDENT 4: Just a minute, sir, just a minute!

CORRESPONDENT 1: Little is known about your private life.

CORRESPONDENT 2: Will you, please, tell us about your roots?

CORRESPONDENT 3: Your family?

CORRESPONDENT 4: About your green years?

O’HENRY: I was born in 1862 in Greensboro, North Carolina in the south of the USA. My farther was a village doctor, I lost my mother too early.

CORRESPONDENT 1: Is it true that you tried many jobs?

O’HENRY: Yes, quite right you are. At 15 I left school and worked in a drug store, in a shop, on a farm.

CORRESPONDENT 2: That was why you got a good experience of a country life.

O’HENRY: Oh, I lived in the steppe of Texas on a farm for 2 years and dealt with cowboys and hobos.

(The comperes approach each other.)

COMPERE 1: And he really knew the country life very well.

COMPERE 2: And he really sympathized with the ordinary people of the country.

  1. MUSIC (“Country and Western”).

The dance “Country” (6a). (2 boys, 2 girls and 2 horses)

  1. MUSIC (guitar).

COMPERE 1: Who’s there?

COMPERE 2: It’s Miss O’Donnel from the story “The Princess and the Puma”, who lived on a farm.

The song “Burn them Trees” (9г):

  1. I came out a Texas, the smartest guy around:

I guessed this sure was the time to buy myself some ground,

Cause there ain’t many takers for all these lousy acres,

But I mighty happy with the set up that I’ve found.

Chorus: Burn them trees! Burn them trees!

There ain’t gonna be no room for trees!

Cause there’s fifty thousand head o’cattle need some place to roam

For the ‘beefburgeer market back home!

  1. I figure on lightin’ me a dandy little fire;

It sure is a pretty show you got to admire,

With the flames all a roarin’, the splinters all asoarin’,

And soon I’ll have gotten me the place that I require.


  1. I don’t care (on) a nickel (me) for them that’s in my way.

They’ve just got to succumb to the pressures of today.

All these damn nuisance farmers and injuns that alarm us

Can sure reconsider if they’re fixin’ to stay.


  1. This land here’s a killer, and when it’s doggone clear

It sure ain’t no easy place to fatten up a steer;

But I ain’t gonna fretten, ‘cause when the grass is eaten

I’ll more on to some place else and clear out here.

(Shout) Yee – Hi!

  1. O’Henry and the correspondents appear again.

CORRESPONDENT 3: They say, Mr. Porter, that some of your stories are autobiographical.

O’HENRY: Well, I borrowed my characters from real life. For example, I worked for 12 years as a draftsman and learned that profession very well.

CORRESPONDENT 4: Oh, does it concern the story “Witches’ Loaves” as well?

O’HENRY: Sure, it’s true to fact.

COMPERE 2: Remember the story “Witches’ Loaves”? The character was draftsman, whose work Porter knew in details.

  1. The dramatization of the story “Witches’ Loaves” («Чародейные хлебцы»).

The characters: Storyteller, Miss Martha, Draftsman.

Witches’ Loaves”

STORYTELLER: Miss Martha had a small bakery. She was neither rich nor very poor. She had 2000 thousand dollars in a bank. Miss Martha was forty years old. She was a kind woman and she hoped to get married some day.

Two or tree times a week a customer came to buy some bread. Miss Martha thought he was a foreigner. Miss Martha began to take an interest in him. Usually he bought two loaves of stale bread. Fresh bread was five cents a loaf. Stale bread was two loaves for five cents.

DRAFTSMAN: Good morning, mam. Two loaves of stale bread, please.

MISS MARTHA: Here they are, sir.

DRAFTSMAN: Thank you. Good-bye!

MISS MARTHA: Good-bye, sir!

STORYTELLER: Miss Martha thought he was an artist and very poor.

MISS MARTHA: He is an artist, I believe. Perhaps, he lives in a small cold room where he draws his pictures. He eats stale bread and thinks of the tasty things which I have on sale in my bakery.

STORYTELLER: One day she brought a picture. There was a beautiful palace in the picture.

DRAFTSMAN: Two loaves of stale bread, please.

MISS MARTHA: Yes, please, sir.

DRAFTSMAN: You have here a fine picture, madam.

MISS MARTHA: Really? I am crazy about arts and … and … about painting. Do you think it is a good picture?

DRAFTSMAN: Well, the palace is not so good. Good morning, mam. (He goes away.)

MISS MARTHA: Yes, he must be an artist. I am sure of it! What an excellent man he is! How clever he is! How clever! And he has to eat stale bread only!

STORYTELLER: How she wanted to help him! She wanted to share with him all the good things she had in her bakery.

One day the customer came in as usual.

DRAFTSMAN: Good day, mam. Two loaves of stale bread, please.

STORYTELLER: Suddenly they heard something in the street.

DRAFTSMAN: Oh, what is there? (He ran up to the window.)

STORYTELLER: At that moment a bright idea came to Miss Martha.

MISS MARTHA: I must help him! I must give him something tasty! Poor thing! (She cuts the loaves, puts some butter inside them, the n puts the loaves into a paper bag.)

DRAFTSMAN: Thanks, mam. A good day, isn’t it? Good-bye! (He goes away.)

STORYTELLER: After he had gone, Miss Martha smiled to herself. She was sure that the artist would not be angry.

MISS MARTHA: Now he comes home and sits down to his dinner of stale bread and water … Now he cuts into the loaf … Ah! Will he think of the hand that put the butter into the bread? Will he thank me? Will he…?

STORYTELLER: Suddenly her artist ran into the bakery.

DRAFTSMAN: You… you…! Fool! You have spoiled everything! I am a draftsman. It took me three months to draw a plan for a new building. It was for a prize competition. I worked very hard. I finished it yesterday. I always make my drawing in pencil first. After that I ink the lines. When it is done, I rub out the pencil lines. But you… you put that butter! It is not good for paper! Can you, stupid woman, understand it? Now my plan can be used only as a paper for sandwiches! (He tears the plan into pieces.) You are an ugly old cat! Old cat! (He runs away.)

STORYTELLER: Miss Martha sighed. Her heart was broken.

  1. COMPERE 1: It was in Ostin, the state of Texas, where Porter published his first literary works and issued the humorous weekly “The Rolling Stones”.

COMPERE 2: But it was also in Ostin where he worked in a bank as an accountant and a cashier. Once he was accused of having stolen 500$, had to run to New Orleans and later on to Honduras.

COMPERE 1: But when he had learnt about his wife’s illness he came back, was arrested and put into prison. Perhaps, those were the worst days in his life. The prison was awful and he described its horrors in his first letter:

MUSIC (“Summertime”)

O’HENRY: (He sits and writes a letter.) «Никогда нее думал, что жизнь человеческая может так дешево стоить. На людей здесь смотрят, как на животных. Рабочий день – 13 часов, и тех, кто не выполнит работу, ждет наказание. Для большинства это верная гибель. Если человек изнемог на работе, его волокут вниз, в подвал, и подставляют под струю из брандспойта, бьющую с такой силой, что он теряет сознание. Страдание и смерть повседневно окружают меня.» (He covers his head with his hands.)

COMPERE 2: Though Porter was shocked he never showed it to his daughter. On the contrary, his letters to her were warm, optimistic, rather funny.

MUSIC (“America, America”)

O’HENRY: (He writes.) “Dear Margaret! I received your long nice letter long ago. How glad I was! I’m so sorry you’ve hurt your leg. Poor thing!”

DAUGHTER: (She continues to read the received letter.) “You couldn’t have known that that bad old horse would bite you! When you walk along the street, be careful: don’t feed unfamiliar dogs, don’t shake hands with cats and don’t deal with electric trams.” (She goes on reciting the letter.) “Perhaps, you’ve already begin to attend school again. I hope you like your studies and are not too busy at school. When a man is grown up he is never sorry for having studied and learnt as much as he could. Then he is capable to do everything easier. And if he likes to read and to study he can always find what to do and amuse himself. Even if he is surrounded by angry and dull faces and everything isn’t what he would like to see.” Oh, daddy, I miss you so greatly. I’ll be happy to see you as soon as possible. I love you so much!

  1. CORRESPONDENT 1: Mr. Porter, in 1901 you left prison and moved to New York.

CORRESPONDENT 2: You decided to become a professional writer at the age of 40 and took the pen-name of O’Henry.

CORRESPONDENT 3: Nobody knows for sure where you have taken it from.

CORRESPONDENT 4: Perhaps, from newspaper chronicles. (Then he turns to the audience and translates: «Возможно, из газетных хроник.»)

CORRESPONDENT 1: Maybe you borrowed it from Ossian Henry, the author of the pharmaceutical reference book.

Может быть, заимствовали у Оссиана Генри, автора фармацевтического справочника.

CORRESPONDENT 2: Maybe you took this pen-name from the old cowboy song: “Along came my true lover, about 12 o’clock. Saying Henry: “What sentence have you got?””

Может быть, вы взяли псевдоним из старой ковбойской песенки: «Вернулся любимый в 12 часов. Скажи мне, о Генри, какой приговор?»

O’HENRY: I won’t tell you. Let it be my secret.

  1. COMPERE 1: O’Henry wrote about 250 stories. In general, all of them can be divided into 2 topics: “country life” and “a big city”. His only novel “Cabbages and Kings” belongs to the first one.

COMPERE 2: The characters of the first series are cowboys, bandits, gangsters, swindlers, farmers. But their life seems to be rather merry and easy. Just recall his cycle “Heart of the West”.

  1. MUSIC. The dance (9г) (танец-сценка из ковбойской жизни – 3 boys and 3 girls).

  1. COMPERE 1: The second series is devoted to New York, “the city of the 4 million” with its mixed population.

COMPERE 2: In these stories you meet clerks, secretaries, exchange kings, waiters and waitresses, workers of workshops, shop-girls, drivers and cabmen, reporters, actors and thieves.

COMPERE 1: O’Henry spent much time walking along the streets of New York, or “papa Nickerboker” it was its nickname («папаша Никербокер»).

COMPERE 2: But the main features of this stories are his bright humour and an unexpected end. His language is funny, his humour is kind.

COMPERE 1: (He reads very quickly or recites. – “The Pendulum”, «Маятник», vol. 2, p. 26) “Дорогой Джон! Только что получил телеграмму, что мама очень больна. Еду поездом 4.30. мой брат Сэм встретит меня на станции. В леднике есть холодная баранина. Надеюсь, что это у нее не ангина. Заплати молочнику 50 центов. Прошлой весной у нее тоже был тяжелый приступ. Не забудь написать в газовую компанию про счетчик. Твои хорошие носки в верхнем ящике. Завтра напишу. Тороплюсь. Кэти.” Уф!

COMPERE 2: Do you hear the steps of the thief from the story “Makes the whole world kin”? Ah, here he is!

Makes the Whole World Kin”

(«Родственные души»)


(Вор крадется, человек в постели просыпается.)

THIEF: Лежать тихо! Руки вверх!

MAN (садится в постели и поднимает одну руку(правую)).

THIEF: А ну-ка вторую! Вы умеете считать до двух? Ну, живо!

MAN: Не могу поднять эту.(морщится).

THIEF: А что с ней такое?

MAN: Ревматизм в плече.

THIEF: Острый?

MAN: Был острый. Теперь хронический. (стонет. Вор морщится тоже). Перестаньте корить рожи пришли грабить, так грабьте. Забирайте, что есть.

THIEF: Прошу прощенья. Вам, знаете ли, повезло, ведь мы с ревматизмом старые приятели. И тоже левой. Всякий другой на моем месте продырявил бы вас на сквозь, когда вы не подняли свою левую клешню.

MAN: Скажите пожалуйста, и давно у вас?

THIEF: Пятый год. Да теперь уж не отвяжется. Стоит только заполучить это удовольствие – пиши пропало.

MAN: А вы не пробовали жир гремучей змеи?

THIEF:Галлонами изводил. Если всех гремучих змей, которых я обезжирил, вытянуть цепочкой, так она 8 раз достанет от Земли до Сатурна.

MAN: Некоторые принимают «Пилюли Чизельма».

THIEF: Шарлатанство. Пять месяцев глотал эту дрянь. Никакого толку. Вот когда я пил «Экстракт Финкельхера»…

MAN: Финкельхема.

THIEF: Ну да, Финкельхера, и применял «Поттовский болеутоляющий пульвелизатор», вроде как немного полегчало. Только сдается мне, что помог мне конский каштан, который я таскал в левом кармане.

MAN: Вас когда хуже донимает, по утрам или ночью?

THIEF: Ночью. Когда самая работа. Слушайте, да вы опустите руку. А вот скажите, «Бликер», «Бликер» черт! (вынимает записку, револьвер передает человеку, тот чешет им подбородок).

MAN: «Бликерстафовский…» (задумчиво). Нет, не приходилось. А у вас как – приступами или все время ноет?

THIEF: (приседает на кровать) Скачками. Набрасывается, когда не ждешь. Пришлось отказаться от верхних этажей.

MAN: Я так вас понимаю.

THIEF: Знаете, что я вам скажу: ни черта в этой болезни доктора не смыслят.

MAN: И я так считаю. Потратил тысячу долларов и все впустую! (вскидывает руку, морщится, вор помогает ему ее опустить). У вас распухает?

THIEF: По утрам. А уж перед дождем – просто мочи нет: Адовы муки. (закуривает, дает человеку).

MAN: Да, да, вы правы. Адовы. (курят переглядываются улыбаются, вздыхают, вор снимает с человека пушинку).

THIEF: Послушайте, приятель, а вы не пробовали оподельдок?

MAN: Чушь! С таким же успехом можно втирать коровье масло.

THIEF: Правильно. Скажу вам прямо: только одна вещь на свете помогает – хорошая выпивка. Послушайте, приятель, вы на меня не серчайте. Одевайтесь-ка и пойдемте выпьем.

MAN: Черт возьми, скоро неделя, как я не одеваюсь без посторонней помощи. Боюсь, что слуга уже лег.

THIEF: Ничего, вылезайте из своего логова. Вот ваши брюки. Ныряйте в них. (помогает ему одеваться).

MAN: Слушайте, чуть не ушел без денег. Выложил их вчера в холле.

THIEF: Ладно, пошли. Я вас приглашаю. На выпивку хватит. Скажите, а вы не пробовали мочу молодого поросенка?

MAN: Нет, не пробовал. Любопытно. Ну-ка, ну-ка… (уходят под руку обсуждают) (человек с тростью, в пальто, шляпе).


  1. COMPERE 2: O’Henry sees the problem of small poor people in a big city. He feels sorry for their fate and points to their loneliness and the importance of a chance in their fate.

COMPERE 1: Such was the fate of Soppy, the main character of “The Cop and the Anthem”, who dreamt to be taken to a warm prison on Christmas Eve, but all was in vain. But when he decided to begin a new life of an honest man, he was taken to prison by a policeman.


(Сценка-танец «Фараон и хорал») (10б)

Слова по ходу:

COP: Who’s done it?

HOBO: Don’t you think that it’s me?

COP: Get away!

(Бродяга пристает к 2-м девушкам.)

HOBO: Shall we walk along?

(Девушки вскрикивают.)

HOBO: Now get busy and call a cop. Don’t keep a gentleman waiting.

(Девушки убегают. Появляется мужчина с зонтом.)

HOBO: (вырывает зонт) Its my umbrella!

MAN: Oh, is it? Excuse me ,I picked it up in a restaurant this morning. (уходит)

(Бродяга подбирает окурок, бросает и т. д. Стелет газету, ложится на лавку, спит. Подходит полицейский.)

COP: What are you doing here?

HOBO: Nothing!

COP: Then, come along!

  1. (Three heroines appear. They lead O’Henry by the hand.)

O’HENRY: Oh, ladies, stop it!

MAYMY: No, my dear, we are your characters, you must listen to us.

Cupid a la Carte”

MAYMY: I want to tell you one thing. Do you know what a man is? It’s a grave! It’s a sarcophagus for burying beefsteaks, cutlets, and bacon and eggs. And nothing else! For two years I have seen men who eat, eat and eat, so that they become chewing animals. A man is something that sits at the table with a knife and a folk in his hands. That’s what I think of them. A man, a meat-chopper, and a cupboard produce the same impression on me. – Мужчина, мясорубка и кухонный шкаф производят на меня одинаковое впечатление. – Once I was at the theatre. But when I looked at the famous actor I thought only what kind of beefsteak he likes: with blood, half-raw or fried. And nothing else. Oh, no! I’ll never get married! Why should I watch him coming to have breakfast and eating, coming back for dinner and eating, and at last running for supper and eating, eating, eating. Oh, never, never, never!

(ЧЕРЕНТАЕВА): And I am a girl from the story “While the Auto Waits. My surname is too famous to tell you. It is published in newspapers. Frankly speaking, I am sick and tired of money – it is always money and money. I feel ill from entertainments, diamonds, parties, splendour. When you have millions of dollars… All these dinners, theaters, balls … Sometimes even ice in my glass of champagne makes me mad. – Иногда даже лед в моем бокале с шампанским сводит меня с ума. – We, rich people, break customs and traditions. A week ago at dinner in Madison Avenue a green leather glove was put for each person to eat olives. – Неделю назад за обедом на Мэдисон Авеню перед каждым приглашенным была положена зеленая лайковая перчатка, чтобы кушать маслины. – If only I could fall in love with an ordinary man! But my status doesn’t allow it. Have you noticed the white auto with the red wheels? It is waiting for me there, at the corner of the street. My driver is ready to take me anywhere I wish. Oh, my richness makes me feel dull!

MAZY: And I am Mazy, a shop-girl from “A Lickpenny Lover”. Oh, ladies, just imagine! Irving Carter said he loves me. He said we would go to the happy country of palaces, and towers, of pictures and statues. He made a proposal to marry him. Does he think I am a simpleton (простушка)? Instead of a wedding tour he wanted to take me to Coni Island! And I said “No” and “No”.

MUSIC (“Hit the Road, Jack”) (The girl dances.)

MAZY: And now, let’s go, sisters! (The girls go away.)

O’HENRY: Stop, ladies, wait a minute! (He follows them.)

  1. (There is great noise, cries. Bill, boy, Sam appear – 8г.)

BILL: Oh, stop it! Oh, heavens! Oh, my god!

SAM: You, bad boy, stop, I tell you!

BOY: (издает индейский клич)

COMPERE 2: Who are you?

BOY: I am Red Chief. Can’t you see!

COMPERE 1: It’s the story “The Ransom of Red Chief”, I guess.

BILL: Oh, mam, help me, please. I can’t stand it any more! Look, he bit me on my leg!

BOY: Hush, you dirty Indian! (замахивается)

SAM: Take it easy, sonny, take it easy!

BOY: Hell! You are my horse. (садится на него, и все убегают)

TV VIDEO (Отрывок из «Вождя краснокожих»)

  1. Cherry appears at the entrance. She switches off the video player and greets everybody.

CHERRY: Phi, what’s the trouble? Hello, it’s me, Miss Cherry, an actress from “Strictly Business”.

MUSIC ( from the musical “Chicago” and “All that Jazz”)

Words on the phonogram (he and she open their mouths).

HE: Listen, her husband isn’t at home, is he?

SHE: No, her husband is not at home.

ALL: (выглядывают из-за кулис) Ha-ha-haAnd all that Jazz.

SHE: …, Fred.

HE: Yes, I’m afraid so, Rusty.

SHE: Oh, Fred!

ALL: Oh, Fred! (выглядывают из-за кулис).

HE: Ya?

SHE: Nobody wants that on, may.

(A gunshot.)

HE: Oh, my sweetheart!

SHE: Oh, don’t wake up me, you, son of a beech!

HE: Woopy!

SHE: Hutcher!

HE: Jazz.

SHE: I’ve got a pain.

  1. The comperes appear.

COMPERE 2: Here we are at last. We wouldn’t like to speak about O’Henry’s last days. They were sad and lonely.

MUSIC (“That wonderful world”).

COMPERE 1: He owned the rare gift of watching something funny and ridiculous though he met face to face with the tragic and the sad in real life. But he often preferred to keep silence about it.

COMPERE 2: Наделенный от природы редким даром видеть веселое и смешное, он столкнулся в жизни с трагическим и печальным, но в большинстве случаев предпочел об этом молчать.

COMPERE 1: Such were this amazing O’Henry and his characters – Таким был этот удивительный О. Генри и его персонажи.

COMPERE 2: Such was this merry American with the sad face – Таким был этот веселый американец с невеселой судьбой.

COMPERE 1: “The greatest consoler of all times”.

COMPERE 2: «Великий утешитель» вовсе времена.



к представленной разработке «Театрализованное представление “Великий утешитель” к 140-летию со дня рождения О. Генри (писатель и его герои)»

Данное представление было подготовлено, разработано и проведено как одно из мероприятий, ежегодно проводимых в рамках «Клуба любителей английского языка».

Цель его – повышение мотивации к обучению иностранного языка, пропаганда и развитие творческого потенциала учащихся, стимуляция умения и навыков в процессе обучения английскому языку.

Представление предназначалось для учащихся 9-11 классов. Были привлечены ребята с 6 по 11 классы (37 человек). Мероприятие проходило в актовом зале школы.

Представление проводилось в основном на английском языке и включало песни, танцы, инсценировки наиболее ярких рассказов писателя, представление любимых героев, изображение наиболее важных моментов жизни и творчества О. Генри.

В качестве музыкального фоно были использованы наиболее популярные и выразительные произведения англо-американской культуры, мюзиклы, народные песни в стиле кантри, песни американских школьников, джазовые композиции и современные хиты.

Представление способствовало реализации на практике темы МО учителей иностранного языка школы «От творчества учителя к творчеству учащихся».


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