«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Проект "Аикидо"

Что такое айкидо? Спорт или особое состояние человека?

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №23»

Г. Энгельса Саратовской области

Research work

«The world without borders. Мир без границ»

Author: Terskikh Evgeniia,

the pupil of the 11th grade.

Teacher: Gundarova V.N.




Introduction. 3

Chapter 1. 4

    1. Aikido. General but useful information.

    2. Competitions? No.

Chapter 2. Practical part. 5-6

Conclusion. 7

Literature 8


Have you ever thought about how sport unites people? Nowadays there is a great variety of sports, for example, team sport, individual , game and etc. But I would like to immerse you in the world of my favorite sport, aikido.

That is why I have chosen the following hypothesis:

Aikido-the world, uniting us.

The aims of my research work are:

  • To collect general information about aikido

  • To analyze how aikido influences people’s relationships

  • To tell about my own experience in this sport

  • To make a conclusion

  • To present the work


Chapter 1.

    1. Aikido. General but useful information

Aikido is one of the oldest kind of martial arts. The philosophy of this sport is based on aspiration to understand and practically use laws of our nature. It is a very effective method of development a person’s staying power and of strengthening an organism in the whole.

Apart from the improvements of a physical form, trainings have a beneficial influence on mental state. They also help cope with everyday unnecessary stress easier and achieve harmony with yourself and ,especially, with your surroundings.

    1. Competitions? No.

There aren’t any competitions in aikido because the essence of it not to demonstrate your strength during a fight. On the contrary, it is an opportunity to compete with yourself and harden a body and intellect with the help of a physical , spiritual discipline and regular trainings. Not for nothing, a lot of policemen from different countries do aikido because their mission is not to do any harm a criminal but to take him under a total control.


Chapter 2. Practical part.

Besides, a really surprising fact about aikido is that people of all ages can freely do it. For example, the age range of people in a group can vary from 18 to 75 and even older. They practice all together and that is why aikido plays an extremely important role in improving of relationship between generations.

My own experience is proof of this : I started attending the aikido section thanks to my father, who has been practicing aikido for more than 11 years. But today our section is attended by more than 250 people, so I decided to conduct a sociological survey, which is connected with my topic, among some groups.

The participants of the interview were suggested the following questions:

  1. Do you think aikido influences people’s relationships?

2. Do you agree with the statement: «Aikido unites people»?

The results you can see at the diagram on the screen:

As for the first question, 35 % of interviewers answered that aikido lets people spend time actively and get together,

30% think that it gives an opportunity to meet new people ,

25% consider that it Improves family and friends relationship,

7% did not think about it at all,

3% have other opinion.

And as for the second question, which was made among 3 groups:

-from 95% to 100% in each group agree with the statement,

- 4% have doubts


- and 1% disagree

On the basis of the conducted interview, I can make a conclusion that the majority of people consider aikido a great way of meeting new people and getting together. And according to statistic, aikido really unites them.

I think that such positive reviews are connected with some changes and improvements in the sphere of our sport:

The statistic of attending aikido sections in our region has grown on approximately 21% in comparison with last year. Moreover, aikido seminars are organized in Saratov 2-3 times a year with participants from different cities. Some members of our section also visit international seminars in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg with teachers from European and Asian countries.



In conclusion, I’d like to mention that aikido lets people get together in order to communicate without any borders despite age, sex, nationality, financial status or job they have. People speak the same language when they do aikido.






and others


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