«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Презентация к уроку "My family"

Проектная работа по теме "Моя семья" для любого возраста

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Актуальность выбора темы проекта Семья-это самое главное в нашей жизни. Человеку необходимо знать, что он не один, что его всегда поддержат родные люди. Изучение занятий и увлечений членов семьи дает представление об окружающем мире.  My family is important part of our life. A man must know about his relatives, they can help each other in different situations , they should take care about each other.

Актуальность выбора темы проекта

Семья-это самое главное в нашей жизни. Человеку необходимо знать, что он не один, что его всегда поддержат родные люди. Изучение занятий и увлечений членов семьи дает представление об окружающем мире.

My family is important part of our life. A man must know about his relatives, they can help each other in different situations , they should take care about each other.

Oсновополагающий вопрос

Oсновополагающий вопрос

  • My family – which is it?
  • Моя семья – какая она ?
Проблемный вопрос

Проблемный вопрос

  • Is it important to have a family?
  • Важно ли иметь семью?
Цель проекта

Цель проекта

  • Уметь рассказать о себе и своей семье, используя необходимые английские конструкции и лексические единицы
  • to speak about me and my family using English collocations and vocabulary
Ожидаемые результаты    To know more about my relatives (how old are they, whom are they, what are their hobbies) To learn about needing a family Узнать больше о членах своей семьи (о их возрасте, качествах, увлечениях) Сделать вывод, нужна ли семья? Для чего? Продукт проекта Фотоальбом «Моя семья» Photo album “My Family”

Ожидаемые результаты

To know more about my relatives (how old are they, whom are they, what are their hobbies)

To learn about needing a family

Узнать больше о членах своей семьи (о их возрасте, качествах, увлечениях)

Сделать вывод, нужна ли семья? Для чего?

Продукт проекта

Фотоальбом «Моя семья»

Photo album “My Family”

My family.  Vocabulary.

My family. Vocabulary.

Extended family

Extended family

Nuclear family

Nuclear family

Members of the family mother  father  sister  brother  son  daughter

Members of the family

mother father sister brother son daughter

grandmother + grandfather

grandmother + grandfather

Our relatives Aunt Uncle Nephew Niece Cousin  Can you translate?

Our relatives

  • Aunt
  • Uncle
  • Nephew
  • Niece
  • Cousin

Can you translate?

Do you know the meaning of these words?   stepmother  stepfather  stepson  stepdaughter

Do you know the meaning of these words?







  • Mother-in-law
  • Father-in-law
  • Brother-in-law
  • Sister-in-law
Try to guess 1.The wife of one's biological father, other than one's biological mother.

Try to guess

1.The wife of one's biological father, other than one's biological mother.

Try to guess 2. A son of the same parents as another person. A male having at least one parent in common with another.

Try to guess

2. A son of the same parents as another person. A male having at least one parent in common with another.

Try to guess 3. A mother of someone's parent. A female ancestor or progenitor.

Try to guess

3. A mother of someone's parent. A female ancestor or progenitor.

Try to guess 4. A father of someone’s wife or a father of someone’s husband.

Try to guess

4. A father of someone’s wife or a father of someone’s husband.

Try to guess 5. One of the two persons from whom one is immediately biologically descended; a mother or father.

Try to guess

5. One of the two persons from whom one is immediately biologically descended; a mother or father.

The answers:

The answers:

  • 1. Stepmother
  • 2. Brother
  • 3. Grandmother
  • 4. Father-in-law
  • 5. Parent
Do you know these words?

Do you know these words?

  • Relatives
  • Ancestors
  • Twins
  • Siblings
  • Children
  • Parents
  • In-laws
  • Progenitor

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