«Осенний фестиваль знаний 2024»

Animals around the world

this lesson plan will helpyou to revise all vocabulary material connected with animals and adjectives to describe them. different games and puzzles are included to the lesson plan.

Олимпиады: Литературное чтение 1 - 4 классы

Содержимое разработки

Animals around the world
Class: 4th grades

Learning objectives:

1. 1. S. 3: pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly
2. 1. S. 5: produce words in response to basic prompts
3. 1. L. 1: recognize short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly
4. 1. L. 3: recognize with support simple greetings, recognize the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to:
- listen and understand words connected to the topic
- name domestic animals
Most learners will be able to:
- identify, match words and sounds of the topic «Animals»
Some learners will be able to:
- answer the questions

Beginning 0 - 3 m
Organization moment. Greeting.
T: Hello, children. P: Hello, teacher.
The pupils sing the song “Hello”
T: How are you today?
P: We are OK. Pupils show.
What is the weather like today? What is the day today?

Lead in 3 - 5
Teacher shows toys and asks
What is it? (toys - animals)
The theme is…...

Middle 5 - 30

End 30 - 35
Pre - teaching
Teacher presents some pictures implying animals on interactive board, pupils look, listen and repeat the words after the teacher( chorus, individual)

T. uses video about animals. Learners listen and sing.
Working with worksheets.
Worksheet №1 Listen and write numbers

Learners review colours and play a game. There are colour papers on the wall.
T: Where is red paper?
P: Run, find and show.
Worksheet №2 Listen and colour the animals.
Learners listen and colour animals according to the teacher’s instructions
E. g. Colour the cat yellow.

T. asks CCQ
Teacher asks questions: Is it a cat? Is it a horse?
Learners answer: yes or no
Learners listen to the animals’ sounds and say what the animal is.
Achieved – 6 right answers. Working towards – 4 right answers.
T: The lesson is over. Thank you for your work at the lesson. Good - bye.
P: Pupils sing the song " Bye Bye Goodbye”

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