«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме "Национальные парки Великобритании"

Контрольная работа по английскому языку "Национальные парки Великобритании" для учащихся 1 курса СУЗов

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку для отделения ППКРС


1.Find the mistakes in the sentences

1.Two girl is a good friends.

2.It are a half past three o’clocks.

3.It are my friends a pencil.

4.Mary am a nice and kinds.

5.We likes go to a cinema together.

2.Fill in the gaps with the words below.

river form consist north-west England highest Thames Channel largest mountainous

The British Isles lie in the _____ of Europe. They _____ of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and many smaller ones. Great Britain, the _____ island in Europe, includes England, Scotland, and Wales. It is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea, and from the Continent by the English _____ and the Straits of Dover. Great Britain and Northern Ireland _____ the United Kingdom (UK).
The surface of England and Ireland is flat, but the surface of Scotland and Wales is ______. The mountains are almost all in the western part. The ______ mountain in the United Kingdom is Ben Nevis in Scotland (1343 m). The longest _____ is the Severn. It is in the south-west of _____. The _____ is not so long as the Severn, it is shorter.

3.Read the text and write true or false (T or F)

Great British National Parks

Great Britain is world renowned for its natural parks and areas of natural beauty, which to the casual tourist are a sight to behold.

It is however surprising how many of us living in the United Kingdom have never been to a national park which – given that you are never more than a few hours away from one – is a staggering thought indeed.

These national parks, which are designated because of their striking beauty and also the plethora of wildlife, they are home to – offer the casual tourist and the die-hard enthusiast the opportunity to experience some of Britain’s most beautiful and lavish countryside.

The Brecon Beacons

Situated in mid-Wales and covering an area of 519 miles (1344km2), the Brecon Beacons are among the most breathtaking of all the national parks in the United Kingdom. Complete with its own unique summit – Pen Y Fan – the summit is the oldest red sandstone summit in Britain. One half of the 519 mile national park is 1,000ft above sea level. You can also visit the Dan-yr-Ogof show caves, which contain four lakes, and almost ten miles of cave tunnels.

The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads

The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads are dotted with places of historical interest including churches, windmills and botanical gardens. As well as having over 200km (125 miles) of tidal waters on which enthusiasts can take their boats without having to stop for locks. There are many different wildlife reserves throughout the Broads and they offer the opportunity to watch bird life from specially constructed ‘hides’ as well as the chance to see some of Britain’s rarest and most beautiful water foul in their natural habitat.

  1. A lot of people living in the UK have never been to a national park.

  2. National parks in the UK don`t give the opportunity to see the wildlife and beauty of nature.

  3. Pen Y Fan is situated 2,000ft above the sea level.

  4. There aren`t any caves and lakes in the Dan-yr-Ogof.

  5. The Norfolk and Suffolk aren`t dotted with places of historical interest.

  6. The bird life is especially watched due to the Broads.

  7. You can see the most beautiful water foul in the Broads.

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку для отделения ППКРС


1.Find the mistakes in the sentences

1.Three man is nice a friends.

2.It are a half past ten o’clocks.

3.It am my cousins a bag.

4.Peter am a friendly and hospitable

5.They enjoys to chat on phone all day.

2.Fill in the gaps with the words below. 

people centres Great Britain south-west million deeply country winter important long

The longest river in _____ is the Severn. It is in the ____ of England. The Thames is not so ____as the Severn, it is shorter. The sea enters ______into the land and has a great influence on the climate, which is damp but rather mild: the_____ is not very cold and the summer is not very hot.
Over 57 ______people live in the United Kingdom. Most of the ______of Great Britain live in big towns and cities.
The capital of the _____ is London. The main industrial ______are Sheffield and Birmingham where iron goods are made, Manchester, the cotton centre of England, and others.
The _____ports of the country are London, Liverpool, Glasgow and others.

3.Read the text and write true or false.

The New Forest

Situated in the south west of Hampshire, the New Forest hosts a truly unique range of woodland, mudflats and sprawling boggy mires that make it one of the most truly outstanding areas of natural beauty in the United Kingdom. The New Forest offers the casual tourist or indeed the die hard wild life enthusiast the chance to see ancient oaks, wild flowers and birds of such rarity that it is one of the reasons why the New Forest was given National Park status back in 2005.

The Lake District

With Scafell Pike standing as its highest summit and Wastwater as its deepest stretch of water, the Lake District truly is a magnificent place to visit. Interspersed with villages and communities like Keswick and Bowness-on-Windermere, the Lake District offers the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday city life. Here you will find twelve of Britain’s largest lakes in one district as well as over 3,500km (2174 miles) of public right of way which allow for breathtaking walks or cycle rides through what some have described as the most beautiful place in Britain.

It is also the only place in Britain where you can come to see ‘grey’ sheep; the herd of Herdwick sheep descended from those brought to the district by the Vikings and who are responsible for grazing on the land in harsh weather conditions.

These are just some of the places to visit in Britain.If you are a tourist looking for an exciting and memorable holiday then these are the places to visit – along with the other National Parks in the country – which you can find details of online or at your nearest tourist information centre.

Or you might just be one of the many British families who regularly make their pilgrimages back to the holiday destinations of their youth when holidaying at home was just as much fun as it was abroad.

These national parks and the wild life that flourish in them are a vivid and beautiful remainder of what makes the United Kingdom such a vibrant and exciting place to visit.

1. The New Forest is situated in the north of Hampshire.

2. There are many ancient oaks, wild flowers and birds in the New Forest.

3. The status of the national park was given to The New Forest in 2006.

4. The Lake District is a magnificent place to visit.

5. If you want a memorable holiday, visit one of the national parks in GB.

6. Few of the English families visit national parks.

7. National parks are the reminder if the wild life that flourishes.

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