«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку для 10 класса

В данном материале представлены задания для проведения контрольной работы по теме "Цивилизация и прогресс".

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Контроль лексико-грамматических навыков по теме «Цивилизация и прогресс»

I Выберите слово, которое наиболее подходит по смыслу
1. It wasn’t necessary … the doctor. 
а) will call b) to be call с) have called d) to call
2. Our parents made us … that they disagreed with our mode of life.
a) realized b) realize
с) realizing d) have been realizing
3. This girl … read, but now she …to.
a) is able to, cannot b) should, wasn’t able
с) can, would d) could, isn’t able 
4. “… did you accept the job if you didn’t like it?” – “I did it as there was no choice.” 
a) Since when b) When c) Why d) What reason
5. Our factories, cars and power stations poison the … with polluting gases and chemical 
a) environs b) place c) environment d) ground

6. I would feel safer if you … more carefully.

a) drive b) drove с) had driven d) will drive

7. Apparently it …in England.

a) freeze b) frozen с) will be freezing d) freezing

8. “May I go home now?” – “No, you … , … you’ll be allowed to do it in an hour”.

a) don’t may, but b) may not, but с) may not, or d) don’t may, or

9. The Trans Siberian railway is … in the world.

a) long b) longer c) the longest d) the most long

10 English … to the Germanic branch of the Indo¬European family of languages.

a) belongs b) owns c) possesses d) has

Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию предложения

1 Friends call me Lucky because I don’t have to work. If I remember it __________, it was Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, who said “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”.

2 I work for several magazines and journals, they buy my photos, and that’s why I can afford to make it my lifelong__________.

3 Throughout Australia you can find______ ____rocks, awesome bush forests and amazing ocean waters.




4 Making a career choice is one of the most difficult and most important __________ we will ever make in our lives.

5 They were all so___________ ill, they would be grateful for any help for them.

6 Everyone was ___________ when I said that my main means of transport was my bicycle.

7 I made some ___________ about the coming weekend.

8 He jumped to a ____________ to buy a new car instead of repairing his old one.

9 The information was ___________. It was like discovering America!

10 Most of my _____________ live far from me.

11 A (an) __________ between people can lead to a conflict.









III. Choose the right variant to complete the sentences. 1. If you had given me more time, I… a better report last week.

a) would make b) made c) would have made

2. If you… more exercise, you would feel better.

a) took b) have taken c) take

3. The team wouldn’t have lost the game if they… harder.

a) trained b) would train c) had trained

4. I’ll give you my address when I… somewhere to live.

a) would find b) find c) found

5. Many people would be out of work if that factory… .

a) will close down b) closes down c) closed down

6. If you had read this book, you … (enjoy) it.

a) have enjoyed b) had enjoyed c) enjoyed

7. If I had called Ann, I … (learn) the school news.

a) would have learnt b) would had learnt c) learnt

8. He … (make) o many mistakes in the exam if he had not been so tired.

a) wouldn’t have made b) wouldn’t had made c) made

9. If I would have done the shopping yesterday I … (be) so busy at school.

a) wasn’t b) be c) had beеn

I d b d c c b c b c a

II 1 correctly 2. occupation 3. impressive 4 decision 5 seriously 6 astonished, 7 suggestion, 8conclusion, 9 unbelievable, 10 relatives, 11aggreement

III 1c 2a 3c 4b 5c 6a 7a 8a 9a

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