«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Лексико-грамматический тест по теме "Season. Months. Week"

Лексико-грамматический тест на тему "Времена года. Месяца. Дни недели"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Lexical test «Seasons. Months. Days of the Week»


  1. The coldest season of the year is …

  2. The hottest season of the year is …

  3. Pupils have the longest holidays in …

  4. September, October, November are the months of the …

  5. Spring has three months: March, April and …

6. New Year starts in …

7. Winter months are: December, January and …

8. Pupils begin to go to school in …

9. We go to сollege on Monday, …., ….., ……., …….., …… .

10. The last day of the week is …

11. Rest days are Saturday and …

12. After Monday goes …

2. Fill in the blanks

    1. A year has …….… days. 9. A month has …… weeks.

    2. A leap year has …… days. 10. A week has …… days.

    3. A year has …… months. 11. A day has …… hours.

    4. A year has …… seasons. 12. A full-day has …… hours.

    5. A season has …… months. 13. An hour has …… minutes.

    6. A season has …… weeks. 14. A minute has …… seconds.

    7. A season has …… days.

    8. A month has …… or …… or …… or …… days.

3. Answer the questions

  1. What season is after spring?

  2. What season is before winter?

  3. What season is between autumn and spring?

  4. What season is after winter?

  5. What month is before January?

  6. What month is after February?

  7. What month is between April and June?

  8. What month is between September and November?

  9. What day of the week is after Tuesday?

  10. What day of the week is before Thursday?

  11. What day of the week is between Friday and Sunday?

  12. What day of the week is after Wednesday?

4.Translate the sentences

  1. Monday is the first day of the week.

  2. February is the second month of the year.

  3. October is the second month of the autumn.

  4. April is the second month of the spring.

  5. On Monday and on Wednesday I go to the music school.

  6. On Tuesday and on Friday I go to the sports school.

  7. I like Saturdays and Sundays.

8. I don’t like Thursdays.

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