«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Progress check-2 grade 8

Контрольная работа по модулю 2 в двух вариантах SPOTLIGHT 8класс

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Fill in the gaps with the proper forms of the given verbs

  1. Thomas visit

 his grandmother in the countryside last weekend and enjoyed a perfect day.

  1. When Mary came back home after school, her mother and little sister cook

 a delicious dinner.

  1. Jack look

 for a good part-time job for a few months before he finally got a well-paid one.

  1. When Bob and Carry arrived at the party, their friends already eat

 cheese pizza.

  1. Before electricity was invented, people use

 oil lamps in the evenings.

  1. While John do

 his homework, Mark was talking to his friend and discussing some gossip.

  1. Yesterday Adam looked in the mirror and come

 to the conclusion that he needed to go to the gym.

  1. Mary felt puzzled and confused because she not understand

 her friend's joke, which seemed to be funny for everybody.

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