«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Task case on the topic of Health. Lifestyle. Treatment and illnesses (6 Form)

папка заданий на тему Здоровье

Задания на лексику и грамматику

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

1. At the Dentist’s

Student: Hello, doctor! May I come in?

Doctor: Hi! Come in, please. Sit down. What’s your name?

Student: My name is ______________.

Doctor: Your age?

Student: I am 16.

Doctor: What’s the matter?

Student: An awful toothache, doctor.

Doctor: An awful toothache? Let me see. Open your mouth, please. Wider, please. Your teeth are OK.

Student: Oh, doctor, an awful toothache. I can’t go to school.

Doctor: Oh, you can’t go to school... Now I see. I’ll take your tooth out. The nurse, give me the instruments.

Nurse: Is it what you want, doctor?

Doctor: Yes, it is. Thank you.

Nurse: My pleasure.

Student: Oh, doctor, what’s that? My tooth is OK. I’ll go to school. Bye, doctor.  .

Doctor: Bye (берет в руки щипцы, и обращаясь к зрителям, говорит): A very good instrument  for  lazy  students .

2.      At the   phthisiatrician

Doctor: Would you like to come in?

Patient: Thank you. (He coughs badly).

Doctor: That cough sounds really very bad. How long have you had it?

Patient: For about two weeks.

Doctor: I think I should listen to your chest and lungs. Breathe in deeply, that’s right, and once more, please. Sit down. I’m going to take your blood pressure and feel your pulse.


You are seriously ill. By the way, do you smoke?

Patient: Yes, I do.

Doctor: You shouldn’t smoke at all.

Patient: Oh, doctor, I’m afraid. What should I do?

Doctor: First of all stop smoking, take regular exercises, eat healthy food and go in for sports.

Patient: Thanks, doctor. I’ll follow your advice.

- Great! It was Doctor Smith’s  advice how to be healthy and to keep fit       

3.      At the   pediatrician

Patient:   Good-day, doctor.

Doctor: Good-day. What is your name?

Patient: My name is __________.

Doctor: What's the matter with you?

Patient: I've a headache, a sore throat and a running temperature.

Doctor: First of all: Put the thermometer under  your  arm . I shall feel your pulse. Give me your hand, please. Thanks. So, let me examine your throat. Where is a small spoon? Open your mouth, please. Your throat is red. Let me listen to your heart and lungs. Breathe .Give me a thermometer.

Patient: What's the matter with me, doctor?

Doctor:   You have a very high temperature .You have a bad cold. You must stay in bed for 2 days, until your temperature is normal and you stop coughing. I shall prescribe you some medicine. you should take it 3 times a day  .Ask your mother to go to the chemist's and get the medicine. Now I shall give you a tablet for headache. But the main thing for you is to stay in bed until you feel better and keep warm.  .

Patient: Can I drink hot milk with honey?

Doctor: Yes, it would be nice. And take vitamins.

Patient: OK. Thank you, doctor.

Doctor:   If you don't feel better, call me in 714291. Bye.

to cough, medicine, pain, to sneeze, throat, diet, to examine, patient, to suffer, to recover

 a.   To look at something or someone carefully in order to find out something b.   Someone who is receiving medical treatment c.   To force air from the lungs with a sudden sound. d.  To loudly blow air out of your nose in a sudden uncontrolled way e.   Something special that you take to treat an illness f.   A bad feeling in part of your body when you are hurt or become ill g. To feel better and to become fit again after an illness or injury. h.  What one usually eats and drinks i. To feel pain j. The front of the neck 

more или less a.     You should eat … fat food to lose your weight.

b.     You should walk … to be healthy.

c.      You should eat … fruit and vegetables. They are useful for your health.

d.     Doctors advise to smoke … and to exercise ….

e.      You should eat … sugar-rich foods.

f.       You should eat … fibre-rich foods.


Doing sports; health; go in for sport; physical exercises; healthy; medicine 

If you want to feel fit you'd better ... (1). Everyone must do all he can to be ... (2) . Good health is better than the best ... (3) . All kinds of ... (4) are very useful to make our bodies strong. ... (5) must be an important part of our daily life. Good ... (6) is better than wealth.


1. Active life makes you feel happy.

2. Health is a gift of fate and it deserves our full attention.

3. A person who has a wellness lifestyle can make right decisions.

4. Wellness means more than physical health.

5. Wellness is a journey which begins at the moment of our birth.

6. The quality of man’s life depends on his lifestyle.

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Robin, Robin, what a man!

He eats as much as no one can.

He ate a lot of fish, he ate a lot of meat.

He ate a lot of ice-cream and a sweet.

He ate a lot of porridge and ten eggs.

And all the cookies Mother had.

He drank a lot of juice, he ate a cake

Then said: “I have a stomach-ache”.

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