«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Контрольная работа для 9 класса за 1 полугодие к УМК М.В.Вербицкой

Контрольная работа для 9 класса за 1 полугодие к УМК М.В.Вербицкой. Работа включает себя 1 задание на аудирование, 1 задание на словообразование и 2 задания-чтение текста

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Контрольная работа для 9 класса за I полугодие

Задание 1.

Вы услы­ши­те че­ты­ре ко­рот­ких диа­ло­га, обо­зна­чен­ных А, B, C и D. Опре­де­ли­те, где про­ис­хо­дит каж­дый из этих диа­ло­гов. Ис­поль­зуй­те каж­дое место дей­ствия из спис­ка 1–5 толь­ко один раз. В за­да­нии есть одно лиш­нее место дей­ствия. Вы услы­ши­те за­пись два­жды. За­не­си­те свои от­ве­ты в таб­ли­цу.


1. At home

2. At the zoo

3. At a stadium

4. On a beach

5. On a street







Место дей­ствия





Задание 2. Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа. Занесите Ваши

ответы в таблицу.


1. What are the historical facts about street art?

2. Who invented an innovative method?

3. What are different reasons for drawing in the street?

4. Why do some artists prefer to keep their names secret?

5. Who of all the unknown artists became a legendary figure?

6. What is the meaning of the term “street art”?

7. What is a commercial effect of traditional graffiti?


A. Street art can be described as art that is developed in public spaces and above all in the street. It can mean a lot of different things including graffiti, poster art, wall paintings, and just about any artwork that is displayed in public places. Typically, street art is used to separate public-space artwork from illegal graffiti and vandalism.

B. The start of street art is closely connected to graffiti, which appeared in New York in the 1970s. The American artists soon became an inspiration for a number of other young street artists all over the world. For the following ten years graffiti grew more and more popular and was soon joined by new forms of street art including street installations, street sculptures and 3D pavement illusions.

C. Street artists are often associated with opposition. Their artwork is considered a crime and vandalism and the artists may be arrested for damaging property so the artists prefer to use nicknames and create their drawings mostly at night. They are not looking for fame, especially in countries where graffiti is still illegal.

D. Banksy is probably the most famous English street artist who has already become a legendary figure. It’s still true that no one knows who the person really is. However, his works are exhibited in galleries across the world. An American magazine even named him among the top most influential people in the world. However, he was the only one whose photo the magazine could not publish.

E. The motivations and ideas that inspire street artists are as different as the artists themselves. Some street artists, by creating certain works, want to draw attention to social and political problems. For other artists, street art is just a form of self-expression. And there are those who enjoy the challenge and risks which are connected with working illegally in some city areas.

F. Traditional graffiti has recently been used as a successful method for advertising. Lots of companies agree that traditional advertising on city streets is too boring and common so many people simply ignore it. However, graffiti adverts catch your attention, creating a memorable image. Big companies find this quite useful and try to include more elements of graffiti in their advertising campaigns.










Задание 3. Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.


Dad usually comes up with original ideas. Last Sunday Dad __________________(DECIDE) that we should all go on a camping trip. The idea came to him while he __________________(READ) an article about camping. The article said that camping brings families together. “Not true”, I smiled. “What about television? It usually __________________(HELP) families to feel a lot more united.” “If the weather is fine, we __________________(GO) on a trip next weekend,” Dad said and put his magazine on the coffee table. I quickly looked over at my __________________(YOUNG) brother, Paul. He gave me a knowing smile, “Do you remember __________________(WE) last trip?” I certainly did. Last summer Dad told us that fishing would be a great activity for our family. We bought four expensive fishing rods and drove for three long hours to a big lake in Virginia.

When we got there, we discovered that we __________________(FORGET) to take the fishing rods. Ten minutes later we made another unpleasant discovery: we __________________(NOT/HAVE) the tent which meant we couldn’t stay overnight and we had to drive all the way back home again. We __________________(BE) tired and disappointed with the trip.

Задание 4.

Вы услы­ши­те че­ты­ре ко­рот­ких диа­ло­га, обо­зна­чен­ных А, B, C и D. Опре­де­ли­те, где про­ис­хо­дит каж­дый из этих диа­ло­гов. Ис­поль­зуй­те каж­дое место дей­ствия из спис­ка 1–5 толь­ко один раз. В за­да­нии есть одно лиш­нее место дей­ствия. Вы услы­ши­те за­пись два­жды. За­не­си­те свои от­ве­ты в таб­ли­цу.


1. At home

2. At the zoo

3. At a stadium

4. On a beach

5. On a street







Место дей­ствия





Задание 4. There are opposite opinions about graffiti.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

You can travel almost anywhere in the world, and you will probably see graffiti. Although graffiti is more common in big cities, today you may find it in almost any region or district, big or small. It's everywhere: on trains, walls, bridges and buildings. Love it or hate it but graffiti is part of the everyday urban world. Some people consider it art while others think it's vandalism. However, few of them really know how old graffiti is.

The word graffiti itself probably comes from the old Greek verb which means “to write”. Writings on walls already existed in ancient Rome. The Romans cut graffiti on walls and monuments. What was it like, you may ask? Ancient graffiti was absolutely different from today's. It showed phrases of love, political ideas, simple thoughts, magic spells, alphabets, and famous quotations from literature.

Modern graffiti dates back to the US of the 1960s. At that time for young people it was a form of self-expression and a political protest. Teenage groups in New York, for example, painted graffiti to mark their territory. Later, there started competitions between different groups. That meant that the quality of graffiti became more important than just the amount of it.

Today graffiti has travelled all over the world. However, it is still an illegal art. It has been always painted on private or public property, like cars, trains, fences and house walls. As a result most people see it as vandalism. Besides, it's rather hard to clean graffiti paints, and cities spend millions every year on it. So, in most countries graffiti is forbidden.

On the other hand, modern graffiti is, by its nature, a form of painting. After all, the artists uses the same methods and materials. However, instead of paints a graffiti artist prefers sprays, markers, and crayons. Some of their works are really impressive and fascinating, they are powerful and have a deep meaning. Graffiti often makes grey walls look cheerful.

The purpose of some graffiti is to spread and declare social ideas. That's why a lot of graffiti paintings have political topics. Some cities have special places where the walls of different buildings can be used to create pieces of graffiti art.

Probably, the most famous graffiti artist is Banksy, who comes from Bristol, England. He strongly believes that writing graffiti on buildings is an effective way to communicate with people. His works are very often aggressive, provocative and even rude. In his graffiti he expresses personal political and social views, which are against war and capitalism.

Banksy is known not only for his graffiti works. He also likes playing “jokes”. He sometimes unofficially hangs his works in the main art galleries. He doesn't want to be paid for them because he's sure art should be free. He says he wants to see how long it will take people to notice it. Once Banksy went into the Tate Gallery dressed as an old man, and glued a picture to the museum wall in protest of the Iraq War.

  1. Graffiti appeared only in the 20th century.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

  1. A number of the American graffiti fans later became well-known artists and designers.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

  1. Removing graffiti is very expensive for the city authorities.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

  1. Graffiti and art have nothing in common.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

  1. Politicians use graffiti to express their ideas and views.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

  1. Banksy uses graffiti to share his ideas.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

  1. Banksy sells his works to art galleries and museums.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

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