«Весенне-летний фестиваль знаний 2025»

Конспект урока "Герои спорта"

урок для 10 класс по журналу "Spotlight on Russia" знакомит учащихся со столицей Зимних Олимпийских игр – Сочи

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Тема: Россия в фокусе. Герои спорта

Цель: тренировать и закреплять в речи учащихся лексические единицы по теме; познакомить учащихся со столицей Зимних Олимпийских игр – Сочи.

Ход урока

  1. Let us read the information about Evgeni Plushenko, his biography and progress in life.

Прочитать текст стр. 4 (Английский в фокусе о России) о Евгении Плющенко.

  1. Ответить на вопросы:

1. When was Evgeni born?

2. Where was Evgeni born?

3. What was his dream?

4. Was Evgeni Plushenko from a rich family?

5. Was Evgeni Plushenko a healthy boy?

6. Why did his health improved?

7. When did Evgeni Plushenko win his first competition?

8. What happened in 1993?

9. How did Evgeni Plushenko win his Olympic gold medal?

10. Why do you think his dream has come true?

Домашнее задание:

Sochi is situated on the Black Sea coast. High mountains defend this town from the cold north winds. So the climate is warm and we have no cold frosty winters here. Our town is very beautiful and attractive for people. Every year a lot of tourists come in Sochi to have a rest, to swim in the warm sea and visit interesting places.

  Park Riviera is in the centre of the town. It was founded more than one hundred years ago. It‘s a large park with different plants and flowers. There are some interesting places in the park. For example, the Glade of Friendship, where you can see trees which were planted by famous people visiting our town.

  In the park you can visit the summer theatre, different attractions for children, Aquarium with fish from all over the world, the alley of Russian writers and a lot of cafes where you can try meals of Caucasian people. Our railway station and sea port are very beautiful and the theatre looks like a palace.

  We have a big concert hall near the sea port where you can listen to pop singers or concerts of classical music.

  So every person who comes to our town can find activities for his taste and we say

Welcome to Sochi, the town of Winter Olympic Games.

Write if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE or Not Stated

1. Sochi is situated on the White Sea coast.

2. The climate is warm and the winters aren‘t cold.

3. Park Riviera is not old.

4. There is a beautiful railway station in Sochi.

5. Near the sea port there is a big concert hall.

6. In 2014 there will be Summer Olympic Games in Sochi.

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