«Осенний фестиваль знаний 2024»

Разработка урока английского языка на тему:"Прошедшее время"

Данная разработка урока английского языка для 4 класса

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки


1. Найди лишнее слово и зачеркни его

  1. Three, five, thanks, six, seven

  2. Bear, monkey, pony, little, pig

  3. Fun, run, swim, skip, jump

  4. Black, grey, red, green, ten

  5. He, she, boy, we, I

  6. Doll, big, little, nice, funny

  1. Составь из слов предложения

  1. Mike, seven, is. ____________________________________________________

  2. are, nice, my, flowers._______________________________________________

  3. has got, he, a bike. __________________________________________________

  4. I, my, like, dog._____________________________________________________

  5. Africa, they, from, are. _______________________________________________

  6. the kitten, not, pink, is. ______________________________________________

  1. Выбери правильный вариант

  1. We _________________ a little sister.

  1. have got b) has got

  1. His brother Dan _______ ten.

  1. am b) are c) is

  1. My Granny _____________ to play computer games.

  1. like b) likes

  1. I have got _____________________________.

  1. six frogs b) a six frogs

  1. Ted ________ a farmer.

  1. has b) is c) are

  1. We _________ like to play.

  1. aren’t b) don’t c) isn’t

  1. Peter can __________ very well.

  1. runs b) run c) to run

  1. I want to play with ____________ cat.

  1. Bob b) Bobs’ c) Bob’s

  1. Kate has got five __________________.

  1. mice b) doll c) box

  1. Lena has got a brother. _________ brother is a pupil.

  1. His b) My c) Her

4. Выполни задания по прочитанному тексту

Curious Willy

Willy is a small boy. He is five. He is not a pupil. But he can read. And he is a curious boy. He likes to walk and watch. He often goes to the park.

In the park Willy sees twenty birds. The birds are grey. They are busy. They fly in the sky. Then he sees a green frog. It is ugly. It cannot skip but it can jump and swim in the river.

Willy sees a fat black cat. The cat can wash its face and sing songs. It likes to eat a mouse. Willy sees a fox. The fox is red and cunning. It can run and jump. It likes to eat hens and cockerels. Then Willy sees his dog Rex. Rex is busy. He runs and jumps in the park. He likes to eat meat and play with Willy.

  1. The fox in the story likes to . . .

  1. run and play

  2. eat hens and cockerels

  3. eat meat and mouses

  1. In the park Willy sees . . . birds.

  1. 12

  2. 16

  3. 20

  1. The birds in the story. . .

  1. sing songs

  2. fly and sing

  3. fly in the sky

  1. The dog in the story likes . . .

  1. to play with Willy

  2. to play in the park

  3. to run and jump

  1. The frog in the story is . . .

  1. big and ugly

  2. green and ugly

  3. green and big

  1. вариант

1.Составь из слов предложения

  1. bike, have, a, I, got, red.__________________________________

  2. not, we, funny, are._____________________________________

  3. a, is, teacher, she.________________________________________________

  4. wants, my friend, a pilot, to be._____________________________________

  5. Helen, name, her, is.______________________________________________

  6. yellow, are, the flowers, red, and. ___________________________________

2. Выбери правильный вариант

  1. I________ at the zoo.

a) am b) is c) are

  1. We ___________ from Russia.

a) is b) are c) am

3. My sister________ a doll.

a) have got b) has got

4. The dog ____________ to play with my toys.

a) like b) liking c) likes

  1. I _________ playing now.

  1. not b) am not c) don’t

6. ___________ dog is under the table.

  1. Kate`s b) Kate

  1. My birthday is ________October.

  1. In b) on

  1. My uncle has got two_____________

  1. horse b) horses c) horse’s

  1. My friends ___________to play snowballs.

  1. likes b) liking c) like

  1. My father can _________ well.

  1. To swim b) swims c) swim

3. Найди лишнее слово и зачеркни его

    1. seven, three, tree, five, six,

    2. monkey, bird, pony, little, pig

    3. black, grey, red, green, ten

    4. fun, run, swim, skip, jump

    5. bridge, big, good, nice, funny

    6. he, she, boy, we, I

4. Выполни задания по прочитанному тексту

We go shopping

My name is Helen. I am eight. My brother Peter is ten. It is Saturday. We would like to help mum. On Saturdays we go shopping. We are not lazy. We say “ Let’s work together”.

I think we can buy some cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and apples in the “Green shop” for mum. Then we go to the “White Shop”. I have got a nice cat. His name is Tim. He would like to drink a lot of milk. And we buy milk. Then Peter buys some meat for his dog Jack. Jack doesn’t like milk.

We go to the “Sweet shop”. We would like to buy a lot of sweets and cakes. But it is not healthy. So we buy a cake and two ice creams. The cake is nice. It is for mum. It’s her birthday.

  1. Helen and Peter buy cabbage and apples . . .

  1. in the “Sweet shop”

  2. in the “ White shop”

  3. in the “Green shop”

  1. It is . . . birthday.

  1. Helen’s

  2. Mum’s

  3. Peter’s

  1. Helen and Peter go shopping on . . . .

a) Sunday

b) Saturday

c) Thursday

4) Peter buys . . . for Jack.

a) meat

b) milk

c) cake

5) Helen is . . . years old.

a) 5

b) 8

c) 10

ответы к контрольной работе

1 вариант

2 вариант


1. thanks

2. little

3. fun

4. ten

5. boy

6. doll


1. I have got a red bike.

2. We are not funny.

3. She is a teacher.

4.My friend wants to be a pilot.

5. her name is Helen.

6. The flowers are yellow and red.


1. Mike is seven.

2. My flowers are nice.

3. He has got a bike

4. I like my dog.

5. They are from Africa.

6. The kitten is not pink.


1a, 2b, 3b,4c, 5b, 6a, 7a, 8b, 9c, 10c


1a, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7b, 8c, 9a, 10c


1tree, 2little, 3ten, 4fun, 5bridge, 6boy


1b, 2c, 3c, 4a, 5b


1с, 2b, 3b,4a, 5b

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«4» от 19-24 баллов

«3» от 12-18 баллов

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